The One He Claimed

The One 95

The One 95

Chapter 95: Strength Leah When I woke in the pack hospital, I was surprised. I hadn’t expected to survive my mate’s death, hadn’t realized that it was even possible for an omega who was mated to someone of a higher rank. But I had heard my daughter’s voice, over and over, smelled her sweet scent, and listened when she told me that she needed me. My mate never needed me, but my daughter does. I swore that after letting her down once, that I’d never do it again, so I’d fought my own body, my heart, and maybe the Moon Goddess herself to stay with my child. If she needs me, I’ll be here for her. Seeing her happy face when I opened my eyes, had made it all worthwhile. She had wrapped her arms around me and sobbed. I was weak, struggling to wrap my own arms around her, but I did it. A mother can find strength she didn’t know she had when her pup needs her. After waking, the healing started. I felt hollow and empty, but I hoped that would pass. My wolf was gone, but the doctor said it was possible that I’d get her back. You just never knew when these things happened. “I’ve seen mates regain their wolves after a year or more. Sometimes, it just takes them longer to heal and return to us than it does for us to wake up,” he said. I’d heard Brooklyn when she was talking to me, so I was pretty 0.00% ||| sure I knew who this was. Watching my daughter, I knew I was right. “You’re my daughter’s mate?” I asked him when it was just the two of us in the room. “Yes, ma’am. And I want you to know that you have nothing to worry about. I won’t hurt your daughter and I don’t have any expectations of her except that she gives me a chance and gets to know me. She’s doing that, and I’m perfectly happy.” He smiled, his eyes staring off. “She’s amazing, your daughter. Truly an incredible woman.” “Yes, she is,” I said, proud that someone recognizes that int Brooklyn. He looked back at me. “We all agree that she gets that from you,” he’d said surprising me. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“I’m not strong, not like Brooklyn.” “Aren’t you? You’re here. You could have given up, but you didn’t. You somehow, and I still can’t fathom how you did it, got your daughter here, after rejecting your mate and you saved her life. And once again, you protected your daughter when her father came to take you back.” “Brooklyn did that,” I tell him. “Brooklyn shot him, but she wouldn’t have had the gun if you hadn’t purchased it, ready to protect your daughter at all costs, including your own life,” he said, holding my gaze. “That, my future mother-in-law, is strength.” 12.55% ||| r 17:05 I was surprised that Brooklyn had told him about what had happened. It’s the only way he could have known. Perhaps she is giving him a chance. I’d spent another day at the hospital, gaining strength and making sure I could walk unassisted. I realized just how much my daughter was doing in the hospital, helping out and how much she had done while I was unconscious. The warriors all started coming to see me after I woke, wanting to let me know how thankful they were to Brooklyn and how they have made sure to protect her and me while I was unconscious. The massive outpouring of love from the pack had been incredible, nearly overwhelming. It was almost as if they were flooding my mind with love and support to help me heal. One warrior in particular, Brutus, came to visit with me. The moment he had entered my room, I’d known. I don’t know why the Moon Goddess does the things she does. I’d just gotten out of a miserable mate bond, and here, in front of me, was another warrior, another mate, only this one was three times my size. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I don’t know what your relationship was like with Michael, but I know I never had much respect for the way he spoke about you and Brooklyn. He was a fool. I am not a fool. I also know you just woke up after losing your mate and probably have no desire to take

on another mate. But don’t reject me, Leah. You’re too weak. I won’t do anything you don’t want, but don’t kill yourself after everything Brooklyn has done to keep you alive, just because you’re afraid of me. You don’t need to fear me.” He sat with me that first day, barely leaving my side after he’d ||| come in. He told me about how Brooklyn stitched him up, how he’d been watching over her for me while I was out, as had the other warriors. How he’d made sure Dr. Caspian didn’t do anything that Brooklyn didn’t want and wasn’t ready for. “I’ll give him credit. He didn’t flinch at us constantly being here watching him. That, more than anything, made me believe that he’s the real deal and telling the truth about taking it slow with Brooklyn. I know you probably want to make up your own mind about him, but that’s my assessment, for what it’s worth.” “It’s worth a lot, thank you, Brutus.” He had come back the next day after his patrol and helped to get me back to my home. I told Brooklyn that it was fine for her to stay at the hospital. She seems to like it there, her desire to help others finally having an outlet. I dreaded going home. I don’t want to see the broken door, the blood on the walls from where Brooklyn shot Michael. I’m sure they removed the body, but my little house will be a mess and I’ m not sure I stomach the thought of staying there. However, when we arrive, I see that the door is fixed. “What’s this?” Brutus shrugs. “Me and some of the other warriors came in and cleaned the place up for you. We didn’t want you or Brooklyn to have to come back to this mess. It was the least we could do after she stitched up so many of us.” I was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with their kindness, overwhelmed with the outpouring of love, overwhelmed with the emotions that were spinning around in my head feeling empty, III but also now because of Brutus. It had all been too much and I’ d broken down in tears.

Brutus, the big giant warrior, had scooped me up as if I was a small pup and held me while I cried. For such a big man, he is surprisingly gentle. He hadn’t told me that I needed to stop crying, or that I was being ridiculous. He’d just held me, murmuring soft, sweet words to me and rubbing my back until I had cried myself to sleep. I wake up later, in bed. My clothes are on, but my shoes are off and there is a blanket over me. I look around and realize that I am in my bedroom in my house. I can smell food cooking in the kitchen, so I carefully make my way out of bed, seeing my shoes neatly set against the wall. When I walk out of my bedroom, I see two things that surprise me. The first is Brutus with a large apron on, cooking in the kitchen. The second is a big bouquet of wildflowers on the table. “Brutus?” I ask. He turns, smiling at me. “Oh, you’re awake. I hope you don’t mind. My wolf was making me nuts about taking care of you, so I wanted to make sure you had something to eat. I was worried about what would sit easily on your stomach, so I made roasted chicken, rice, and roasted vegetables.” “You know how to cook?” I ask, stepping into the small area that consists of a kitchen and breakfast nook. It smells delicious. He turns his head from the stove and smiles at me. “I used to cook for my mate all the time. But, well, since she passed, I haven’t really done a lot of cooking.” He watches me as I walk over to the flowers, leaning in the sniff 54.01% 17:05 them “Did you bring me flowers, Brutus?” I’m surprised when this big bear of a man blushes and ducks his head. “I was hoping you’d like them. I thought they might help to brighten your day.” I look at the flowers again. “I’m not sure anyone has ever brought me flowers before. They’re beautiful. Thank you.” We sit down to eat. The food is surprisingly good, and I tell him SO.

“Why surprisingly?” he asks. “Well, because you’re a warrior. Usually omegas cook.” He shrugs again. “I like to cook. I like to do nice things for the people I care about.” His eyes are intent on mine, and my mouth. goes dry. Now it’s my turn to blush and duck my head. “I’m not used to that.” “Maybe you should get used to it,” he says, reaching over and taking my hand. I look up at him and he strokes his thumb over the back of my hand, sending little tingles through my body. “There’s something you need to know,” he says, his voice much more serious. “What’s that?” “Owen arrived today,” he says, growling. “He’s going to be executed tomorrow.” 69.95% ||| 17.05 “Brooklyn…” “Has already said she wants to be there, but she doesn’t want to be the one to execute him. Personally, I think it’s a good idea for her to watch her tormentor die. If nothing else, it will give her some peace of mind and closure. But you have to decide if you want to be there too. I’ll go with you if…” “Oh, I want to be there,” I say forcefully, anger and fury flowing. through me. “I want to see that poor excue of a man die.” He nods. “Do you want me there with you?” I think about that for a moment. “Yes.” He smiles as if I just gave him a gift that he’s been wanting for a long time. “Then I’ll be there. I have to run patrols tonight. We’re still expecting Joshua and his pack to attack at any time, but I’ ve asked to be put in this quadrant of the patrols, so I can keep watch over you. I want you to know that so you can sleep well. You don’t have to worry about someone sneaking up on you.” After dinner, Brutus helps me do the dishes and then I walk him to the door. He turns, caressing my cheek and running his thumb over my lips.

“Can I kiss you, Leah?” I would never have guessed that I’d be ready for another man to kiss me this soon, but I find myself nodding my head in agreement. He leans in slowly, watching me and giving me at chance to change my mind and then his warm lips are on mine, gentle and soft. I I lean into the kiss, drawn into it by this incredibly gentle man. 79.93% His big arms come around me and I can’t ever remember a time that I felt so safe. When he pulls back, he leans his forehead against mine. “That was perfect. I hope it was perfect for you too,” he says softly. I nod, not wanting to break the spell this man has me under. When he lifts his head, he smiles at me, then kisses my nose before turning and heading to work. I watch him leave, surprised when he turns and waves at me before disappearing from sight. Late that night, while I’m lying in bed trying to sleep, I hear a wolf howl as they pass by. Without realizing what was about to happen, my dormant wolf awakens enough to answer the call, howling back at her mate.

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