The Silent Alpha (Natalia)

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

57. 57. Bloodlines 57. Bloodlines


Look Mommy Pretty wolves,” kota murmurs, everyone in the room staring at the pup. He examines the picture, his tiny finger

tracing along the wolf

*So he‘s gifted as well,” Aurora whispers to heisell, her brows furrowing in confusion, “But neither of you are Silver wolves. I would

have sensed that by now,” she thinks aloud, tapping her chin with her linger. “And your ex–husband was the average Alpha.”

“Average Alpha, “Oliver grumbles in annoyance, Aurora grinning mischievously at him.

“Awin is the little mench man mad he can‘t see the pictures in the book?” she teases him, Oliver rolling his eyes at hiš inate. “My

poor little French snob, “She giggles, Oliver‘s eyes narrowing to slits as he glares silently at her.

The Queen turns the page over for Kota, letting him look through the pictures and drawings in the enchanted book.

*Not all Silver and Gold wolves are the same,” the Queen continues. “Like with everything in the world, there are exceptions to the

“I–like what?” Zane asks,

Aurora shrugs. “Well, we all know Silver and Gold wolves are all gifted, right? They receive ONE gift on the day of their shift, but on

very rare occasions, a gift is received earlier than expected or later,” she explains. “I was 18 when I received my earth and healing powers and I had not yet shifted. On the other hand, my aunt tells me my cousin Salavador first used his gift as a toddler. Clearly, the rules for gift

manifestation vary from wolf to wolf,” she smiles. “And of course, every once in a while, Moon Goddess throws in a curve ball.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, the little Queen smiling proudly to herself.

“Sometimes, our Goddess has mercy on our pain,” she says quietly. “I was raised by my uncle Emiliano who had one of the rarest

gifts a Silver wolf could ever have: Healing. It‘s a gift Moon Goddess bestows only on her purest wolves.” Her voice becomes small and her

brave smile trembles a little. “He was killed 6 years ago.”

“I am sorry for your loss,” I say, reaching over to squeeze her hand.||

“It‘s alright. I can still feel him sometimes,” the Queen replies with a whisper. She takes a moment to collect her thoughts before

continuing. “Anyways, my uncle‘s twin sister, Valentina, was attacked and after nearly losing her life, she woke up with my uncle‘s gift.” A single tear rolls down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away. “Silver wolves don‘t get second gifts but I like to think this was Moon

Goddess‘s way of letting my aunt have a little piece of her brother. In the end, Moon Goddess does as she pleases, so perhaps you are just

another exception to the rules. My family is full of exceptions,” she laughs. “You could say we are an exceptional Silver wolf clan.”

“W–what is your clan na–name?” Zane asks, the Queen puffing out her chest with pride.

“My father was the Alpha of the Altamirano Silver Wolf Clan,” She says proudly. “My mother was his Queen, and he, her loyal


“Y–you‘re an Alt–Altamirano?” he asks, wide–eyed and amazed. “I–I thought th–they were extinct?”

“Not extinct, just in hiding for many years,” Aurora replies. “All of the Silver wolves in my Kingdom are Altamirano wolves,” she adds,

Zane‘s shock intensifying.

“What‘s so special about Altamirano wolves?” I ask, completely lost in the conversation.

“The Silver wolves in my family‘s clan were known for their powerful gifts,” Aurora shrugs. “My father possessed telekinesis. His

father could create storms on a whim. His father before him could slow down time. Several of the gifts from my family have never been

replicated again, making them one of a kind wolves.”

“‘T–to be an Alt–Altamirano is t–to be like royalty,” Zane further explains. “M–my father ha–has great respect f–for your clan,” he says timidly.

“I can‘t say the same,” Aurora sighs, Zane lowering his head in shame. “I have great respect for you, though, Zane. Perhaps you can

start a new clan with Talia once we figure out what she and Kota are.”

57. 57. Bloodlines flushes my cheeks at the thought of starting a clan with my main

Zane‘s bashful smile only makes my liwalt soar and shield myfrein Kola‘s hair to hide the tears gathering in my eyes as imagine

giving Zane another pur

my know you are likely tired so we can discuss this later when wure cady,” Autora says, rising to her feet and taking the book. “I will invite Alpha Patrick of Blood Moon to help. He‘s Gwen‘s old pat and perhapdie knows something we don‘l”

We decide to meet at the River Moon pack house at noon for lunch and as the Qucon furns to teave, she waves gidilily at us.

“By the way, congratulations.”

Zane and stare curiously at the little Queen who only winks at us, a wicked grin on her lips as she runs away before we can ask what

she means

The doctor gives me a final examination and I am allowed to shower before being discharged. I convinced Zane to take me to the

River Moon pack house for my meeting with the Queen immediately. I want to be ready to defend my mate as he defended me and I can‘t

do that whilst being clueless as to what I am.

Zane canies Kota in one arm and holds my hand in the other, Devina purring happily as we make our way to the pack house.

I think Moon Goddess punished me and gave me a cat instead of a wolf

imutter, Devina snarling in return. Oh it snarls too, Ichuckle

in amusement, the wolf growling once more before shutting up.

In the meeting room, we find the King and Queen sitting at the head of the table, two older couples to their right, and Toran to their

left. Rionna and Tylen seem to be missing from the meeting, Toran staring intently at the empty seat beside him.

“Have a seat,” Aurora gestures to the chairs meant for us. “Let me introduce you to my aunt, Valentina and her husband Danny and

over here we have Alpha Patrick and his Luna, Ellen. They are Gwen‘s friends and my allies in the Kingdom,” the Queen explains, sliding

the black book over the table. “They‘re here to help. I’ve already explained to them your circumstances and they have a few


We say our awkward hellos and take our seats, Kota curling up in Zane‘s arms with his stuffed wolf.

“What exactly did Moon Goddess tell you when you met?” Alpha Patrick asks, getting right to the point and leaning forward in his


“She gave me a choice. Live as a human or become a wolf,” I reply, thinking back to my meeting with Moon Goddess.

“So you were a human?” Valentina chimes in. “Not a hybrid of any kind?”

“I‘ve always been human,” I nod. “She said my wolf could only belong to a human of my kind. I don‘t exactly know what that means,”

I shrug sheepishly. “I just know Devina was blessed by the Goddess of Night before being given to me.”

Alpha Patrick suddenly sits up straight, exchanging looks with the Queen. Aurora pulls out her phone, dialing a number. A young

man answers.

“Chava, are you with Gwen by any chance?” She asks into the phone!

“Yeah, do you want to talk to her?” Chava laughs. “You know she hates this century and all its tech.”

“Just put her on. It‘s important;” Aurora hisses, putting the phone on speaker and placing it on the table.

We hear some rattling and wind blow against the microphone before Gwen‘s soft little voice comes through.

“Yes, Hello? Hello? Who is this? Salvador, who am I speaking too? Can they hear me?” she asks, a soft laugh coming from the other

side. A number of beeps can be heard as Gwen presses random buttons. How do I turn up the volume? I can‘t hear shite! Stop laughing!

You know I hate these bloody things!“.

“Haha, that never gets old;” Alpha Patrick chuckles, his wife sighing in annoyance.

“Patrick is that you, you old fart?” Gwen snarls, Patrick roaring with laughter.

“Guinevere,” Aurora calls out. “Gwen, we need your help.

“Oh yes, sorry. How can I help, darling?” Gwen shouts, Salvador instructing her to lower her voice.

Annoyed, Oliver leans over the phone. “Gwen, what the actual f**k is going on?”

57. 57. Bloodlines phone, “Gwen, what do you know about the Goddess of the Night?” Autombak, resisting the urge to laugh at her mate vais wahin, his ear.

“Goddess of Night...” Gwen mutters in thought. “ohl That‘s the Modinhof the Moon and the Creator other nes, althoui, mais quite frankly a very broal term. There are hundreds of Paetypes, like ales, pixlos, banshees, and olves to name a few and they are all

protected by different Gods. Why the sudden interest in laes?”

*It appears Natalia rexeived a wolf blessed by the Goddess of Night” Aurora explains. “We‘re not exactly sure what that meanr,, All we

know is that Talia is a specialtype of human because her wolf can only survive in a vessel like her.”

Aloud gasp suddenly escapes Gwen‘s lips. “Talia got a wolf?”

“Yes,” I mutter, the witch teasing me with her obnoxious giggles.

“Oh you bet your arse you have a lot of explaining to do, Tal,” Gwen laughs. “You‘re not getting away so easily from me. Anyway....

Blesed by the Goddess Night.... Hmmm... “she hums to herself in thought. “The first thing that pops into mind istetum.”

“Letum?” I ask, my head feeling as though it might implode with anxiety. “What is Letum?”

Gwen takes a moment to compose herself before answering. “Letum humans are humans whose blood has been enchanted by faes and is deadly to vampires,” Gwen begins, her voice very animated. “It is believed a Fae once had a human lover and cast a spell on their

human partner so that any vampire who dared to drink their blood and harm them would die a slow and painful death. For centuries, this

Fae spell has passed on through a human bloodline known as the Letum Bloodline. Vampires who drink from a Letum human go insane

before dying. The blood itself is impossible to detect as it looks, tastes and smells just like human normal blood, but since it’s magic,

there‘s no way to break the enchantment and there‘s no known way to cure Letum in vampires.”

“So you think I‘m one of these cursed humans with deadly blood?” I ask, suddenly feeling claustrophobic.

“It‘s not a curse, Tal,” Gwen chuckles. “If anything, it‘s a blessing. Gods, it‘s honestly such a relief. I left you in Aurora‘s care due to a

vampire threat and now you‘re protected from vampires?! It‘s like a miracle!”

“There was a vampire threat in Poulsbo?” I ask, on the verge of passing out while my stupid wolf laughs at me.

“The threat has been neutralized,” Gwen replies. “There‘s no need to worry now. You and Kota are safe to return to Poulsbo if you like. I‘m currently on a different mission and have been given the green light that no harm will come your way should you return. You can

come home.”

I turn to Zane who has a solemn look on his face, though he tries to hide it behind a tiny smile. River Moon is likely the first place he‘s

ever felt safe and wanted in. He‘s treated with respect by all the wolves here and has even made friends with some of the guards during

training. River Moon feels like home to him and he is my home. How can Ihow ask him to leave?

“ You are more than welcome to stay, “Aurora voice murmurs in my head.” You don‘t have to go. We can make room for a couple of

strange wolves.”

Thesitate to answer because I have yet to discuss this with Zane but Aurora calms my fears.

” You don‘t have to answer right now,” She says. “Just think about it.” ||

Inod and the Queen thanks Guinevere for her help and almost hangs up when Valentina, the Queen‘s aunt interrupts.

“Would being a Letum human give either of them any special gifts?” She asks, gesturing to Kota and I. “I‘m just trying to understand

exactly what Moon Goddess meant when she said your wolf is blessed and can only be given to a human like you. Have you or Dakota shown signs of a gift? Any peculiar ability you think you might

have,” Valentina asks, watching the boy and I closely.

“Letum humans are very much just like any other human save for their enchanted blood,” Gwen explains. “However, given the words

of Moon Goddess, that may not be the case for Letum wolves, though I unfortunately know very little about them. It‘s almost impossible

to find Letum humans, let alone Letum humans who have turned. Most Letum humans don‘t even know they are Letum humans!”

“Ms Talia, Patrick asks. “Did you feel any different upon receiving your wolf? Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary?

I shake my head at the Alpha. “Not really. My senses have heightened and I can hear Devina in my head.”

“Does she speak to you yet?” Aurora asks.

“No,” I shake my head again. “She just... purrs,” I say sheepishly, avoiding Zane’s amused gaze.

57. 57. Bloodlines

“yes” the Queen teassures, “Have wou noticed anything out of the prdinary about Kota? Anything that could remotely resemblea

*Not that I can thin

Zane suddenly squeezes my hand to catch my attention and I look to see him staring at the pup playing with his stuffed wolf in his

“Or–dreams,” he says to me in a low whisper. “K–Kota and his dr-dreams.”

*** Vanessa***

There‘s been a soft whine and whimpering in my head for several days now and it‘s driving me insane. My wolf cries pathetically for

her mate every night, howling her sorrows and pain into the early hours of the morning. Being holed up in a motel room has only made

me spiral deeper into my mind and I feel myself suffocating in my own thoughts.

Tam so tired of this.

All have ever wanted is to live a life outside of my sister‘s shadow, a life where I can shine just as brightly as her. But I keep failing.

Not a single person cares about what happens to me now, not even my husband. I doubt he‘s even noticed I‘m missing.

Natalia‘s been out of my life for over four years now and I am still failing, sitting here in a dingy room while she‘s likely not even

thinking of me.

Perhaps things have been easier for my little sister but time and time again, life has proven to be a challenge for me.

“I can‘t keep living like this,” I mutter, forcing myself out of bed and searching for my bath towels. “I can‘t keep crying in bed while

the world continues to move on. I‘ve already wasted enough of my life trying to be Natalia but I will never be her. I‘m stuck with me so I

may as well make myself into something.”

The more I start to formulate a plan for restarting my life, the more excited l.get. It will be a life where no one knows who I am so

they cannot compare me to her. A life where I get to be myself and where that is more than enough. A life just for me and this second

chance wolf I‘ve been gifted. Isn‘t that what Moon Goddess asked of me?

Excitement bubbles in my chest as I hop in the shower, my mind filling with thoughts of a happier life awaiting me. I put together a

simple outfit and even brush my hair before heading out for breakfast at a small diner near the lake.

As I wait for my meal and take small sips of my coffee, I scroll through my phone in search of a job. I am about 100 miles away from

Silver Crest, the peace and quiet here in Greenville giving me hope that may actually stand a chance on my own.

I look out onto Moosehead Lake shore when a familiar scent fills my nostrils, crushing my dreams to tiny insignificant pieces. My

stomach begins churning with fear and I shrink into my seat to make myself as small as possible. But as his footsteps approach, I realize I

have no chance of escaping. Bracing myself, I take another sip of my coffee and he slides into my booth, sitting directly across from me.

My wolf whines at his presence, the wound of his rejection reopening. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Wiping the tears gathering in my eyes, I dare to ask a question.

“Are you here to kill me?”

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