The Soldier Next Door

Chapter 36 Swallowed By Your Kisses

Give a man enough rope, and he shall hang himself with it. That is what I clearly have in mind as I decide to show Ana how one can love someone and not wanted to be with them, for this brave marine has just planted his lips squarely on top of hers.

She still tries to speak, but I suddenly cover her mouth with mine and make her stop. Unable to contain myself anymore, I pull her into a fiery and passionate kiss. All my thoughts are obliterated, and the world gives away. It is a sensual dance of lips… but this… I want more. I slip through her lips and entwine her into a deeper kiss. Then the kiss starts growing greedier, our mouths are locked together, and it feels like I am walking on air. Nothing around us matters, it is just me and her engulfed in this moment, in this perfect kiss. After what seems for more than a minute, we finally pull away.

There is nothing that felt more natural than having her lips rub against my very much trembling and ever so angry ones. The kiss was not soft and gentle; it was demanding and raw, filled with nothing but anger. It lacked all the passion it should, for my mouth was clearly trying to prove a statement. The need was there to devour her and take all that she could offer. As I delved through her lips and claimed her mouth, I did feel the undeniable heat build within my core.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

But I have taken my red cheeks and planted my ass on the other side of Williams on a chair that is now not even far away enough from her. I do expect the full wrath of Ray to come down on me as soon as this is over.

What I was thinking I do not know; maybe I just wanted to keep her quiet because she was bound to carrying on with me. Or there could be the slightest possibility that I missed her lips; it does not mean that I miss her or are for any reason forgiving her for what she has done. What is for sure is the next few hours will be torture, and something does give me the idea that it is yet to get very interesting.

And two hours in, when breaking for half an hour, Ray and the very one and only Ana comes up to our group. He is either coming going to come down on me for the stunt I just pulled, or we are about to play babysitters again.

“I see you left something behind. Now, if that were your gun, then you would be dead.”

“Seriously, Ray? She is a grown woman; she can look after herself.”

“Fair enough then, I shall seat her with MacKey and his squad.”

With that, Ray leaves with Ana and go on over to Robert MacKey and his squad. I have never quite sat around the same table as him, for he is an arrogant asshole. He will love every minute of this and draw as much emotion as he can from me. And of course, Gibbs has his two cents worth to add and clearly states the obvious.

“Man you just drove her into another man’s arms.”

“Hey is she wants to go for it, then she should. Who am I to hold her back.”

“You know Mackey is going to milk it for all that it is worth it.”

“It does not bug me the least bit. Maybe it is time that she gets some of her own medicine back.”

And then old Williams finds the humor in this whole messed up situation by pointing out what I just said.

“Did you see what you just did there?”

“No, but I am sure your dumb ass is going to point it out to me.”

“Give her some medicine.”

“Yes, and?”

“She is a nurse.”

“Oh god, only can find that funny. Let’s just get back inside before Ray changes his mind about babysitting his damn hot nurse.”

“Man I think you just said that out loud.”

“For fuck sakes, stop grinding my ass and get back to your seat.”

…Ana POV…

I cannot believe that Ethan will allow me to be seated with another man. Don’t know who is smiling the most? Ethan, for getting rid of me, or Robert MacKey, that is about to piss him off as much as he can. These two men do not like each other the least bit.

But to me, I do not see why Ethan has got anything against Robert, except that he is a big flirt, which I do hope will drive Ethan insane.

“So I hear you used to be Hunter’s girl?”

“I guess I should not be surprised that news travels so fast around here.”

“Well, after that kiss, I would say that you still are.”

“The man just likes proving a point, and do I need to add at the most inappropriate times.”

“That I know everything about; we have not always seen eye to eye.”

“Well, then I guess this is going to piss him off.”

I glance over to where Ethan is sitting and am much surprised to see that he is not even looking on over to me. His attention is fully on Williams that has, by the looks of things, just cracked some stupid wise ass joke.

Does this man seriously hate me this much? I guess hate is too much of a harsh word to say, but Ethan does not even as much as winks in my direction. Was what that damn kiss then about? Just him trying to prove a point that he can love me but in the same breath not want anything to do with me.

I will not lie, but I have missed his lips for one day too many now. The kiss might have been raw and unexpected, but it lacked the passion we used to have. I guess it is true then that he might just be moving on without me.

I am ripped from my thoughts by Robert tapping me on the tip of my shoulder.

“Sorry, Robert, what is it that you said?”

“I asked if you want to join the squad and me for a drink after all this is done?”

“I don’t know if that is such a good idea with Ethan, for I am sure that he shall probably be going to the same place.”

“Come on, it is only a drink; the whole platoon will most probably be there, so there is nothing funny about this. So what do you say? Will you join us?”

…Ethan POV…

The damn asshole has his hands on her; if he values those fingers, then he best gets it off from her. I can see she is watching me to see if I am watching her. Being a soldier, you are taught to look everywhere without blinking in the other direction. If she can only see the white, my knuckles are turning from balling my fists out complete frustration. I am even sure Gibbs can hear me grind my teeth as I have to sit and watch the two of them so casually laughing.

If Ray thinks he has accomplished what he set out to do, then he is sadly mistaken. It just shows me once again how much she disregards other people’s feelings. If she was so set on flirting with MacKey, so could have at least do it without me being present. She has once again proven her point that she does not want to be with me.

All of a sudden, I feel Ricky slap me against the arm.

“Hey can you not hear me calling you? Or are you thinking of some hot nurse again?”

“If you value your kneecaps, then I suggest you keep your comments to yourself.”

“In love and violent, the perfect combination for a marine that is just about to deploy.”

“Just shut the fuck up and tell me what you were saying.”

“Should I shut up or speak? Which one do you want me to do?”

“Stop grinding my ass. What do you want?”

“Are you coming out with us for a drink after this?”

Now the question begs, will Ana be going there as well? Is she going with Ray or even go as far as to piss me off and go with MacKey?

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