The One He Claimed

The One 31

The One 31

Chapter 31: Leavers Hunter It’s strange feeling my mate’s emotions so strongly. Maybe it’s because I want to be close to her want to be connected to her, but the moment I felt her sadness, I felt the need to go to her, to make sure she was okay. A lot has changed for her in a very short amount of time. She’s been thrust back into pack life after being mated and claimed. Then to find out that she’s become a legend for the ranked she-wolves on the run, I can only imagine how overwhelmed she must be feeling. So, I’m surprised when her sadness is about remembering the night she ran, because of a dress, I’m not sure I fully understand why she’s sad about that, unless it’s just the memories of that time in her life. Hopefully, it’s not about the dress itself. I had to leave the room quickly. My mate is **y as f**k and the mate bond between us is already hard enough to resist. Seeing my mark clearly displayed on her neck, with the gold material draped round her gorgeous body, had me going instantly hard, which is the opposite of what my mate needs when she’s feeling sad. I’m glad that I got a hold of her father and that he agreed to meet with me tomorrow. He wanted to know why, but I just told him that it was a private matter that needed to be discussed in person. He had agreed, if a bit reluctantly. I know that tomorrow when I show up with Sophie, he’ll receive the shock of a lifetime. 1654 Chapter 31: Leavers “Alpha,” Lucas says, walking up to me as I head back to our offices. “Head count?” I say as Kinsley walks up from the kitchens. 288 Vouchers He looks at her. “By my estimation, I’d say about a quarter of the pack are readying themselves to leave.” “I’d agree,” Kinsley says. “So, around 50 pack members. How many omegas versus warriors?” I ask.

Lucas looks at Kinsley again. “Even split?” he asks, wanting her opinion. “Yeah, probably more warriors than omegas, but many omegas are mated to warriors and the warriors seem to be the ones making the decision to leave. From what I can gather, the omegas don’t want to leave.” “They have more to lose if they don’t find a pack quickly,” I say, walking into my office. “And if the pack doesn’t treat their omegas well, even more to lose,” Kinsley adds. “A good point,” I say. “I expect we’ll see many coming back eventually,” Lucas says. “Maybe, maybe not. If we go to war, they may not have the opportunity to return. Fifty is doable. Have you looked over the patrols?” I ask Lucas. “Yes, and since many are still in their off rotation, Kinsley and I 13.29% To 54 Chapter 31: Leavers 288 Wouchers have agreed that we’ll each take a shift. I’m going to take a shift. tonight and she’ll take one in the morning. That way, I can run the pack while the two of you are gone tomorrow.” “I can run patrols tonight,” I say. “No, spend the night with your mate. Once word gets out, you don’t know when you’ll have a chance again to enjoy time with her and your bond is still fresh. Take another night with her. Kinsley and I have got this.” “Thank you, both of you. I know this is a lot, especially without a G**a here to help.” “Honestly, I’m happier that he’s gone. It will make my job that much easier,” Kinsley says. That makes me pause and I turn to look at her. “You should have come to me about him,” I tell her. I watch as Lucas turns and looks at her with an ‘I told you so’ look on his face. When she doesn’t respond, Lucas does, but his eyes don’t leave his mate. “Apparently there are others making my mate uncomfortable. I’ve told Kinsley to feel free to break their noses as well, but

I’ve also asked for a list of names.” “I’ll take a copy of that list, especially of those individuals who remain in the pack. That won’t be tolerated, Kinsley, not by any of us. We’re going to be bringing more she-wolves into the pack. I won’t have them leaving again because they feel uncomfortable. This isn’t just about you any longer. Although, I’ m disappointed that you didn’t trust me enough to bring it to my 16.54 Chapter 31: Leavers 1288 Wouchers attention sooner.” My words are soft, but I know the meaning behind them will hit Kinsley hard. Everyone wants the approval of their Alpha. For me to tell my Beta female that I’m disappointed in her, will impact her more than anything else I can say. “My apologies, Alpha. I never meant to disappoint you. I’ll have the list to you and Lucas by tomorrow.” “See that you do. And Kinsley, I know you didn’t mean to disappoint me. That’s not who you are. So, make sure that you give yourself the same respect that you would give to the others in this pack. If you wouldn’t allow that behavior toward another pack member, you should absolutely not allow it towards yourself.” “Yes, Alpha.” “Good, now…” I begin, seeing Lucas move closer to Kinsley to comfort her, but I can also feel his happiness that I took the stand I did with his mate. “Sophie is getting fit for a dress, a gold one. I’d like to get her a necklace to go with her dress. Any ideas?” I ask, looking at Kinsley. “What kind of dress are they making her?” she asks, and I frown. “Uh….it looks like it’s going to wrap around her body and only have a strap on one side.” “To show off her mate mark?” Kinsley asks astutely. “Yes.” Kinsley looks thoughtful for a moment. “Would you be opposed

16.54 D Chapter 31: Leavers 288 Mouchers to dangle earrings instead of a necklace, Alpha. I think earrings. would go better. “Do you have an idea of what and where we can get such earrings?” I ask her. “I do, but I’d need to go now.” “Go-and thank you.” Kinsley hurries from the room and I turn to Lucas. “Do you have a dress for Kinsley?” “No, but I have the omegas making her one. Her coloring isn’t as dark as our Luna’s, so they are going to use a lighter shade of gold for Luna Sophie, and a darker shade of gold for Kinsley.” “I like it. A unified front. See if they can make gold ties or vests for you and I as well. I want it clear to the entire pack that their ranked members are all in agreement with this.” “Yes, Alpha.” “Oh, and Lucas,” I say as he moves to the door. “Do you know where your mate is going for the earrings?” I ask when he turns to look at me. “I believe so.” “Good, call and order a pair of earrings for your mate as well. Have them give her something similar to what she orders for Sophie. He smiles happily. “Thank you, Alpha. And thank you for talking to her. I wasn’t sure she was going to give me the list of names. 16:54 1288 Vouchers But I did let her know that we would always support her if she confronted any inappropriate pack member.” “We absolutely will, and I’ll also let Sophie know that I want to know immediately if anyone ever makes her uncomfortable.” Lucas chuckles as he reaches for the door. “I’m pretty sure our Luna won’t hesitate to put someone in their place if they so much as look at her wrong.” I smile. Yeah, my mate is pretty incredible. “Now we just need to get Kinsley on board with that.”

“Definitely,” he says as he leaves. I check to make sure there is nothing pressing on my desk, then I head outside to check on the preparations for tonight. On my way, I mind link Sophie. ‘How is my mate?’ I ask, feeling a sudden wave of pride coming from her. ‘I was just looking at my mate mark and thinking how s**y it looks on my neck.’ I growl at her words, startling the omegas around me. “That’s not directed towards you, I say, quickly, stepping away from them. ‘I’m glad you like my mark. I like you wearing it.’ ‘I’m proud to wear it, Hunter. I truly am proud to be your mate,’ she says, once agairt making me feel like a f**g king. ‘Do you need anything for tonight?’ I ask her. 16:54 288 Mouchers ‘Shoes? Or I was thinking I could go barefoot. I could ask Natalie to let the hem out a bit, so the dress is long enough not to show my feet.’ ‘I’ll ask them if we have shoes first, but you may need to go barefoot, if you don’t mind.” ‘I don’t mind.’ ‘How did I get lucky enough to get a perfect mate?’ I ask her, feeling my love for her growing by the minute. ‘I guess we both got lucky. I’m about to get into the bathtub, did you want to join me?’ she purrs. ‘Give me ten minutes, make it a shower, and we can practice me taking you in the shower. We’ll try both ways, with you facing me and facing the shower wall. You can tell me which way you prefer,’ I say, my c**k rock hard. ‘Hurry Alpha. I’m feeling desperate to have you inside me,’ she says, and her voice in my head sounds as needy as she says she is. ‘I’ll be there just as quickly as I can,’ I say, rushing outside to check to make sure everything is in order. The stage is set up and a table is up on the stage where we’ll put the ceremonial knife and chalice. The omegas are stringing lights around the area and tables are being set up so we canNôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

have food and dancing to celebrate afterward. “Do you need anything?” I ask, walking up to one of the omegas who is stringing lights. “No, Alpha. We have everything handled. Those of us who are 70 68% 16.547 288 Vouchers staying, at least,” she says, glaring at a couple who are walking toward the borders with bags in their hands. “It’s their decision. If they can’t respect Sophie as their Luna, they need to leave. I won’t beg anyone to stay. I’m just glad to see that so many of you have decided to stay.” “You’re a good Alpha. They are fools. They’ll come back soon enough with their tails between their legs,” another omega says. “Why do you say that?” I ask. “I came here after I met my mate, Alpha. This pack is much better than the one I left. Maybe they don’t know how bad it can be in other packs, maybe they don’t realize that it’s only going to get worse if we go to war, but not all Alphas care as much about their pack members as you do. I’ll take my chances here,” she says. “Most of the ones who want to leave are the warriors. Their mates are being forced to leave, even though they don’t want to.” I look over and see the woman turning to look at where we are. Even from here I can see that she doesn’t want to leave. “If anyone returns because they feel like they made a mistake or were mistreated, I will accept them back. However, they will go through an interrogation because I won’t allow anyone to use their knowledge of what is going on in our pack to help another Alpha take us down.” “We understand, Alpha. I just hope that when the time comes, because it will come, that the ones who didn’t want to leave in the first place, get to return.” 16:54 Chapter 31: Leavers

288 Mouchers “I hope so, too. I’ll do everything in my power to make that happen. But once they cross our borders and renounce me as their Alpha, they are no longer my responsibility. Those who remain are my primary responsibility and I will protect you, all of you, even if that means I have to reject some of the individuals who want to return.”

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