The Outlaw

Chapter 36

****MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING****This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“that was such a lovely dinner, honey!” the woman smiled warmly at the man next to her to looked at her lovingly.

“It certainly was!” he replied wrapping his arms around her petite body as they walked towards the entrance of their house.

“How long has it been since we went on a date like that?” the woman giggled at him as the old man tried to open the gate.

“Umm– a couple of months, I’ll say.” he said, walking into the dimly lit house. The old couple happily chatted walking into the calm house without realizing the storm waiting just for them.

“i am glad to know that you enjoyed your last meal!” a devoid voice said from the hall making the two freeze in terror. It took a while for the man to recognize the voice but as soon as the fear dwindled he walked into the hall where a disheveled man was sitting on the couch at the end of the hallway. The full moon showered its light onto that person from the huge window behind the man.

“What are you doing here, Gerardo?” the man asked in confusion.

“Long time no see father” Gerardo whispered without looking up.

“you insolent brat! Do you have no manners? Breaking into people’s house like that? You almost gave us a heart attack” the woman snapped distastefully.

“i gotta give it to you whores!! never in my life I have seen someone as pathetic as the two of you!!” he chuckled lowly standing up from the lone couch.

“Gerardo!! mind how you speak to your fathe–”

“you’re no father of mine, coward! You couldn’t do anything right for once in your entire sorry excuse of life–”

“Don’t you have any shame, bastard? You should be thankful that your father was even there for a rascal as yourself!” she growled at Gerardo who threw this head back and laughed joyously. In reality, there was nothing joyous about his laugh, it was unadulterated rage.

“you’re the one to speak of shame, skank? You have been living under your husband’s mistress’s house for 27 years and living off her and you husband’s illegitimate son’s income for years now… you are talking about shame?” Gerardo said sweetly walking towards them like a predator ready to devour its prey.

“Have you come all this way just to insult us?” Erik, Gerardo’s father, asked calmed. Gerardo stopped a few meters from them, the tension in the air was suffocating even for them. Gerardo pulled out a bloody key, holding it up for them to see.

“does this ring a bell?” that one sentence, those five words, were enough to sent chills down their spine. Even through Gerardo has always hated the two, he never showed any kind of hostility towards them, he’d just ignore them. Always have.

People around him were always fearful but looked upto him, something changed. While the one was confused, the other was sweating cold.

“Flynn came by four days ago.. and he discovered something he shouldn’t have..” he growled looking up at the two, his eyes were feral. He wanted nothing more than blood in his hands, that’s all he was concerned about. The blood of the person who killed his little brother.

“Flynn did? Why didn’t you tell me anything?” Erik asked looking at Maya, “I didn’t know myself!” Maya said in confusion.

“i turned a blind eye to all your insults, even put up with you but seems like you took my ignorance for my weakness!” as soon as those words came out of his mouth, he charged head on towards them.

He gripped her hair and bashed her head into the wall, “you went as far as to kill your own child just to see me suffer?” he yelled loudly as he kept bashing her face into the wall until the white walls were covered red.

Erik stood still in shock, “W-what did you say?” he asked shakily as his son rose upto his full high looking at his father in disgust, “Your other son is dead. Flynn was murdered,, by her” he was as tears gathered in his eyes.

This was too much for him to process, too much, his heart suddenly stopped beating and he doubled over on the floor holding his chest as his vision was becoming blurry, the last thing he was was his eldest son’s cold eyes.

Maya groaned in pain as she gained consciousness. Her face felt so numb with pain, it was excruciating. Her vision was blurry but she should make out the silhouette of a man standing infront of her as she laid on the ground on her stomach.

“wh-who– there?” she managed to choke out through intense pain.

“now that you’re awake, I only want answer to the questions I ask anything else will cause you a lot of pain.” she recognised his cold voice instantly. Only then the event from the past incident caught upto her. If she was in a better condition, she would have barked back but even through she hated Gerardo, she knew better than anyone what that man is capable of. He isn’t feared among nations for anything. He has been kind to them for too long and just for the sake of his little brother and with him gone. The true devil in him will surface.

She nodded at his statement, “How long were you hiding Andre in the basement of this house?” Gerardo asked making her freeze.

“2 years” she choked out coughing blood.

Gerardo picked up a huge hammer and bashed it on her hip, instantly crumbling it to pieces, “TRUTH I SAID!!” gerardo yelled swinging the hammer repeatedly.

“10 years” she said crying in pain.

“You were the one who gave Andre all the information, right?” he asked coldly looking down at the bloody pulp. She nodded her head, howling in pain, she couldn’t feel her lower body anymore.

“what happened that day?” another voice asked, his voice just as cold as Gerardo’s. Landon took the hammer from Gerardo and knelt in front of Maya, “In bedroom , me and Andre, I didn’t see but Andre did. he said–he take care of Flynn but I didn’t know–he killed Fly–“before she could finish the sentence Landon ripped her arm off.

“Don’t take his name from your filthy mouth” Landon growled out in anger as his eyes filled up with tears remembering how he too got Flynn’s mutilated body in delivery a few days back.

Even through Flynn was not his biological brother, he loved him like one. Flynn was Landon’s pride and joy, he loved the little man but now all that is left of him is his violated corpse. He was scattered, his head couldn’t function, he couldn’t comprehend the situation. He remembered it as if it was just yesterday when an eight grader Flynn just invited Landon and Orlando to his first piano recital. Just few minutes before the talent show, the poor boy pissed his pant and Landon had to give his pants to the little man. He sat the entire show without pants just so that Flynn wouldn’t get stage fright again. But now, he is gone, his little brother is gone.

“I don’t want to be in her presence anymore,, finish her off” Gerardo said looking at Landon who looked back at him with an in different expression.

“i want to have some fun as well, take Orlando with you” Landon replied turning his head towards the pulp laying unconscious.

“do whatever you want but make sure she knows pain” Gerardo said lighting up his cigarette walking out of the basement where Maya hid Andre for years.

Not long after Gerardo found Flynn’s head, Landon called him crying to tell him that he was delivered Flynn’s body. That day itself he went back to italy and buried his brother. Flynn’s parents were never informed of it, just the day after the burial when Gerardo went to tell them the news, he saw Andre with Maya meeting at the back of the mansion. He instantly knew what might have happened but he still needed to confirm his suspicion. After further investigation, he found a bloodied key laying in the forest that had Martera’s family crest on it. He send that key for thorough inspection and turns out there is Andre’s finger print all over it as well as both Flynn’s and Andre’s blood.

Flynn must have snatched it away while fighting off that psycho as the last proof. Even in his last breath he only thought about his older brother.

“I will avenge you little man!” Gerardo whispered looking into the sky, trying his best to hold his tears at bay.

He shook his head and walked towards his car, its already morning now. He sat in in car and reversed it. He felt a cold metal on his temple making him chuckle, “What the fuck you laughing about, bastard?” the man holding the gun to his head growled in anger.

“you do know I can take you, right?” Gerardo laughed humourlessly. Making the man stiff for a second, “I know” he said making Gerardo chuckle more.

“You are either very dumb or very brave to come in front of me!” gerardo said looking into there mirror where he could clearly see that man sweating bullets.

“For that reason–“the man said cockily pulling out his phone and giving it to him. Gerardo could easily knock this fucker out with one punch but one glance at his phone froze him. Gerardo gritted his teeth in anger, he felt a beast inside him unleash but he kept him in bay,, at least for now.

“Follow my orders and the girls will be untouched. One wrong move can cost your lover’s life along with her sister’s” the man said cockily.

Gerardo clenched his hands tightly on the steering wheel, that fucker. THAT MOTHERFUCKER WILL PAY DEARLY!!

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