The Russian Don – A Dark Mafia Romance



When there is a loss of sight other senses in a person are enhanced.

My body felt numb and as I opened my eyes all I saw was darkness. There was only cold and then fear, I felt something covering my eyes and then the realization hit me. Panic washed over me as the fragments of what happened rushed to my mind.

I was sitting on a hard surface, possibly a chair. My hands were tied to the back and there was tape on my mouth. I wanted to yell and scream at those fucking bastards for breaking into our apartment. I struggled for a few minutes trying to get my hands free from those ropes but all in vain.

My mind wandered back to Stella, I wanted to know if she was alright. Where is she? What did they do to her? A wave of confusion passed through my mind as I had so many questions running in my head.

Who are they? Why did they break into our apartment? And where the hell am I?

I swear I’m going to hit the guy’s face for kidnapping us, Asshole! Whoever you are! Die and rot in hell! You fucking Bastard! I kept cursing him in my head while wigging and trying to get off these ropes.

As I kept wiggling out of the ropes, I guess the sound of the chair constantly moving must have grabbed the attention of someone because the tape on my lips was pulled roughly along with the blindfolds and a loud scream escaped from my lips.

“Shut the fuck up,” A bulky man with a huge tattoo over his neck roared at me, I glared at him while clenching my jaw.

“Untie me,” I said while gritting my teeth,

“I’m sorry, I can’t do that!” he refused and stepped back,

“Untie me right now,” I yelled at him while pulling my wrists but the ropes were so tight that every time I moved my hand they rubbed against my skin causing me pain and irritation.

“Let me go!” I screamed at him,

“Shut up!” His fist connected my jaw and the impact had my head jerk to the side. Stars began to appear in front of my eyes as I sensed the dosage of whatever they used on me earlier was still effective.

I groaned in pain while blinking to clear my vision, I could feel the red liquid running down my mouth. I turned my head and glared at him, he grabbed my chin roughly, pulling my face closer to his with a menacing look on his face.

“Fuck you,” I scowled at him,

“Stay quiet,” he ordered while gripping my jaw tightly. Before I could respond to him he pushed my head back and turned around, walking out of the room. I kept glaring at the closed door for a good ten minutes, pissed at being held this way.

Where on earth am I? I thought while looking around and noticed that I was in some kind of small room with no window and the only light was coming from the small ventilator which had a fan. It was a dark, cold, and empty room.

Jesus, How the hell am I going to get out of this fucking room?


After pounding my head for any possible ideas to get out of this room, I breathed out and tried to calm myself down. I should be patient and thoughtful in situations like this, panicking won’t help, a slight mistake can lead me to trouble. I was confused and curious to know why they kidnapped us. And Who are they?

I guess I need to wait for my answers,

Suddenly the door of the room was opened and two bulky men dressed in black suits walked inside along with the guy who punched me earlier. I stared at them in confusion, although they looked scary I tried my best not to let them intimidate me.

“Who the hell are you people?” I shouted,

“What am I do-” Before I could finish my sentence one of those men grabbed a black cloth and tied it to my eyes.

“Hey!” I yelled while trying to move my head away,

“What are you doing?” I shrieked at him. Darkness enveloped me once again, I felt them removing the ropes around my waist and grabbing my arms, pulling me onto my feet.

“Where the fuck are you taking me?” I yelled as they began dragging me, I could feel two men holding either side of my arms. I tried hard to stop but those men were stronger than me and it was easy for them to drag me with them for God knows where.

I kept yelling and fighting to get away from them. Suddenly we stopped walking and there was complete silence around me. It was scaring the hell out of me; my heart was pounding against my ribcage and my legs were slightly shaking.

Someone abruptly ripped the blinds off my eyes and bright light made me shut my eyes, it took a few seconds for me to adjust my vision and look around. I was standing in some kind of office or study room.

There was a desk placed in the middle of the room with an L-shaped turquoise couch right in front of it. One corner of the room was filled with wooden shelves embedded within the walls which ran a few meters above the wooden carpeted ground. The shelves were squared around all the bright beige engraved walls of the room, leaving one place in the middle for the fireplace.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Whoever this place belongs to must be rich! I thought while looking around the luxurious study room. The doors of the study were suddenly slammed open grabbing my attention. A tall man, dressed in a black shirt with sleeves rolled up to his forearms, showing off his strong arms with nerves popping out.

His head was high, eyes focused on the centre of the room as he glided in confidently. His stance screamed power while his eyes begged carnage. The men straightened as he walked past them, their eyes showed fear and respect for him. I was rooted in my spot as I stared at him in panic and disbelief.

I gulped hard and the blood drained from my face as I stared at him, Those blue eyes mesmerised me once but now, I was terrified to meet them. Did he kidnap me for spraying pepper spray on his face? I did apologise for that! Was he this mad at me that he decided to abduct me?

Jesus! Is he going torture me to death like they do in books? Similarly taking revenge on me! For pepper sparing at him?

I was scared as mother fucking shit!

He sat in the chair and time seemed to freeze as our eyes met. My breathing hitched as his intense gaze fell on me, his eyes held nothing. Suddenly, the door opened and I heard Stella’s voice along with multiple footsteps.

I turned back and saw men dressed in similar black suits dragging Stella inside the room, she had blindfolds on and tears were streaming down her eyes. Unlike me, she wasn’t screaming at them but crying and begging them to leave her.

One of those men pulled the blindfolds on her eyes and stepped back glancing at the person sitting at the desk. Stella glanced at me and rushed towards me,

“Are you alright?” I asked, She nodded her head. I glanced at him, his blue eyes were staring right at mine, piercing right into my soul which made me feel nervous with a little courage in me I opened my mouth but the way his piercing blue eyes were staring at me made it hard for me to even utter a word.

“I-I sai-said I’m sorry fo-for what happened last night… if-if you want… I will apologise again but please let us go,” I pleaded but his face was void of any emotions or anything. I glanced at Stella and back at him.

“At least let Stella go… she has nothing to do with this…” I asked but he didn’t respond and kept staring. As the minutes passed, the silence was suffocating me and the tension in the room was increasing.

“Noone’s going anywhere!” He declared as an evil look crossed his face.

Holy shit! I’m screwed.

I’m in deep shit.

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