The Soldier Next Door

Chapter 99 For The Final Time

…Ana POV…

Ethan has just ended our relationship for what I believe will be the final time. Yes, I know that I fully deserve it.

The thing is that things just happened and it was truly not intended at all. Maybe, yes I am lonely and maybe yes, well perhaps not, for there is a rather big secret that I have been keeping from Ethan and even if I did not end up being with James, I would still have been ripped away from him by the lies, the secrets that I hold.

So yes, I fully understand that he is hurting and that he is angry with me and right now even angry at the world. And even more do I understand that he will never take me back, I think that this time I might have just gone and push him too far. Then again, given him having to do the say, I would react in the very same way.

It was not James and my intention, none of us thought that things would have developed from a friendship into something more. I guess we should have known from the very first moment that we walked into each other, but more the flirting, that it would have led into something more.

Now as for Mary and John, they have now gone and move back home until I have found other arrangements to stay. And, much to the very disgust of Ray and some of the other boys on base that are very close to Ethan, James have been staying here on and of for a few nights now. But I cannot carry on with the scandle.

So it is with a sad heart that I find myself winding through the empty roads back home where Katarina is expecting my arrival any soon. Apparantly, Matty moved out the very instant he heard what happened to me and Ethan and she is now also finding herself on her own. Now if things between her and Matty are over, well that I do not know.

It is with very trembling fears that I find myself hours later standing on the doorstep of my old home. In the corner of my eye, I keep looking if there is any sight of the Hunter family around, but I guess I broke their hearts just like I broke their son.

As I step through the door, I am happy to see Katarina in the lounge having a glass of wine. Her face completely lights up as she sees me coming towards her, but the minute she sees my puffy eyes, her face drops.

“Oh, girl, I am so sorry. How are you doing?”

From behind me she sees James step to my side, her face is yet sad and yet happy, though I fear to wonder what she is thinking.

“Katarina, this is James. I am sure you know all about him now.”

She only but cocks her head and smile, “Nice to meet you James. You have caused quite a stir around here and we have not even met you.”

As he steps forward to greet Katarina, I make my way to the kitchen to go get some more wine, but just as I am about to leave, I hear Katarina clear her throat rather deeply behind me.

“Ana, what is going on here? I hope you know what you are doing?”

“Me too,” I step foreard and give her a long deep hug before the tears start to take control of my now burning eyes.

“So what are you going to do now?”

“I was hoping that I can come back home.”Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

She takes my hand gently into hers; she whispers softly underneath her breath, “Are you sure about this? Don’t you want to try and speak to Mr. Ethan first?”

“No, he is not going to take me back. I just know it.”

She looks away for a few moments; she is thinking of something wicked. She has that look in her eyes where she is up to no good. Then as she finally speaks, I only but chuckle at her.

“Of course, girl. But what are you doing about James?”

…Ethan POV…

I nearly phoned fucking Ana again. I am supposed to be furious at her, but yet I cannot keep my mind of her. I don’t know whom I am trying to fool?

But if I thought her foolishness could not get any worse, I am bound to find out how much for my phone has just lit up and it is Matty.

“Hey, Matty.”

“Hey, Bro.”

“Can’t talk much, but what is up?”

“Bro, I hate to be the ass that brings you bad news, but Ana has just pulled up at her home with some other guy in the car.”

“Ah, guess it is James. See the man does not waste any fucking time. Do you know what they are doing there?”

“Kati, said that Ana is wanting to move back.”

“And let me guess, Mr. J is moving with her.”

“Fuck, bro, I did not want to even ask. I am so shit sorry.”

Sorry, guess that is a word that I shall have to get used to for the next couple of weeks or even months. How is it that everyone else but the one that ruined the relationshlip is sorry, and now she is shacking up with the man. With my fucking child, she is shacking up with another man. Well this shit does not fly.

“Thanks for letting me know Matty, but I must get going, the boys need me in the ops tent.”

Now I don’t know if she wants me to lose it again, does she want to prove a point that I cannot life without her. Well, I am going to show her that her actions are not affecting me. So, as hard as it is, I casually make my way to the ops tent, but I only get so far and I am right back in my own tent swiping up for that number that I have been trying not to call.

And guess what, not even a wink, as if she was expecteing it, she answers the call.

“Hey, Ethan.”

“Ana, do you not think that it is a bit inappropriate?”

“Is what inappropriate?”

“Moving on so relatively fast after your relationship just broke of yesterday, or wait, your engagement?”

“Ah, I see that Mat has phone you?”

“So what if he has, do you not have any respect for yourself or the people that you are hurting?”

“Ethan, I do not see why I need to explain my actions to you?”

I grind my teeth with the full intention to keep the next words at bay but god, they are so damn hard, “You are the fucking mother of my child!”

“Soldier, you are not… Can we not just sort this out?”

“As I said before Ana, I am not your soldier. And I want nothing to do with you.”

“Soldier, come on.”

“I am not your soldier.”

“Please stop just listen to me.”

“What? You want me to listen to you? Now? After you have been with James?”

“Come on, that is not fair.”

“Then do explain to me, how is it that you had a different man on your arm when you said that you wanted to commit to me.”

“Ethan, come on. It was a mistake. I am lonely and it just happened. I did not mean for it to happen.”

“Yes, so you get lonely any man that finds himself in your presence is bound to have his heartbroken.”

“Please. You know there is something different between us. It is something that keeps drawing me back to you, like a moth to a flame. I stand a better chance to get broken.”

“You are so full of yourself, Ana. Do you for one minute think I believe those sweet words that come from your mouth. You live for danger; you live to conquer. Well, you are not climbing this mountain, not again.”

“Then do answer this, why have you not pushed me away yet. Why have are you still keeping a hold on. You are just as drawn to this danger that I present.”

“Maybe I too like playing games. See, my heart has been scorned far too many times. Women like you are the reason why a men like me do not want commitment.”

Then I feel that sting, that suffocating grip on my heart. It feels as if there is no air flowing to my lungs. This is what it feels like to get rejected, to be pushed away, and it fucking hurts.

This fucking hurts. I cannot keep on doing it again. It is really time that I tell her that it is over. I am here to be a Marine, not a mess that cannot keep my heart together all because of a woman that does not know how to commit and stay faithfull.

“I wish you all the best Ana, you and James. But do not for one fucking second keep me from my child.”

“Ethan, there is something we need to talk about.”

But just then I hear a familiar voice call for me from the battel ops tent.

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