The Outlaw

Chapter 21

My eyes remained trained on the file studying my new case. This case ha stop be one of the most interesting cases, hands down. This is one of those very few cases that a lawyer legitimately enjoy, this woman, Eli Sanders, accused her mother in law for poisoning her eldest daughter, who she had with her first husband. Thankfully the woman was foolish enough to give the kids a small dosage, the kid survived.

Her current husband is threatening her with various cases of she goes along with the case against his mother.

A knock on the door startled me, “Come in” I said softly resuming back to reading her file. My assistant’s head popped from the door, “Ma’am, Mrs. Sanders is here for her appointment!” She said making me nod, “Send her in!” I told her as she shut the door.

Within a few seconds the young woman ce inside followed by my assistant. I guy up from my seat and gave her a pleasant greeting.

“Have a seat, Mrs Sanders.” My assistant got a glass of water along with a cup of sweet tea for the client.

As my assistant left the room, I looked at my client, “Mrs Sanders, I’ll be honest with you. You don’t have much credibility against your mother in law, I was just going through your file and I noticed that most of the family members have testified against your accusations.” I said. She looked down at the door hopelessly.

“That woman is a witch, Ms Bruton, I tell you! Ever since I married her son, she has been after my and my daughter’s throat. Forget being a grandmother, she hasn’t ever treated my daughter like a human being.” She said breaking into tears, I pull out a box of tissue and hand her over.

“You know once when my daughter went to hug that witch, she punched her in the stomach. And when I confronted her, she said that my seven year old daughter wanted to attack her and that witch hit her out of instinct!” She said crying hysterically. I sighed, “I am so sorry for the way you and your daughter were treated..” I said in all honesty.

She looked at me with fear in her eyes, “I have had enough of that wile woman and I want that old hag behind the bars. Are you sure there is nothing you can do?” She asked me pleadingly.

“Even thought there is a very slight chance of getting this done but there is a way but it’s a little risky!” I warned her, this seemed to have caught her attention as she looked at me in keen interest.

“Tell someone that, you know would tell your mother in law, that your daughter has seen your mother in law do it and will testify to the police tomorrow. Have cameras and microphones installed in your daughter’s room and for more precaution have some officers dressed as staff or normal people around the hospital!” I said

She looked at me like I had lost my mind, “We never know how’d she react, what if she pays someone to…” She started breathing heavily before she could hav finished her sentence. I got up from my seat and sat by her side, “Eli, I know this is way too risky but the only way to throw that old hag behind the bars is to catch her red handed!”

“The poison used to kill your daughter was bought somewhere else. There are no recording of purchase of that drug even in the shadiest places of the city. The faster you do it, the less time she will have to tie up loose ends and will eventually have to do it herself or someone very trustworthy. If she chooses the second option then the person will also be charged in attempt of murder but we can bargain a deal, if they confess, their sentence will be reduced or something more attractive!” I further explained to her.

She took a few seconds to take in the matter but agreed to the idea anyway. We discussed the matter further, I also talked to some of my acquaintances from the police department who are on board with the idea. They said they only need a few permission to do it and it wouldn’t take long to get those permission. In the end everything was ready to be played out, even I agreed to come to the hospital with her.

Eli shook my hand with a small smile, her hopelessness was replaced with relief now, “Thank you so much Ms Bruton, you have no idea how much light I feel now! Even though it might take a while but my daughter will finally be free of that bitch!” She said making the both of us chuckle.

“If you don’t mind Mrs Sanders, may I ask, why did you marry that spinless husband of yours?” I said and she shook her head.

“It’s Ms Sanders, I never changed my surname and I never wanted to marry that scumbag. It was my mother who forced me to marry him because my first husband died while fighting for the country and she manipulated me into thinking it’s the right thing to do.” She said shrugging her shoulder.

“Also I need some divorce papers.” She said cheekily making me chuckle, “Any settlement request?” I asked, she gave me an evil smirk.

“Every drop I can squeeze out of that scumbag!” She said making me nod.

“I’ll have my team work on that as well!” I said. She gave me one last lingering smile before leaving my office.

I sat on my chair and looked at the time, fuck it’s 4 already! I called my assistant in.

“Yes ma’am?” She asked as soon as she come inside.

“Do I have any more meetings for today?” I asked.

“No ma’am” she said pulling up her notepad.

I send her back home early, for the past two weeks she has been doing overtime with me. All those times I was away for vacation has kicked me in the ass now, cases have piled up and I can’t seem to even get a minute to take a breath in peace.

I had to first get Mason Shawn case files shipped to Italy with Flynn’s help. Since Gerardo hasn’t been talking to me, he has been acting weird lately and I have no idea why,, or maybe I do. Maybe he got weirded out about how I reacted to him those weeks ago and now he is repulsed by me.. I really don’t know. But my insecurities and anxiety only leads me to that event! *cries in mental breakdown*

I opened a new case file and started studying it to distracted myself from that dumbass. Anyway I have a lot of work to do.

I was so engaged with work I didn’t realise how late it had been untill my phone ringed. I snapped out and picked up the call, “Where are you? Are you okay? It’s already 7 at night! We’re worried sick about you!” My dear sister asked in apprehension. A smile made it’s way on my face hearing her concern for me, “I am alright, Layla. I am at the office, just have a lot of work to do. That’s all! Don’t worry” I assured her.

“Will you be late?” She asked quietly

I sighed looking at the clock, I have been at the office since 8 in the morning.

“No, I am leaving now. I’ll be back home in half an hour. Do you need me to pick up something?” I asked packing up my stuff.

“Yeah could you get me some pints of ice cream also some brownies from the cafe down the road?” She said as soon as the question left my mouth. I chuckled, “Yeah I’ll get them and also pick up some groceries.” I said packing all of my files.

“Okay, also I am sending someone with some grocery list. Get them all!” She said before I could end the call.

“Or you could text me everything you need?” I said rolling my eyes.

“No you need extra help with the groceries, there are a lot of that!” She argued lamely.

“Fine, send Orlando!” I told her, I knew arguing with her is like banging your head against the wall.

“Okay, I’ll send Gerardo!” She quickly said and ended the call.

I looked at my phone in horror, that bitch! She is trying to play cupid now.

The nerve of this woman.

I huffed in annoyance getting inside my car and drove straight to the grocery store near my apartment building but not before pulling at the cafe near my office to pick up brownies, cookies and some tarts for everyone.

I walked through the aisles of the store, putting everything essential in the cart. I was in the cereal section when I heard his voice calling me, “Now I am more certain that you have a little crush on me!” I rolled my eyes but continued to browse for the cereals they like.

“First you gawk at me longingly everyday, then you get upset when I am not giving to attention and now you convinced Layla to send me!” He said coming by my side with a teasing pout on his face.

“With all the ‘noticing’ I would say it’s the other way around!” I said dismissively and rolled the cart to the next aisle.

“Anyway I wanted Orlando to be here” I said with a sigh.

“You’re gonna make that poor boy do all of your errands now?” I joked putting some boxes of biscuits in the cart.

“No we would have done some cardio with my passenger seat reclined!” I said with a smirk and winked his way. There was flash of anger I saw in his eyes but that was gone just as fast. He cracked a laugh, “He’d never fuck YOU!” he said as a matter of fact.

I stopped in the middle with my hands on my hips, “And why is that? Because I am fat? Or because you have warned him against that?” I asked. He pulled out a packed of gum from the shelf and walked towards, “No. And no. Don’t flatter yourself so much, little lily, you’re not that special to me. And Orlando is the gayest gay you’ll ever meet!” He said taking the cart from me and going to the checkout section.

I am not gonna lie, it was all fun and games but when he said that I am not that special to him, it really stung. That’s exactly the reason why I don’t do feelings, I always get attached and the other one just uses and throws me away. This is why I like being a bitch more than being a sensitive whore.

I shook my head and went to the frozen section to take some ice creams for Layla and meats for the rest of us.

As I reached the checkout, I saw that asshole flirting with the girl behind the counter. I huffed and dumped the content on the desk. The girl looked at me in disgust then to the contents I have dumped.

“Are you with her?” She asked Gerardo in a disgusted tone, Jesus christ! here we go again, now I have to bitch slap this hoe too!

“Unfortunately yes!” Gerardo said with a small pout encouraging her.

“But you can make my day by giving me your number!” He said with a sigh. This made the what seemed to be a college girl, giggle hysterically.

“Is she your sister or something?” She said trying to get on my nerves but this time before Gerardo could reply I beat him to it.

“Yes indeed he is my brother, who got me pregnant!” I said lovingly wrapping one arm around his shoulder and the other one around my stomach.

Her face paled, horror now replaced elate. I wanted to burst out laughing when I saw the shock in Gerardo’s eyes and the fear in that sorority bitch.

“I-i am gonna send someone else!” She said and quickly ran off. I let out a chuckle looking at her figure running away, I saw her wearing a cross and my evil head couldn’t miss the opportunity to make that whore cry.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

We put the bags of groceries in the boot of my car, all this while the grin wouldn’t leave my face.

“You’d not leave me in peace!” He said crossing his arms as he shutting it down.

I grin wider, “Never!” I joked and hopped in the car.

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