The One He Claimed

The One 77

The One 77

Chapter 77: Three Lunas Sophie Hunter asked me to facilitate the meeting between Dutton and Brooklyn. I understood why Dutton wanted to talk to her, he wanted the information first-hand so he could better argue against Owen, but Brooklyn was terrified of being in a room alone with an unmated Alpha again. I can’t blame her. Her body still isn’t fully recovered from what Owen did to her. When I first asked Brooklyn if she’d be willing to speak with him, she had started to hyperventilate, her eyes going wide. I’d had to take her face in my hands and help her to regain her composure. “Is it really necessary Luna?” her mother, Leah, asked with concern. “No, it isn’t. You can say no, Brooklyn. But Alpha Dutton wants to hear in your own words what happened, so he can help fight against the injustice of what happened to you. He has found his mates here in our pack. The Beta twins that came in around the same time you did. “Did he…” she begins. “He hasn’t marked them yet. He’s giving them time to get to know him and showing them that he can be the type of mate they want.” I told her this before I saw Dutton that morning. When I did, I 11288 Wescher realized that I was incorrect. Alpha Dutton was proudly strutting around with not one, but two mate marks on his neck, one on each side. I let him know that Brooklyn had agreed to meet with him, but her mother and I would be there and if at any point one of us decided it was too much for her, he would have to leave. “Of course. I understand. My own mates needed a gentle touch, if you will, to get them to believe that I was a trustworthy man.” “Will they be joining us at the committee meeting?” I ask as we walk to Brooklyn’s house. “No. I gave them the option, but they’re too afraid to be there, especially knowing that Alpha Aiden

will be there as well.” “Are you planning to flaunt those marks while you’re there?” I ask, smiling at him. He looks at me with fierce determination in his eyes. “I have every intention of making sure that Alpha Aiden knows that those girls are mine and if he ever thinks of trying to take what is mine, I’ll kill him.” “Good for you, Alpha. Do you plan to return home before you go?” “No. I’ll talk to Hunter, but they are comfortable here and the committee meeting is in a couple of days. I’d rather not introduce them to a new pack, then leave them.” “You are all welcome to stay, you don’t have to ask Hunter,” I tell him. He stops and looks at me. Chapter 77 Three Lunas 188 Wouchers “Hmmm,” he says, frowning. “Hmmm?” I ask. “I’m not used to being around a Luna who runs the pack as an equal partner. I’ll have to make sure that I remember to treat my Lunas as equal partners as well,” he says, and we begin walking again. “How are the twins? I’m assuming they’re both marked and mated now?” “Yes..That was….we had to figure out the logistics of it, but in the end, everyone was happy.” “Good,” I say as we approach the door. I knock, waiting for Leah to open it. When we step in, Brooklyn is seated on the couch, a blanket over her legs. I’ll give Alpha Dutton credit, he did everything he could to make his interview with Brooklyn easy. He sat in the chair f**st away from her, although I could tell he wanted to be closer. He kept his voice soft and gentle, even when asking her difficult questions. When she began to cry, he got a box of tissues and handed them to her, once against stretching to keep himself as far from her as possible before returning to his seat and giving her a few minutes to collect herself. He was patient with her, not rushing her, but getting the answers that he needed. When we left, Brooklyn looked exhausted, but she thanked him for coming and for supporting her at the committee meeting. “That was well done, Alpha,” I say as we walk back.

288 Vouchers I can feel the anger radiating off of him. “Do you have a gym or someplace I can go punch something?” he asks. “Yes, we have a gym. I can show you,” I tell him, then mind link Hunter. ‘What can I do for you, my love?’ he answers. ‘Dutton needs to work off some anger,’ I tell him. ‘Brooklyn?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Where are you?’ ‘Headed to the gym.’ ‘I’ll meet you there.” When we arrive, I open the doors and Dutton turns, looking at me before walking in. “I always knew that Owen was a prick, but to do what he did to that sweet girl…” He growls and turns to walk into the gym. I watch him a moment as he walks straight up to a punching bag and punches it so hard it bursts. I turn and see Hunter jogging up. “You’re late. You’d better hurry before he destroys all the punching bags,” I tell him. He looks past me into the gym as I hear another punching bag get smashed. Hunter takes an extra moment to lean in a kiss me, before heading inside. I leave them to it, knowing I need to make sure 11:27 everything is ready for us to be gone for a couple of days again. When I get to the office that Hunter set up for me, right next to his and with an adjoining door, I pull up my computer and see that Hunter has sent me the law about public claiming along. with the edits that the other Alphas have provided. I look it over, thrilled that my mate has asked for my input. I make my own tweaks to the document, clarifying that we’re not against Alphas or ranked members marking and mating others that aren’t ranked members. We just don’t believe that it should be public and that the new law should be instituted across all packs, not left up to the individual Alphas

or packs to decide how they want their ranked members claimed. Thinking of Brooklyn, I also add that ranked members may not mark a she-wolf, then decide that they don’t want them. If they mark them, they must take them as their mate. There’s a knock at my door and I look up to see a sleepy Nikki smiling at me. “Nice mate mark,” I say. Her hand flies to her neck, and she blushes as she smiles. “It’s already everything you told me it would be,” she says. “It only gets better. Did you need something?” I ask. “I was actually going to see if you needed anything. Robin is doing some work and I feel sort of useless,” she says. “Actually, I’m glad you’re here. Come look this over with me,” I tell her. 283 Vouchers I print out the document that we’re editing and hand it to her to read. As she goes through the document, she looks up at me. “Is this you, saying that if they mark a woman, they have to take her as a mate?” she asks, sitting down. “Yes. What do you think. I’m hoping it makes them think twice in doing things like what they did to Brooklyn.” “That’s true, but what about women who refuse to become their mates? If they force their mark on them, we’re then forcing the women to become their mates.” “Ugh, I wasn’t even thinking about that,” I say. “We should call Allison, see if she has any other ideas. I’m pretty sure she’ll be there as well. She should know that this is on the table if Alpha Kayce hasn’t already told her.” “Ohh, and we can see how she likes being mated,” I say, getting the phone and pulling it over to a table with my computer. I dial the pack and Nikki asks for Luna Allison, then she puts the phone on speaker. “This is Luna Allison,” she says, sounding very proper. “Hey, girl!” Nikki says. “Nikki!”

“Yep and I’m here with Luna Sophie too.” “Hey, do you have a computer, can we video chat?” I ask her. “Yes!” She gives me her information and I set up a video chat, dialing in while we wait. Nikki moves her chair over and a few moments later, Allison joins the call. There’s a lot of squealing at first, and when Allison sees Nikki mate mark and there’s even more. “So, how do you like being mated?” Nikki asks her. She sighs. “It’s great, isn’t it?” “Good answer,” we hear Kayce say behind her. She turns, giving him-a huge grin. “Kayce, it’s Nikki and Sophie.” Kayce leans over, kissing the side of Allison’s head before turning to look at us. “Hello Luna, hello….well, Nikki. That’s a good-looking mate mark you’ve got there.” “I think so,” Robin says behind us, walking in and leaning down to kiss his mate in almost the same way Kayce just kissed his. “What in the goddess’ name are you three Lunas up to?” Kayce asks, narrowing his eyes at his mate. “Actually,” Nikki jumps in, “I’m hoping you’ve already shared the new proposed law with Allison because we have some ideas too.” “I’ll send it to you, Allison,” I say, sending the updated document to her email. Kayce looks at the camera and shakes his head. I can see Robin smirking from the corner of my eye. “Goddess save us from intelligent, determined women.” Kayce leans over Allison’s shoulder and looks over the changes we’ve suggested. “Actually, these are really good ideas. I think it’ s important that we figure out a way to punish the Alphas and Chapter 17: Three Lunas 1288 Wouchers other ranked members that don’t get consent from their mates before marking them.” “I agree. I’m not sure what that would look like or what would be appropriate, but we can let you Alphas figure that out,” Allison says. “Are you including me and Sophie in that?” Nikki asks her. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Oh, I hadn’t, but…” “It’s okay, punishment isn’t really my thing. You male Alphas are better at that,” she says, and the three of us start talking through all the points in the law, making our changes, modifications, and suggestions. At some point, I realize the men are gone. They’ve left us to make changes, but there’s a note beside Nikki. ‘When you’re done, send all three of us your updates.’ It’s signed by Robin and Hunter. I hadn’t even heard him come in. We spend a couple more hours on the law, then talk about how excited we are to see each other in a couple of days before hanging up. I send our notes to all three of our mates and then I sit back, looking at Nikki. “I think that’s enough for one day, don’t you?” “I absolutely do,” Hunter says from the doorway, Robin standing beside him. “Come on, my mate. I’ve been lonely all day,” he says, taking Nikki’s hand and leading her from the room. Hunter closes the door and looks at me, his eyes dark. “And I’ve Chapter 77: Three Lunas 288 Vouchers. been hungry for my mate all day,” he says, before laying me on my desk and devouring me.

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