The Soldier Next Door

Chapter 65 The Value Of Family

A deafening silence has settled over the room as each one of us is playing it all over and over in our heads. I could have just sworn my father suggested that they sell up and follow me on over to Pendleton. Now he is either completely drunk or gone insane, for my father in all my living years has refused to step his feet out of this town, let alone leave it.

If my mother was mad at my dad before this, then I have no idea from just looking at the expression on her face what she is now. I do not know if she is crying from anger or if she is, in fact, laughing in my dad’s face. Her words are mumbled and coming as strangled stutters as they leave her lips.

What seems like almost ten minutes have passed, she finally manages to compose herself. “John, this is not funny. The kids are having a baby, and they are leaving. Do not mess around like this.”

“Mary, I am serious; I am getting tired of Maggie and all these people that cannot stay out of your face.”

“It has never bugged you before?”

“Well, it is now, so if you are eager to do it, I say that we should move.”

“And what about Matt?.”

“He can do whatever he wants; I am tired of babysitting a grown man.”

“Yes,” I interrupt their somewhat very serious conversation, “It is because he is going to babysit a real baby this time.”

“Soldier, this is not funny,” Isbella says as she looks at me with a frustrated look on her face. She is not finding this half as amusing as I do. But do I even dare say another word?

“But boo…”

From out of nowhere, the flat of her hand comes crashing against my cheek, leaving a soft sting as she pulls away.

“What the fuck was that for?”

“I told you I was going to slap you if you say but again.”

“Oh my god, you are going to be an absolute monster.”

“You better take that back, or I am going to slap you again.”

My dad only looks at us and shakes his head, “If that does not convince you to move, then I have no idea what will.”

Then finally, between all the tears, there is a glimmer of hope that lights up my mom’s eyes again, “I agree, there needs to be a grown-up between all these children.”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“See,” my dad says, “I told you that you would come around.”

“I am referring to you too.”

“But Mary…”

“Ah,” Ana says as a thought comes to mind, “Now I can see where you get it from.”

We all just stare at my dad and burst out laughing; when it started off as a whirlwind of a day, has finally calmed down in excited laughter. This day could have gone a million ways, but I never once thought that it would end up like this. To say that I am not beyond happy will just be a blatant lie. The last time I felt like this was the day I left to go to the Corps. This time I am not only going, but I am taking this beautiful woman and our baby with me.

But there is one big nagging question, and I might as well be the one that asks this.

“So Matty, are you coming with?”

The room goes dead silent once again; the only sound that can be heard is my mom frantically fidgeting with the ring on her finger. We all are standing and waiting as the air gets thick with anticipation. After what could almost me nearly five minutes, Matt slowly takes one deep breath as he faces me.

“Bro, I am not sure what I want to do.”

“It is fine, Matty, just take your time; I know that it is a big decision to make out on a limb.”

With that, I reach my hand out to Ana and lace my fingers into hers. “Now, if you will excuse us, we have had a rather eventful day. I better get this one home before she gets any more grumpier than she is.”

“Yeah, bro, if that is your excuse. Why don’t you just say you two are going home to fool around?”

Then totally unexpected, Ana steps closer to Matty and slaps him again the back of his head. “What the fuck is that for?”

“You are just an idiot like your brother, if not even worse.”

I only but chuckle at her as I step a few steps away, “Yeah, this one is definitely going to be a problem.”

“Soldier, if you know what is good for you, then you shall refrain from saying another word.”

“Boo, are you perhaps a little grumpy?”

“You are being impossible again. Just come so we can go home.”

With that, we make our leave from the room and head out the kitchen onto the pathway home.

“Boo, can you remember when we met each other at that very same rock?”

“Yes, soldier, and you were just as impossible then.”

“Do you regret any of it?”

“If I had any regrets, then I will not be here walking with you and what will be soon, our baby girl.”

“Oh no, let me stop your there; it is going to be a boy.”

“Don’t think for one second I am dressing my child up as a mini-you.”

“Can I tell you something?”

I stop her to stand still for one moment and turn so I can see her beautiful face. I swear the brown of her eyes is much brighter than it normally is. Her soft, flawless skin is glowing in the rays of sunlight that gently fall on her face. She is absolutely exquisite, and there is no other woman I can see myself spending the rest of my life with.

“Boo, I want you to know how much I love you.”

“Soldier, as cheesy as this might sound, I think you can not nearly love me as much as I love you.”

“Well, can I ask you this?”

“That cheeky smile on your face tells me you are up to no good.”

“I was just wondering if we can send Katarina over to Matt.”

“Why on earth do you want to do that?”

“I don’t want her to hear the screaming.”

I watch as she frowns at me, not fully grasping what I am saying, “What screaming… get your head out the gutter Ethan Hunter.”

I only but chuckle at her, “That did take you a while to catch up.”

“You are going to get slapped again.”

“Rather kiss me instead; it uses less muscles, and just now, you break a nail against this strong chiseled face.”

I hear the laughter rolling like thunder from deep in her belly and escape her supple lips.

Without even questioning my next move, I slowly push her back into the hard bark of the tree behind her.

“Soldier what…”

“Ssshhh boo, just close your eyes and trust me.”

I step one step closer and pin her between my arms, she splays her hand against my chest, intending to push me away, but instead, she leaves it there. I lean in a little closer, our foreheads now gently touching. I cannot fight against the thoughts that are going through my mind. She is flooding my senses in every possible way. We have done this so many times, but for some reason, it feels like the very first time.

I start moving my lips breath by breath closer to hers. The moment our lips touch, the world vanishes in an instant. Her lips are even softer than I can remember, and she tastes even sweeter than heaven. My lips are firm against hers, but the kiss remains soft, gentle, and slow. We hold it for a few seconds before our lips begin to move in perfect sync. My eyes fall closed, and all I can feel is her.

I slowly force myself to pull away; it takes me about a minute to settle my raging heart before I can finally speak to her. With my hand gently resting on her cheek, I once again get lost in her deep brown eyes.

“I love you, boo.”

I see the tiniest of tears start rolling down her cheek, “I love you, soldier.”

We find ourselves back onto the path that leads home. We are much surprised to see Marty and Katarina engulfed in their very own moment. I slowly sneak up to him and pat him on the shoulder.

“Who is fooling around now, Matty?”

“You know me, bro, can’t afford to waste a minute.”

Ana and Katarina disappear into the house, leaving Matty and me alone.

“So you are going to be a dad,” Matty says.

“A little terrifying but every part of me looks forward to it.”

“Well, at least mom and dad will be there when you are not around.”

“Yeah, I did not see that one coming.”

But there is a burning question on my lips, and I know I told him to take his time, but I need to know now before I get onto that bus in the morning.

“So have you decided if you are going to come with?”

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