The One He Claimed

The One 132

The One 132

Chapter 1*3*2 Offer *** Chapter 1** Offer Penny I never realized how strong the mate bond would be. I had been terrified about being claimed in public, but it had never occurred to me that the draw to my mate might overshadow that fear. I may never know, because in this pack, I don’t have to worry about that. Here, I’m free to love my mate privately. And we did. Jaime knew he couldn’t mark me yet, and he asked me if I wanted to wait, but I didn’t and I’m glad I made the decision I did. After his shower, I’d asked him if he wanted a haircut. I wasn’t sure if his s**y hair was a choice or a result of being a lone wolf for so long. He’d chosen a haircut, and he’d taken advantage of the time to talk to me and run his hands up and down my sides. By the time I had finished cutting his hair into a more manageable curly mop, I was practically desperate for him. Jaime is a kind and gentle lover and even though I expected my first time to be painful, and it was, he took his time, kissing me through the pain and then showing me the pleasure that comes from being with your mate. According to Jaime, our bond and this feeling between us will only intensify once I turn 18. ‘He’s right,’ Sable told me, purring at our mate’s touch. We made love several times, wanting to stay connected, holding each other in between and talking about everything. I learned about his life, even more than what I’d learned from Beth, and I told 0.00% 14:26 Chapter 1**Offer 288 iVouchers. him about mine. I talked to him about Alpha Hunter and Luna Sophie, telling him that they really are good people who want to help others.

He’d listened to me go on and on about this pack, my role in the war, how Luna Sophie and Beta Kinsley had fought so others could be in the safe rooms, how Brooklyn is thriving here in our pack, even after finding her fated mate. He was quiet, listening to me. “That’s so different than what I grew up with,” he’d finally said. “Me too. But it’s real. Once you’re here for a couple of days, you’ Il see it, not just with Alpha and Luna, or our Betas, but also, it’s that way with everyone in the pack. Everyone here touches, kisses, and loves on their mates and pups. It’s really beautiful Jaime. I hope….I hope that you’ll give it a chance,” I’d said quietly, worried that he’d decide that he’d rather be a lone wolf than remain here. He’d kissed the side of my head, his fingers stroking through my hair. “What I want is in this pack. What I want, is you. I have no intention of leaving here without you and if you’re happy here, then I’m willing to give it a chance. You’re my mate and I trust you.” We’d made love again, this time with me initiating because of how happy his words had made me. We’d finally fallen asleep after that and I’d woken in his arms, excited to take him to warrior training. “Your sister said your father was the Lead Warrior of your pack and you were following in his footsteps,” I tell him. 14.26 Chapter 1**: Offer 288 ¡Vouchers “Let me guess, the G**a in your wants a challenge,” he says, smiling at me. “I want to know how strong my mate is,” I say, nipping at his lip before leaping out of bed, barely escaping his arms as he tried to catch me. I giggle and get some clothes, having also gotten some for him. “I imagine your Alpha is going to want to test me first,” he says, looking nervous. “Probably, but he’s a good Alpha. He’s nothing like Alpha Leo based on what you’ve told me.” He looked nervous as we’d walked outside hand-in-hand. But he did the warmup beside me and when Alpha Hunter called him over, I joined him. “Penny, I’m not going to hurt your mate,” Alpha Hunter said.

“I know. He may not, but I do. But that’s not why I’m here. Beth said she thought Jaime was a good enough warrior to defeat his Alpha. I want to see if she was exaggerating.” Alpha Hunter raises his eyebrow. “Well, not every Alpha trains like I do, but I’m intrigued. Are you that good?” he asks Jaime. “I guess we’ll find out,” Jaime says. Alpha Hunter takes a defensive stance and gestures for Jaime to attack. Jaime is tentative at first, pulling punches and not putting himself out there. I can see that he’s a bit out of practice, but he’s got good instincts and when Alpha Hunter starts pushing him, he finally begins to show his knowledge and 14:26 Chapter 1*3*2: Offer 288 iVouchers strength. “Nice, but you’re still pulling your punches, Jaime. I’m an Alpha, hit me. I want to know how strong you really are,” Alpha Hunter says. Jaime steps back and Alpha Hunter looks at him. “I don’t know what your experience has been in the past, but I’m guessing you weren’t on the run because things were good in your pack. Since you didn’t take your sisters with you, I’m guessing whatever the problem, it was directed at you. I’m not the kind of Alpha who takes offense when someone shows their strength. On the contrary, if I feel like they are good enough to take me on and they aren’t an Alpha, then I need to get better, stronger, Now, if your sister thinks you’re strong enough to defeat an Alpha, any Alpha, then you’re either holding back or you’ve gotten weak while you’ve been on the run.” Alpha Hunter makes a point of looking over Jaime’s body. “You don’t look weak to me, so stop holding back. Give me what you’ ve got,” he says, getting into a defensive position again. “Come on, Jaime. Alpha likes a tough challenge. Show him what you’ve got,” Beta Lucas says, clapping his hands to encourage Jaime as he walks over to watch. I see the other warriors stop and begin to watch and cheer Jaime on. He turns looking at them with a frown, then turns to me.

I just smile at him. “I want to see what you’ve got too,” I tell him. Jaime turns and looks at Alpha Hunter before finally getting into an attack stance. I can feel the difference in him immediately. This time when he goes at Alpha, he goes hard, and I can see Alpha’s surprise before he begins sparring back just as hard. Jaime takes hits, but he gives almost as many as he gets. The 14:26 Chapter 1*3*2: Offer 288 Vouchers warriors are all cheering him on, as am I, proud that my mate is such an accomplished, powerful fighter. When Alpha Hunter finally calls it, the crowd cheers and I rush into Jaime’s arms. He wraps his sweaty arms around me, but I don’t care. I’m so proud of him. “Now that was a good fight,” Alpha Hunter says, slapping Jaime on the shoulder as he makes his way inside. “Well done. If you stay, we’ll get you back to fighting strength and you’ll be even better.” “Alpha Hunter,” Jaime calls, still holding on to me tightly. “For the record, I don’t think I could defeat you.” “Something to strive for, Jaime,” he says and continues inside. Jaime turns back, kissing me deeply, making heat spread through my body and heating my core which is still sore from last night. When he pulls back, he tucks me under his arm and as we walk inside, the warriors begin chatting with him, talking about his technique, asking if he can teach them some of his moves. We get our breakfast and sit down to eat with several warriors. “I can’t wait to see the two of you face off,” one of my warrior friends says. “Why is that?” Jaime asks, smiling at me. “Penny’s d**n good,” a warrior says. “Yeah, you two might be evenly matched,” another warrior says, and Jaime raises an eyebrow at me. 14:26

Chapter 1**: Offer 288 Vouchers “Is that so?” I shrug. “I’m a Ga**a. I was trained to fight my entire life.” “Tomorrow should be fun then,” he says. ‘Penny, when you finish breakfast, can you meet me in my office?’ Alpha Hunter’s voice flits into my mind. ‘I’m just finishing, Alpha. I’ll be right there,’ I tell him. ‘No rush,’ he says, before closing the mind link. “Alpha Hunter wants to see me. Why don’t you get a shower and then we can go check on your sisters,” I tell Jaime. “Why does he want to see you?” Jaime asks, instantly concerned. “I’m not sure. Don’t worry, Jaime. I told you; Alpha Hunter isn’t like Alpha Leo. Ask anyone here, they’ll tell you that he’s the real deal,” I say, leaning over to kiss him before heading to Alpha Hunter’s office. “She’s right. He and our Luna are the real deal,” I hear one of the warriors saying as I walk away. When I get to the office, I knock, and when Alpha Hunter tells me to come in, I’m surprised to see Luna Sophie on his lap, and Betas Lucas and Kinsley, with Beta Kinsley in Beta Lucas’ lap. “Come in, close the door, and have a seat,” Alpha Hunter says. “Have I done something wrong?” I ask, now a bit nervous to be in a room with all my ranked members. 14.26 Chapter 1*3*2: Offer 288 iVouchers “Not at all,” Luna Sophie says, smiling at me. I take a seat beside Beta Lucas, looking at him and then turning to Alpha Hunter. “We’re all here so you know that this is a unanimous decision. We all agree, and while you are still underage, we, your ranked members, wanted to ask you if you’d be willing to become the pack’sContent © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Ga**a.” I’m pretty sure my heart just stopped. “What?” I gasp, looking from my Betas to my Alpha and Luna. “You’ve worked really hard, Penny. You’re already a leader in the eyes of the pack,” Luna Sophie says. “But…but I’m a woman,” I say, not sure what else to say. “And that will most likely be a non-issue in the future. I’m pretty sure Luna Nikki is drafting documents to change the law that says the oldest male will inherit the position. And even if she didn’t, this is OUR pack. We make the decisions here,” Beta Kinsley says. “You don’t have to decide right now, Penny. We know you have a lot going on,” Beta Lucas says. “Exactly, finding your mate, who happens to be a lone wolf, is something to take into consideration. But I’m very comfortable after our sparring match today, having him as our G**a male.” “Is that why you pushed him?” I ask. “Partially, but also because I wanted him to start feeling 14:26 Chapter 1*3*2: Offer 288 Vouchers comfortable here. Even if you decide you don’t want the position, I’d like for you and him to stay here. Of course, that’s your choice and for the two of you to decide. So, think about it, talk to your mate about it and let us know.” I nod, standing up. “I…thank you! Thank you so much!” “You’ve earned it, Penny. Thank you for being such a valuable member of our pack,” Luna Sophie says. I’m so excited, I can’t wait to tell Jaime. I yank the office door open, and I’m surprised when I see him standing right there, looking worried. “What happened? What did he say?” he asks me. I throw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. “They want me to be their Ga**a!”

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