The One He Claimed

The One 84

The One 84

Chapter 84: Safe Rooms Sophie When the howls of attack go up, Hunter and I jump out of bed. “Call your father and Kayce, and take care of my mate,” he says, pulling me to him and kissing me fiercely before racing out of the room and leaping off the stairwell, shifting on his way down to the first floor. I grabbed one of Hunter’s shirts and my phone as I begin racing down the stairs meeting up with Kinsley as we watch wolves rushing out of the packhouse from every direction. I dial my father’s number. “Sweetheart is everything okay?” he answers. “We’re under attack, Dad. Koden,” I say and immediately hear my father’s howl go up, waking up his pack. “We’re on our way. Get safe, Sophie.” “To the safe rooms!” I yell over the chaos on the first floor. I grab Kinsley. “Be careful!” I say before racing off. She and I had decided to take separate safe rooms to help facilitate everyone getting into their assigned rooms As I run, I dial Alpha Kayce. “Yeah,” he answers sleepily. 11:02 Chapter 84: Safe Rooms “Alpha Kayce, this is Luna Sophie We’re under attack. “Joshua?” he asks, instantly alert I can hear him moving around, Allison’s voice asking what’s going on in the background. “Koden.” 288 Wouchers “We’re on our way,” he says, and I hear his howl go up a moment before the phone disconnects. “What can I do? I can’t shift yet,” Margot asks, rushing up.

“Help me get these people inside their safe rooms. Can you take lead in one, make sure everyone stays calm.” “Of course!” she says, rushing toward another safe room and helping the people get safely into their room. ‘Status check, Soph,’ Hunter says I can hear Shaw snarling in our mind as well. He’s already fighting. ‘Almost there,’ I say, looking around. ‘Move faster. I need you safe,’ he says just as the mind link cuts off. “DOOR ONE CLOSING!” I hear Kinsley announce. “Margot, you’re next,” I say to her “DOOR TWO CLOSING!” she announces as I hear Kinsley’s door slam shut and lock. “ANYONE ELSE?” I yell, looking around, as Margot’s door slams shut and locks. 13:02 Chater B Safe Rooms 288 Wouchers “Luna!” a young woman yells, she’s trying to carry three young children in her arms. I race to her and grab one of her pups, just as the glass sliders in the back of the packhouse smash open. ‘Sophie! Tell me you’re in a safe room!’ Hunter’s voice booms in my head. “Go, go, go!” I yell at the woman. “DOOR THREE CLOSING!” I shout as the sounds of snarling and tearing flesh move closer to us. I race into the room, handing off the pup and turning to close the door just as a wolf slams his body against it. The women and children behind me scream, but Lucas’ wolf attacks the other wolf, grabbing him by the neck and pulling him away. I slam the door closed, just as another wolf tries to break in. His en behind me paw gets caught in the door and one of the w jumps up to help hold the door while I throw the lock, pinning the wolf’s paw in our room. His howl of pain echoes in our enclosed space as I step back panting. ‘SOPHIE!’ Hunter yells in my head

‘Safe!’ ‘Thank the goddess,’ Hunter says, relief evident if his voice as the mind link closes again. I step back, staring at the door, listening to the sounds of fighting just outside our safe room. It’s the sound of whimpering that makes me focus. I turn to address the room. “Is everyone okay?” ask. Young pups are crying and some of the mothers are too, terrified for themselves, their pups, and the mates who are outside fighting. Chapter 84: Safe Rooms 288 (Vouchers. I find the light in the room and see everyone huddled together. The woman who was last in is trying to hold all three of her children, but they’re all terrified. I sit next to her, taking one of her children and holding them against my body as I rock gently while we all listen to the sounds of battle going on. I open my mind briefly to the pack, feeling the fury, the fear, and the pain from the pack. I’m not sure how my mate does it. I know he’s connected to everyone, keeping tabs on the entire pack, but it’s overwhelming to me. It’s like it was when he was listening to multiple conversations and keeping track of all of them. I don’t know how he does it. ‘We’ll practice later. Shut it down for now. I’ve got this,’ his voice floats into my head. This time, it’s distracted, busy with everything else going on around him, but as always, my mate e through the makes sure to look after me. I send a wave of bond, hoping to keep my mate energized. I’ve never been in a safe room before, never been in a battle where I wasn’t fighting. It’s almost harder to be in here. At least out there, you’re focused on fighting, on staying alive. In here, you’re just waiting. Waiting for someone to give the all-clear, waiting for someone in your room to begin the keening sound of losing their loved one, or waiting to feel the tether to your own mate snap. Time seems to stand still in this room. In the battle, time goes by quickly and before you know it, hours have passed, and you didn’t even realize it. In here, each minute feels like an hour. Things are still loud in the packhouse when I hear a howl I’d recognize anywhere, My father and his pack have arrived.

I gasp out a laugh and everyone looks at me. “My father. He and 13.0217 Chapter 84 Safe Rooms 258 Vouchers his pack are hère,” I say, and everyone in the room relaxes a bit. It isn’t much longer before we hear another howl, one I’ve heard, but don’t know well. Again, everyone turns to me. “That would be Alpha Kayce and his pack.” I carefully reach out to my mate, making sure he’s alive and still fighting, but not wanting to distract him if he’s in the middle of a fight. ‘Koden’s on the run,’ he says, sounding exhausted. ‘Your father’s pack and Kayce’s are finishing this battle quickly. It won’t be much longer.’ I tell the others in the room with me, then link Kinsley and one of the women in the third safe room, letting them know as well since Margot isn’t part of our pack and can’t …d link. It isn’t long before the sounds in the packhouse become quiet. We all wait, anxious to hear the sounds of one of our warriors knocking on the door to tell us everything is clear. It’s Lucas who finally opens our door. I wait until all the woman and children have emptied out, before following behind them. I look around and not seeing Hunter, I turn to Lucas. “Where’s my mate?” I ask. He presses his lips together tightly just as Hunter’s voice filters into my head. ‘Sophie, I need you at the pack hospital. It’s Leah.” Margot POV 13 02 Chapter 84 Sale Reems. 288 Mouchers I hate safe rooms. Until I was mated to Joshua, I’d never seen the inside of one. Soon after mating him, he insisted that I give up my training so that I could focus on giving him a pup. That man worked so hard to give me a pup, never realizing that I would never, ever risk bringing a

female into this world. Thankfully, I found a doctor outside of our pack who was willing to give me what I needed to ensure I never got pregnant. Joshua never suspected a thing. Why would he? I was to do what he told me to do and never stray. Now, as I look around this room, I’m reminded again of why I miss being a fighter. It’s much harder being in this room, hearing the soft cries and s**bs of the women and children, the smell of their fear so pungent that it takes everything in me to remain strong. “We’re going to be okay. I know you don’t know me, but I was a Luna for several years. We’re going to be okay,” I say calmly. “How do you know?” a woman asks me. “Well, because your Alpha and Luha have a stronger bond than I’ ve ever seen before and strong leaders make a strong pack, wouldn’t you agree?” I ask them. They look around at each other, then nod. “So, we’ll be strong for the pack members who are out there fighting. If they’re worried about you, they’re not focusing on the fight. We can be strong together,” I say, feeling anything but strong. When Joshua comes, and I know he will, I hope I can continue to be this stable. Maybe by then, I’ll have regained my wolf and honed my fighting skills. Maybe. Chapter B Safe Rooms 288 Vouchers We hear the sounds of wolves howling their arrival and I let the group know that their Luna contacted others for assistance. It will make this battle end much more quickly and I’m grateful. I’ m getting claustrophobic, starting to feel like there’s not enough air in this room, like the walls are closing in. I don’t want my mind to take me back to that dark room that Joshua used to put me in. ‘Stay focused, Margot. These people need you. You’re a f**g Luna,’ I say to myself. This would be easier if my wolf was stronger, then I wouldn’t feel alone, but as it is, I’m trying to hold on, to keep it together, but I need to get out of here. I’ve just reached the point where don’t think I can take it any longer, when we hear the knock at the door. I look at the others, as a gruff voice tells us that it’s all clear. I rush to the door, throwing it open, staring into the surprised eyes of a warrior. I take a deep breath

of fresh air, tainted with blood rather than fear. It’s a scent I much prefer. I stumble from the room, gasping for air, just as I see Sophie rushing past me. “What happened, is everything okay?” I ask the warrior, wondering if Sophie needs help. I lean against the wall, sucking in air. “Luna Margot, come with me,” Beta Kinsley says kindly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and leading me away. When we’re far enough away, she grabs a paper bag and has me sit while breathing into the bag. “Slow your breaths, or you’re going to pass out,” she says, kneeling in front of me and holding my gaze. 1302 Chapter 8-1-Safe Rooms 288 Vouchers She reaches up and takes my hand. I grip it tightly, fighting the darkness that’s trying to creep in I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. “Claustrophobic?” she asks. I nod without opening my eyes. I feel her turn away from me and look up to see Beta Lucas checking on his mate. “You can go,” I say, hating how weak I feel. “No. I’m right here,” she says kindly, turning back to me, never letting go of my hand. When I finally calm, my breathing and my heart rate getting back to normal, I pull the bag away from my face and look at this woman. She’s been through what I have, only her mate. e got lucky with “Thank you. I didn’t realize that the pack is not only strong because of their Alpha and Luna, but also because of their Betas as well.” “Well, I don’t know about that,” she says to me, standing and helping me to stand. “I do. Thank you, really.” “How about we get you strong, so you don’t have to go into a safe room again. I know I didn’t particularly care for it either. The fear is suffocating.” Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, yes it is,” I say as we walk back to the main room. As soon as we do, I see that there are a lot of injured here that need help.

“Ready?” Beta Kinsley asks me. “Ready,” I say, and we split up, going around to help those who are injured and see if they need to be sent to the pack hospital. 1

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