The Soldier Next Door

Chapter 60 Reading Between The Lines

Ana has not been herself cheerful self for the past few days. At first, I thought that she must be nervous to see everyone again. But then it started to become more serious, getting sick so often. Now it seems that she has been hiding something from me as well. We promised no more secrets; even if I say it is fine, it does make me slightly mad.

“Boo, what are you not telling me? Are you not deploying with me again?”

“No! No, soldier! I can’t go!”

“What do you mean you can’t go? Everything was fine; why have you changed my mind.”

My mom, along with Matty, tries to excuse themselves from the kitchen, “I think we will leave you kids alone. Come, John, I think we could do with a walk.”

“What makes you think I want to walk Mary.”

Matt drags my dad by the arm towards the door, “Dad, you just like to have a bit of good gossip to listen to. Sometimes I think you worse than that old Maggie.”

Ana is standing in dead silence. She looks at them while they are arguing as she is stewing over something in her head. She is starting to make me worry. I can see tears building up in her deep brown eyes, threatening to drown and consume them. Before this happens, I ask the crowd that seems to be looking for entertainment to leave the room

“Can you guys give us some privacy, please?”

“No soldier, please let them stay.”

“Are you sure boo, you do not seem to look so well?”

“If you can, just excuse me for one sec.”

Ana runs off to the bathroom; I can hear getting sick from where I am sitting in my chair. She really does not sound well, be so looks fine to me.

Katarina, which has joined us, looks at me just as concerned as the rest of the others around the table, “Ethan, is Ana all right?”

“As I said, Katarina, she is fine.”

“Well, she sure does not look well to me at all, I have known Ana for most of my life, and the girl never gets sick. Best you get her to the doctor soldier.”

Just then, Ana comes back into the kitchen; she seems to be paler than before. Something is truly wrong; I have been so caught up in my own thing that I have not noticed that she is sick

“Boo, I must get you to a doctor; you are really not looking well.”

“I am really fine, soldier; it is just a little morning…”

She stops dead in her sentence as if she has said something wrong. My mom looks at her with a peculiar smile on her face. Katarina also seems to share the same. Something is obviously going on that I have completely missed.

“Morning? What do you by morning? Is there something wrong with you this morning? You have been ill for the past couple of mornings, in fact.”

“Oh, my dear Ethan,” My mom takes my hand and squeezes it real hard. Something has obviously made her day. Everyone except my dad and I have caught onto the situation.

“Well, I still think we should go see a doctor.” I turn back to Ana; she can, for some strange reason, barely look me in the eyes. “I will get mom to phone Dr. Robertson this morning still.”

“There is no need, soldier. I am perfectly fine. Well, not truly fine, but what is making me sick is not bad.”

“Boo, that is by far the most confusing thing I have ever heard anyone say. Please, I insist, let me take you to the doctor. Please, do it for me. I need to hear that you are okay.”

“Okay, soldier, I will go to the doctor, but I promise you it is really not necessary.”

“Let the doctor rather be the judge of that. Mom, will you please phone Dr. Robertson for us.”

Ana looks at my mom and nods her head. They both disappear onto the lounge to make the call. My dad turns to me and smiles. “Son, believe me when I say that women bring you such joy but sometimes that can be very much difficult too.”

“Ana is known to be quite a stubborn one. I just hope that there is not anything seriously wrong.”

My mom and Ana, come you join us again. This time though, there is a huge smile on her face. She is trying to hide it, but she is giving it a poor attempt.

“What are you two up to? Mom, you only smile like that when you are up to no good.”

My dad turns and furrows his brows as he studies my mom closely, “I agree with the boy Mary; what are you up to again?”

“Nothing John. Ethan, Ana, and I were just talking. Dr. Robertson said he would see you in an hour. So best you go clean yourself up. I will make some coffee while we wait for you.”

I look suspiciously at my mom, “Are you trying to get me out of the kitchen now? You guys are reacting an awful lot of suspicious.”

“Soldier, I will come with you. We are really not up to anything bad.”

“But you are up to something, boo.”

“Come, soldier, let us get you out those dirty clothes.”

As Ana finishes her sentence, and we are about to leave, Matty shouts after us, “It is getting out the clothes that got you into this trouble in the first place.”

I try to turn around to speak to him, but Ana pulls me by the arm, “Soldier, please come, or we are going to be late for the appointment.”

“Only if you tell me what is going on.”

“The doctor will tell us what is going on, now please come.”

We make it to my room so I can have a shower and put some fresh clothes on. I turn to Isabelle as she goes to sit on the bed. She lacks expression on her face, and I know that something is wrong. There is a twinkle in her eye, and her face is glowing a soft rose pink. Something is stirring in her that she won’t admit.

“Boo, please, tell me what is wrong. Please let me help you. Why do you say that you could not go? Has something that I do not know of?”

“Soldier, do you trust me?”

“Of course, I do?”

“And you love me?”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“You know more than anything.”

“Then let us wait until we get to the doctor. I am sure that everything will then make sense.”

I pull her into my embrace, and she snuggles into the crevices of my muscled chest. I feel her press into every ounce that is me. I wrap my arms around her in a soft cocoon. I know as she gets lost in the warmth that she feels protected.

“Soldier, you are the only person that I know that gives indefinite hugs.”

“Where else would I rather be boo than herewith you?”

“I love you, soldier.”

“And I love you to infinity and beyond.”

Her breathing starts to slow, and I can feel her melt into me; every muscle in her body begins to relax. Just for this moment, just for now, I know that she truly is okay. She stays locked in my arms for another few minutes and slowly pulls away

“Come, we are going to be late.”

She links her fingers into mine; I feel the slight tremble in her hands as she grips onto mine tightly. I give her a soft kiss on her temple, and we walk hand in hand out the room and outside. The walk to the doctor’s room is mainly quiet; in just under twenty minutes, we are sitting in the waiting room. The nervous tension is undeniable. I truly wish she would tell me what the matter is. It breaks my heart that she feels she cannot confide in me. We only wait for another five minutes and get called into the consultation room.

“Do you want me to come with you, boo?”

“Yes, please, soldier.”

We enter the room and take a seat behind the desk. Dr. Robertson seems to be as friendly as ever. For as long as I can remember, he has been the local doctor in our little town, “Morning Ethan. Are you doing all right this morning? Is the leg giving you some trouble?”

“No, doctor, we are actually here for Ana. She has not been feeling so well for the past couple of days.”

“Well, Ana, what seems to be the problem?”

“Doctor… it… well.”

“Would you like to discuss this in private?”

“If we can just do the examination and tell Ethan the outcome?”

“Sure, of course. If you would excuse us, Ethan, we will just go into the next room.”

“Not a problem, doctor. Boo, just let me know if I can help.”

“We won’t be long soldier.”

Ana and Dr. Robertson go into the next room. Much to my disappointment, I am not able to hear a single word that is spoken. The waiting kills me. Just to think that there is something wrong and I can do nothing about it. What seems like forever is actually only a few minutes as the doctor enters the room.

“Ethan, please, can you join us inside?”

“Of course, Doctor, what is the matter?”

“Son, we will explain to you now if you can please follow me.”

I follow Dr. Robertson into the next room, where Ana is sitting on the bed. I can see that she has been crying; her mascara is all smudged upon her now wet cheeks. I step a little closer and take my place, standing next to her.

“Boo, what is wrong?”

Dr. Robertson turns to Ana and oddly smiles at her, “Ana, would you like me to tell him.”

“No, Doctor, I will.”

“Boo, what is going on? You are making me scared.”

“Well, soldier, the thing is…”

“The thing is what, boo?”

“I am pregnant.”


The room goes dark, and I drop to the floor.

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