The Stained Omega

Chapter 111

Chapter 111



The soft knock on the bedroom door and the dip of the bed as Fraction gets up to answer it wakes me.

I don’t roll over. keeping my back to the door I listen as Fraction jeans rustle and then the bedroom

door is opened.

“It’s early James.” I hear Fraction whisper. I didn’t hear the door close so I assume they are just

chatting in the doorway

“Wanted to let you know Anna isn’t at the medical centre but I can see you know that now.” James’s

tone has an angry bite to it I’ve never heard before.

“Sorry I should have mentioned it.” Fraction tells him. “What’s with the attitude at six in the morning.

Jesus it’s early.”

“Will you forgive Leon so easily?” James sounds really pis sed off.

“I haven’t forgiven anything.” Fraction tells him in a low tone, it’s the tone he uses with me when I push

him too far, it’s the Alpha tone which states ‘back down now.

“Oh really? Because it looks like she killed a Luna and now she’s settled back into her old place in your

bed. Yet my…you know what, it doesn’t matter.” I’m trying to piece together what James is talking

about but I have no idea where to start. I hear footfalls and I assume James is walking away from the


“Don’t. Don’t do that, Anna is my mate. Leon is nothing to you but a possible chosen mate, unless

something has changed and he’s suddenly




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a fated mate?” Fraction pauses for a minute before continuing, “I didn’t think so. Either change the

attitude or step down, I don’t need a Beta who is gonna be taking pot shots at me each time I make a

move.” The bedroom door gets slammed and I listen to Fraction walk across the bedroom and open

and close the bathroom door.

‘Missed moment,’ Winter tells me as she paces in the back of my mind. I hear the shower come on so I

roll onto my back and look at the ceiling.

‘What exactly did I miss?’ I ask Winter in a tired voice, I slept well in Fraction arms but it still feels like I

haven’t slept in days.

‘You could have killed him in his sleep.’ I sit bolt upright as Winter whispers in my ear.

‘Winter, he’s our mate. I can’t and won’t kill him. Why would you even suggest something like that?’ I

quickly look at the bathroom door to make sure it’s closed firmly, I know Fraction can’t hear us either



‘Listen to me, you kill him. You take Thomas and we run, there will be no Alpha chasing us up and

down the country.’ My breathing coming out in pants, when everyone warned me Winter will go crazy

without her Pack or mate I didn’t believe them. The proof is now whispering in my ear like some kind of

devil on my shoulder.

‘Winter you need to calm down, I’m not killing my mate and running with my son,’ I tell Winter in what I

hope is a calming voice. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well that’s good to hear.” I whip my head around and see Fraction in the bathroom doorway with a

towel wrapped around his waist. A growl erupts from my throat as Fraction takes a step forward, I can

feel Winter trying to claw her way out but I’m holding onto her fur to try and keep her under control.

“Breath little wolf, breath.”

I hear a whimper and then another before I realise it’s coming from me,


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just as Winter is about to break free I feel a pressure pushing me down on the bed. I can’t make sense

of it but Winter is suddenly cowering and whimpering inside of my head. Laying back I stare at the

ceiling panting trying to catch my breath, I see Fraction move closer to the bed out of the corner of my

eye before I feel more weight pinning me down.

“You’re disconnected from Winter, little wolf.” Fraction tells me while using his Alpha Aura to keep me

on the bed. “Soon it will get so bad even my Aura won’t keep her down, you can’t be alone with


“It could all be fixed if you mark me again,” I pant out as I feel his Aura caress over my b*dy. “Please.” I

feel the bed dip and then I see Fraction above me, he puts a hand on either side of my head and holds.

himself above me.

“I told you, I won’t mark you just because you need it. I have no desire to have a forced mate,” I

whimper again as he leans down and nestles into my partial mark. “It would be so easy to take you

now. Naked and panting in our bed,” I feel goosebumps break out all over my b*dy as Fraction

whispers into my ear. “But I won’t. I need you to realise that you don’t need me to keep Winter in

place.” Fraction lifts himself off me and stands at the end of the bed looking down at my flushed n*ked

b*dy. I’m spread before him like a feast and I can see the evidence of his arousal trying to poke out

from behind the towel. “Until then I’ll be here to help push Winter down.” I feel Fraction lift his Aura off

me and I take a full breath for the first time in a while.

“What happens when your Aura doesn’t work anymore?” I ask the ceiling as I hear drawers being

opened and closed.

“I still have some empty cells downstairs,” I know he’s joking but right now that doesn’t seem like the

worst idea. “I mean it Anna, you can’t be alone with Thomas while Winter is out of control. She might

see him as a threat and try to hurt him.”


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“I wouldn’t hurt Thomas, you know that.” I tell him while rolling onto. my side just in time to see Fraction

drop the towel and pull a pair of jeans on over his amazing a ss.

“So whose idea was it to take him and run?” His tone doesn’t sound like he’s mad, more like genuinely


“Mine but right now I can’t even think why,” Fraction turns to me while pulling on a plain black t-shirt.

“Then maybe it wasn’t you.” I raise an eyebrow at him, “just think about it. When was the last time you

honestly didn’t want to be with me? To be part of the Pack?”

“I guess the thoughts started when I made the choice to leave with. Darryl and Jefferson,” I tell him


“And your mark, when did that start to fade?” He asks while sitting on the end of the bed to put some

socks on.

“You think the disconnect started because I chose to leave?” Fraction nods his head before getting up

and going to the drawers and coming. back and handing me one of his t-shirts.

“I think the cr ack started that day in the clearing but you made it a hole the day you decided to leave

me. You need to make the choice to stay for the healing to start,” I take the shirt from him and pull it

over my head. I’m thankful this shirt smells like clean laundry and Fraction, no Faye to be scented on

this one.

“I’m here aren’t I? Why isn’t that enough?” Fraction just smiles down at me as he turns to head out of

the room.

“Come down for breakfast, you’ve lost too much weight, little wolf. I’ll get Thomas dressed and ready,

he will be happy to see you.” Fraction. closes the bedroom door just as I feel Winter starting to pace


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‘You need to stop,’ I tell her as I pull the shirt over my head.

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‘And you need to not be so naive. He doesn’t want us anymore or we would be wearing his mark and

back as Luna’ She tells me with a bite. to her voice.

‘It’s not that easy, work with me please Winter doesn’t answer me but I can feel her pacing around and

getting more and more anxious by the second.

Imational Anger

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