The Seductress


Mrs grace dropped the pen and cleaned off her teary eyes. She stared at the full lengthy letter and got up. She walked out of the library and returned back to her room, plumping down the bed and drifting off to sleep tiredly.


She woke up with a huge smile on her face. Today was gonna be a long one. One which she would finally find the happiness and peace she has always wished for. A maid walked into her room after knocking.

“Morning Mrs Grace” She greeted her with a smile

“Morning Rebecca… have you checked up on the girl in my daughters room”

“Yes ma… she’s still unconscious, I doubt if she would be able to make it before taking her to the hospital, should we call a doctor?” She asked in concern.

“No Rebecca, There wouldn’t be any need for that” She smiled widely confusing the maid the more. They knew Mrs grace as someone who is barely happy, seeing her happy today was a good sign. Maybe she had decided to let go off the pains she felt.

“Okay ma… should they bring your food up here or at the dining?” Mrs grace sigh and got off the bed.

“Before I eat, I want you to assemble the other workers, I’ve got an impprtant announcement to make”

“As you please ma” She smiled and left. Mrs grace sighed and got into the bathroom to have her bath, she emerged later, and dressed up. She walked out of the room and went down the stairs to the living room.

Everyone had assembled. Thirty workers in all, they stood in their white and black uniforms wondering why she had called them.

“Morning Mrs grace” They greeted cheerfully.

“Morning to you all… i want y’all to listen attentively to what I’ve got to say” She looked around with a huge smile and they went quiet.

“I’d be travelling today. And this might be a long one. Meanwhile, I would put someone in charge of things here. The company and all my other assets. I want you all to respect that person. No one at all must go against her orders. If you disobey her you have directly disobeyed me.. have I made myself clear” They nodded sullenly.

“Good… I want you all to be of the best behavior when I’m gone. I’m certain you all are gonna love her… you may go now” She dismissed them and they left wondering who the lady would be. Bill stood watching her a million thoughts running through his mind. He had a feeling something bad wanted to happen. He knew she was not just any woman. She was special, and too beautiful. So many rich men had wanted to court her after Damian had left her, but she had blatantly refused. He himself was attracted to her, he knew of her pains, how she’d cry almost every night in her bedroom thinking none was listening. But he was always listened and had wished with all his heart that he could relief her pains.

“Bill” she called and he walked towards her. She stare at him for a while before pulling him into a hug. Bill stiffened before hugging her back. she felt so small and fragile. His heart leapt in joy, thinking mrs grace had finally noticed he loved her, and wanted to give him a chance though she was older than him. She withdrew and stare up at him.

“I’ve always trusted you bill, I know you’d never let me down when I’m gone..” Bill frowns down at her.

“I’m not coming along?” He’s never let her out of his sight, unless of course she wanted to sleep. She smiled sadly and shook her head sideways.

“I prefer I travel alone. While I’m away, I want you to put everything in order for the lady who’s gonna be in charge. You’d continue to guard her like you do to me, yes? Bill frown deepened and he nods. She respond with a smile and left.

Mrs grace walked into her daughters room and closed the door firmly behind her. Two maids were in the room. She stared at them and gave them a warm smile. They smiled back, wondering why she was acting strange.

“Could you give me some privacy please?” They nodded and left the room. Mrs grace walked to the unconscious lady and sat close to her. Tears gathered in her eyes. she looked around her daughter’s room like she won’t see it again before returning her gaze back to the unconscious lady.

“I’m gonna do this, for you, for me and for my daughters. I feel so wretched and seeing you made me realise I could finally peace by saving you. I know you are special at heart, the more reason I’m gonna save you… even if it would cost my life” She sniffed and wipe a tear that slipped out.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“All you need to know, has been written on the letter in the library. Everyone is gonna know about it, and they wouldn’t disrespect you” She whispered lowly.

“you’re a special breed. I want you to use your powers wisely. Stay happy and live life happily… most importantly, forgive”

She took one final look at the room again, before placing her two palms on either side of the lady’s face. She suck in her breath and began to chant lowly.

The ring began to glint. Silver like light began to glint against the lady’s forehead. She continued to chant. Her eyes tightly closed, her lips moving quickly. The light increased as she chanted. Sweat began to gather on mrs grace’s forehead as the bullet wounds began to close, The bullets falling out and the flesh closing back. She continued to chant, the bruises slowly healing and the cuts slowly closing back. Mrs grace could feel her breath leaving her but she continued to chant. Her hands began to shake, and her breath was strained. She mustered all the courage in her and continued moving her lips quickly. Sweat ran down her face, and the unconscious lady breathing became steady. The silver light turned red and more brighter. She didn’t break the mutterings. Her breath was leaving her, her legs were shaky and hot tears began to spill out of her eyes. The lady moved a finger and slowly began to breathe steadily. All the bruises were gone and her skin was back to normal. She sucked in a deep breath and began to cough. Mrs grace felt weak to the bones already and she was gradually slipping out of consciousness. With the last of her strength she pulled off the ring and slipped it into selene’s finger. Selene’s eyes fluttered open and Mrs grace fell to the floor, her hands limp and her breathing ragged. A smile tug at her lips painfully as she stared at the now conscious lady. Her eyes began to close on thier own accord. Selene sat up on the bed and her gaze went to Mrs grace on the floor. A tear slipped out of her eyes as mrs grace finally closed her eyes, slipping into oblivion, the cold hands of death drawing her in.

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