The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness

Chapter 82


I tilt my head as the clip is replayed once again.

What is that? My heart is clamouring with fear at the first thought that entered my mind. It sounded like an army or something. I shiver, feeling the chill that creeps down my spine, and Enrique places his hand over mine, giving it a comforting squeeze. Skyla is sitting forward, her eyes blazing as she stares at the screen, and I take a glimpse at Dad, who is sitting at the front watching this video. Prince Mikhail's cold eyes sweep over the room before they meet mine, giving me a small smirk. "When did you first come across this phenomenon?" Dad asks, and I'm relieved that he looks away.

"Nearly fifty years ago. But in the last five years it's grown faster, and not once have we heard of any life from within. I have men spread across the border, but the conditions of these lands are hard to survive on, yet we do our best to watch it. But it's becoming impossible. It is too large and we are few. Something is happening there and I think we all should be

prepared," Prince Mikhail says. Despite his strong accent, his words are crystal clear. "Because right now, it might just be Russia, but it will keep growing until it covers this entire earth."

"May the Gods help us," Princess Anya murmurs, placing a hand to her chest and drawing a symbol.

May the gods and goddesses help us.

"So, what does this mean for us?" someone asks, as I too wonder the same thing.

We all know something bigger is coming - no, has come and they are growing stronger... Unity is important, but how do we fight against something like this?

"It means we find a solution, and we fucking will," Dad says before he looks at Leo. "You will be given manpower and support. We will get to the bottom of this and help monitor the perimeter of this enclosure. We have been working on bigger things." A murmur fills the hall and Dad strides to the podium and pulls up another screen as he begins motioning to a few places that need support. "On that note, we come down to the biggest decision of the night. To form an official treaty between all leaders. Some I know are not finalised, but this decision can no longer be delayed."

"And will you head this official treaty under you?" someone else asks.

"Is that a way for you to gain more power, Lycan King Alejandro?"

"The Lycan King has proved himself many times. He is not greedy for power," someone else snarls.

"No, it isn't. Because..." 'He's going to f*****g kill me for this,' Dad mutters through the mind-link.

I look up at him questioningly and see Mama turn too, her eyes widening.

"Because I am stepping down and relinquishing my title soon."

Was this planned? I don't think so.... "Fucking hell," Leo mutters.

A loud murmur ripples through the crowd, and Royce pats Dad's shoulder. I glance over at Leo, saying he looks pissed is an understatement. Dad's right, he's angry. But I understand why Dad is doing this. He wants Leo to take the lead now, before things get worse, giving him time to learn about our allies, and for them to become used to him and to trust him.

"Many of our recent ventures are founded by someone who I have long considered as my heir. And no, not my son. This is a time when we need to put the right people in power. If you are not reading this novel on FindNovel. com, some sentences are incomplete. Visit J o b to read the complete sentences for free. I once had a goal, a plan to unite the packs of the United Kingdom, to live in peace and protect each other." Dad takes a pause as he looks around, and it's almost as if time stops for a few precious moments. "For years I strived to make that dream a reality, and I am blessed to see it has spanned across the borders. But for it to get to this scale is something I can't fucking take credit for. I am proud to have witnessed the calibre of the connections we have created," Dad continues, his strong voice filling the hall.

There are many people who are already beginning to worry at his words.

"I'm still fucking here. I'm still going to be on every fucking conference call, every fucking summit, although I fucking hate these formal events." Dad grins.

A few people chuckle and I smile as the mood lifts ever so slightly, until Dad's smile fades and he becomes sombre again.

"But under my watch, I wouldn't have been able to organise such a vast summit. Right now, I am looking across at those who will lead us to victory. At so many great powers under one fucking roof. This is something that was only possible because of the new generation. This summit wasn't organised by just any fucking mysterious benefactor. I fucking know who organised it. I mean, do you really think I would come to some shit if I didn't know who is hosting it?"

A few people laugh and Dad smirks. "Sure, he had help. I mean, it wouldn't be possible alone. He even had the perfect king to help him with that shit." He points his thumb at Royce before he becomes serious once more.

"By working together. Yeah, I'm not fucking perfect like the Solaris King, but the one thing we have in common is that we f*****g want the best for our people. When shit gets real, I'm going to be on that f*****g battlefield, on the front line with all of you! But the title of king will not be mine."

You will always be a king to me, Dad.

I look across at Leo, who is trying to catch Dad's eye, but this is a position that I know Dad has wanted him to take for a while, no matter how hard it probably is for the both of them.

Leo will make a good king....

Dad grips the podium as he now directly looks at Leo once again and I'm sure he said something to him... with the power that a Lycan holds. He can mind-link any alpha.

"With all of you as witness, I call our mysterious benefactor to the front. My chosen heir, the king who will take my place! Allow me to present to you, Alpha Leo Herrmann Rossi, or as you might know him, the King in the Shadows!"

Surprise and cheers erupt in the room, a mix of the mystery around the benefactor who has supplied so much. The intelligent Alpha Leo has always offered advice to the rumoured king in the shadows who held so much power, and I realise why Dad did it. Because in this moment of sheer fear and uncertainty, he is giving them hope. In the form of someone who will be a great king. By sharing his identity, a sacrifice for hope.

I look over at Leo. He might look emotionless, but his heart is racing a little faster than normal. He wasn't expecting this and he will not just go home as he came. Today he will go as the soon-to-be king...

Azura has her hand on top of his as she places her other one on his face, forcing him to look at her as she kisses his lips, and everyone claps louder.

It might look like a woman happy for her partner, but she's reassuring him, buying him a few moments to recollect himself. I feel emotional, seeing the responsibility on his shoulders. Looking over at Dad, there's a part of his words that replay in my mind. When shit gets real, I'm going to be on that fucking battlefield, on the front line with all of you!'

He will lead us until the end - his end.

My heart suddenly squeezes painfully, fear enveloping me as the terrifying future makes it suddenly hard to breathe.

I don't want to lose anyone!

"Hey, are you ok?" Sky asks me with concern, as Enrique's hand wraps around mine.

I blink, looking around and see Leo walking to the front, and I take a calming breath, nodding. "Yeah," I whisper, feeling Enrique's gaze burning into me.

I look up at him and his gaze softens a little, but there's also something else there... something that makes him look away from me.

My heart aches, but I still try to compose myself and turn to the front as Dad and Royce shake Leo's hand, and Royce pats his back before Leo looks out at his audience.

"That is not what I was expecting. But the truth is, the future is going to constantly be full of things that we won't expect to be thrown our way." He gives Dad a pointed look.

"So, we will always have to be ready for the unexpected. We will figure this out and I just need a little time. Time I know we don't have, but we are working on a new plan. We will continue to work on what's needed, to make sure that regardless of what species we are, that we are not alone."

Leo looks at Dad, who's standing back, before he continues, his jaw clenching. "For some who live in the present and don't want to waste time on thinking of the future, a dark future we don't know exactly when will be upon us. Will it be in our lifetime or when we're fucking gone? We don't know, but what we do know is that we set the path for our children. We prepare, we train, and we grow."

He pauses for a moment and looks at Azura. Their eyes meet and she smiles softly at him. "This title comes with great expectations, responsibility, and weight, and the power to make the final choice. Decisions that will impact us... I'll do my best- we will do our fucking best. Thank you."

He turns away as everyone claps and I watch as Mama stands up and goes over to them, shaking hands with Mikhail and then congratulating Leo before she hugs Dad.

Azura goes to Leo too, and I glance at Skyla, who is sitting there watching them.

I look down. Reality is hitting me hard...

It's up to us, our father's legacies, to continue in his path. To make him proud...

I need a little space. I'm too emotional and I don't want to cry in front of everyone.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

My wolf whimpers in my head as I murmur, an 'excuse me' and stand up. Enrique instantly grabs my wrist.

"Where are you going, Mi Amor?" My heart skips a beat as I turn and look at him, seeing the flicker of surprise and realise he had slipped up.

My cheeks flush as warmth floods me, but before I can reply I hear a low growl.

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