The Outlaw

Chapter 33

Its been exactly 10 days since the suits of Mason Shawn took over the world wide media, to say that people were furious would be an understatement. There has been protests going on all over the world to take him down, people who were a victim of him are now stepping out in the light.

The lack of official statement from him acts like oil to fire. His office has been buzzing from calls of higher ups, news channels or citizens who had once supported him demanding a statement to their favour. Most employees have resigned ever since and some aggressive people have gone as far as breaking into the party house and vandalizing the building. Everyday this whole order deal is getting more out of hand.

So that’s what people would be getting today, Shawn announced a press conference with the media yesterday and now, here he is waiting for the clock to hit 11 A. M but the 10 minutes left is excruciatingly long. He ran his hands through his grey hair for the nth time, anyone could see the anxiety in his brown eyes. Those bags under his eyes were enough of a proof.

Eldian Arthur, Shawn’s right hand man, walked upto him, “Stop bouncing your leg like that!” he said gruffly crossing his arms, staring at his boss with a frown. Shawn looks at him stoically, “If it wasn’t for those fuckers then I wouldn’t be in this situation!!” he said huffing angrily.

The two of them went silent for a second, Eldian was feeling this knot in his stomach since the morning. Something just doesn’t feel right,,, he knew in his guts, something really bad is going to happen today.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

A knock on the door startled the duo, “Its almost time sir!” the young lawyer said peeking her head inside the room. The two old men grunted grumpily, “I’ll be there in a second!” Shawn started getting up from the sofa. The blonde lawyer nodded her head and closed the door.

Shawn walked towards the door but was stopped by Eldian, “Its— I don’t trust that woman! She hides something mechanic in her eyes” he said looking at Shawn.

“i am certain you have done her background reach?” he asked calmly

“and nothing came out of it, right?” Shawn continued looking at his old friend. Eldian clenched his teeth in anger, his survival instinct was telling him not to let him go. And yet here he his hold his dear friend who wont listen to him.

“We can talk about this later” he said authoritatively making Eldian loose his grip on his hand. Without a second glance, Shawn opened the door and walked away with his bodyguards by his side. The feeling of dread was clogging his senses, that girl, Lilith Bruton, she is not who she says she is. That innocent face with such sadistic eyes, looking for something far worse than pain, he knows it for sure because he is just like her.

He walked out of the room in the empty hallway, he stood in front of a window that looked down to the front yard where all the media sat patiently waiting for Shawn to arrive, tsking in anger. He walked away from the window and headed to surveillance room.

Eldian watched over the conference like a hawk, he had every corner of the area under surveillance, not a single blind spot. In no time the conference started and by the looks of it, the media is tearing him apart.

“Are you a apart of the underworld, Mr. Shawn?”

“Is being a part of politics just a cover up?”

“Does being a CM makes you get your hand on many women and kids without being suspicious?”

“Is it true you were the one who started the riot?”

Eldian clenched his fist in anger, ‘I shouldn’t have let him go alone!!’ he thought to himself. He looked at his wrist that showed 11. 13. his survival instinct again called but this time his heart seemed to have stopped working and his mind had total control of his body.

Back in front yard, Shawn was struggling to maintain his cool, the questions being fired one after the other made him stutter through the lies, “All tho-se accusation are false!! I have never done something so atrocious in my life! I too have a family, I cant imagine the pain I’d go through if something were to happen to my son—” he continued spouting lies, holding his son as a a shield to protect himself.

The media was stunned hearing him, nobody ever knew he had a son. He had kept Dylan’s existence a secret knowing fully well if they began digging deeper, it wouldn’t take them long to discover.. everything.

He tried to calm down and spew all the lies his lawyer made for him.

“You have a son?”

“Why did you spoke of his this late?”

“You’re using your own son as a shield to deflect the accusations?”

People from all over the world watched in shock at his confession, they waited anxiously for his response but what they got was far from what they expected. Shawn was about to open his mouth for a response but he suddenly lost his voice and his body felt heavy, he fell on the floor with an unbearable spreading throughout his body as a blood splattered from his chest.

The reporters froze in shock at the scene, nobody registered the sound of a gun going off until the bullet hit the CM. It took another shot to the CM for the chaos to break free. The people sprinted towards the building for safety but their hopes scattered when the door was sealed shut. They banged on the door desperately trying to get away from the scene but that was all in vain.

The very second the gun first rang, all the doors and windows sealed shut automatically at the same time a purple poisonous gas erupted from the vents killing everyone inside within seconds.

The assassins left as swiftly as they came after firing the second shot.

The police and ambulance arrived at the site in no time, the medics firstly took the dead CM to the hospital while the rest were inspected, thank god for there were nobody injured,, physically at least, most of them looked traumatized and those who were still better than the rest were questioned by the police.

Back to the ambulance that had the CM, there were two strangers sitting beside the medic.

“Wake up, now. We are far from the party house!” Dylan said looking at his father with an unamused expression.

A smirk appeared on the ‘corpse’s’ face, Shawn opened his eyes and sat up coughing and huffing, “Uff! That hurt like a bitch” he said leaning to the pillow.

“How did it go?” Shawn asked excitedly looking at Lilith.

“just as we planned,, they are all frightened and this fear will along with being a witness to you ‘death’ they would easily pursue people in your favour” she explained as the old man took out a bag of blood from his shirt.

“why are there no cars following us? Where are my men?” the old man asked his son in confusion. That question alone changed the atmosphere in the ambulance, it became ominous.

“They’re all dead!” Lilith spoke with an evil glint in her eyes.

Before he could register what was happening the medic shoved a injection in his neck. The last thing Shawn could remember was three pair of wicked eyes looking at him before he succumbed to darkness.

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