The Phoenix Prophecy: Nova

: Chapter 31

It’s late. Tanner left hours ago to visit with Kole. After checking on him, he had a shift at the hospital. But he should be back soon.

Waiting for him, I can’t sleep. For the past three nights, he’s camped out at the foot of my bed. Curled in the armchair, watching over me.

Every night, I’ve expected him to come to me. Slide his hands up under the blankets and soothe my hot, aching body. But he hasn’t. He’s too much of a gentleman.

I’m sitting by the window, not even trying to sleep. My room looks down over the gardens. There’s a fountain, which is lit by what looks like tiny floating fireflies, a sprawling lawn, a stream, and a dense cluster of trees.

I’m wearing a long white nightgown that looks like something from a Victorian period drama. Rev delivered it this afternoon as a ‘sorry to hear what happened’ gift. It’s beautiful, but I’m not sure it suits me. Tanner seems to like it though. Last night, he couldn’t keep his eyes off me.

Lifting it up a little, I look at the faded number on my leg. I still haven’t called Sarah, but I’m not sure I need to, now that Mack and Luther have confirmed Johnny is alive. Isn’t that enough? To know I didn’t kill him.

I lower the gown and tuck my knees up under my chin. I should feel relieved I didn’t murder another human being. Shouldn’t I? Instead, when I think of him lying in a hospital bed, I feel rage. Rage that he escaped. Rage that I wasn’t strong enough to finish him.

I look over at my bedside table and the stack of books Mack gave me. When he’s finished teaching me, I’ll be able to take Johnny down just by looking at him. I’m sure of it.

Fire swirls in my belly when I think about it. I’m strong. Maybe even stronger than the four mages who are watching over me. Kole, Tanner, Mack, and Luther.

If I am the Phoenix, Johnny will be the first to burn. And they won’t be able to stop me.

I blink hard and shake my head. The thoughts that keep coming to me are alien and disturbing. They make power pulse through me. They make me feel invincible. But when they fade, I’m left wondering whether I know who I am anymore. If there will be anything of the old Nova left when my evolution is complete.

Something catches the corner of my eye. Movement down in the garden. I rest my forehead on the window. It’s Mack, walking slowly down the steps toward the fountain.

He stops when he reaches the grass and looks up. As he does, he sees me. I don’t try to hide. I raise a finger at him to indicate I’m coming down, then pad barefoot down to the kitchen and out through the big double doors.

He’s waiting by the fountain, perched on the rim. When he sees me, he looks up and his eyes roam my body. The nightgown hides some of my curves and accentuates others. His gaze snags briefly on my breasts before he forces himself to meet my eyes.

“Nova? You can’t sleep?” He glances at my bedroom window.

“I was waiting for Tanner. His shift finishes soon.”

Mack nods in understanding.

“How about you? Taking a midnight walk?”

He narrows his eyes a little. “Something like that.”

Allowing my toes to sink into the cool grass beneath my feet, I move to sit next to him. The cool mist from the fountain kisses my face. It’s unusually warm tonight.

“Have you started the books I gave you?” Mack folds his arms. His tone reminds me of a teacher I once had. My stomach flips as I wonder if he’d be cross if I said no.

“Not yet.” I tap my forehead. “Need a clear head. Tomorrow.”

“Read the first three chapters of the big black one before our session tomorrow night. They explain the basis of elemental magick.” He glances at the hand I’m trailing in the water. “You have a fire affinity, but it’s important to know the other elements and what they can do.”

I remove my hand and tuck my hair behind my ear. I study Mack’s face. I lied to him and Tanner. I told them my parents died in a car crash. I didn’t mention the fire, and I didn’t mention Sam. Looking at him now, I wonder why I felt the need to keep him from them. Perhaps because speaking it aloud would make it real.

Before I can find an answer, he surprises me by taking my hands between his. “Nova. There’s something I should tell you.”

His palms are warm and large. Mine feel small and delicate in his grasp. Precious. A sensation I’m definitely not used to.

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep it from you much longer. It doesn’t seem fair.”

I blink at him.

“I wasn’t out here for a walk. I came out here because…” He pauses, then chuckles. A wry chuckle that makes him shake his head and stand up. “You know what? It’s probably easier if I show you.”

My heart flutters. What the fuck does he want to show me?

Before I can ask, his fingers go to his shirt and unfasten the top three buttons.


Mack puts a finger to his lips. “Just watch.” As he speaks, his voice changes. It’s deeper. Like a growl. An animalistic growl.

He tilts his head from side to side like he’s trying to crack his neck. He shrugs his shoulders. Moves his arms. Tugs off his shirt and lays it neatly next to me on the fountain. When he straightens, his skin is different. It looks like it’s moving. Undulating in the moonlight. He lets out another growl. More of a roar this time.

And then he’s no longer Mack. Just like that. In a split second. He’s gone. And a friggin’ polar bear is standing in his place!

I shriek, slam my hand over my mouth, and try to scoot backward. But I’ve forgotten I’m perched on the lip of the fountain.

As I topple backward into the water, the bear shakes itself and its fur ripples over its huge, muscular frame.

I land with a splash. My ass instantly frozen. I’m soaking wet, but I can’t move. The bear stalks closer. I can hear it breathing. Big, heavy breaths that make the air between us vibrate.

It’s level with the fountain when it puts a big heavy paw on the place where, a few seconds ago, I was sitting.

My heart is hammering so hard in my chest I’m struggling to breathe. It opens its mouth. A mouth that could devour me in an instant. Then it dips its head and bends toward me.

I press my back against the fountain. Water slicks my hair, my face, my skin. My nightgown is heavy, clinging to my body, exposing every line and curve through the now translucent fabric.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Then I realize it’s waiting for me. It nudges my knee. I reach out and wind my fingers into its fur, and it hauls me to my feet.

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