The Stained Omega

Chapter 153

Chapter 153



Waiting is not my strong suit, I’m more of a rip your throat out and talk about it later, kind of female.

Anna is the complete opposite though, she’s like the little angel sitting on my shoulder telling me to

wait. We have been in the trees with Eliza for just over two days. There are only so many times I can

groom myself and listen to Eliza complain about her back ache, I’m ready for something to happen. I

know I have to wait so I can get Aurora out of here but right now I’m spoiling for some bloodshed.

‘You promised.’ Anna says, I can practically see her crossing her arms and giving me that mother look

she does. I ignore her as I hear the squeak of metal on metal, turning towards the compound I perk up

my ears and listen as car doors get closed and engines are started.

‘It’s starting.’ I tell Fraction over our Pack link.

‘Remember your job Winter.’ I roll my eyes at him, I swear they both treat me like an uncontrollable pup

sometimes, ‘don’t roll your eyes at me, little wolf.’

‘Yes, Alpha.’ I listen to him chuckle before the link closes. Standing still I let Eliza put the harness round

my stomach, it’s not uncomfortable but it doesn’t feel right. It’s a needed thing though so I can run with

Aurora and not worry about her rolling around or flying off me.

‘Now we wait.’ Eliza tells me over the Pack link, I just nod at her as we slowly walk towards the edge of

the trees overlooking the dirt road. I crouch down with my nose on my front paws waiting for the

moment I



can snag Aurora, it doesn’t take long before car after car starts to leave the compound. Most of them

look like standard five door cars but the odd one is bigger and some look like those things they travel

horses in.

‘Rick has contacted James, soon Winter. Get ready. ‘Eliza tells me, I count sixteen cars before I catch

Aurora’s scent, I narrow my eyes as I try to pinpoint where she is.

“The red one, back seat.’ I quickly tell Eliza as my tail swishes through the leaves on the ground.

“Wait Winter, don’t go too soon.’ I can feel Anna’s anxiety and I push her further back. I know she’s

worried but right now she needs to trust me to keep our pup safe.

Keeping my eyes trained on the red car I wait for it to stop, it should be anytime soon as long as

everyone carries out their part of the plan. Personally it’s this part I don’t like, trusting the female who

stole our pup to begin with doesn’t sit right with me.

“Stop!” I hear screamed, it sounds pretty far away so I doubt Eliza heard it, Eva has stopped the cars

as planned. I watch as each car rolls to a stop, the red one with Aurora in is just four cars down from

where we are waiting. As expected people start to get out of the cars to see what is going on, I tune

Eva out as I keep my eyes on the red car willing them to get out. The driver and the passenger do

exactly that just a minute late leaving Aurora and a male pup in the back of the car. I know she has

smelt me because she has her little button nose pressed against the window looking for me, it’s killing

me not to go to her but if a massive white wolf jumps out of the trees it will tip our hand before we are


‘Go now.’ I tell Eliza, I watch as she carefully climbs through the trees. She’s wearing the dress Eva

was wearing when she first came to us, Eliza walks slowly with her head held down in complete

submission. The idea is to make her look like any other dutiful female shifter, she’s


points at Eliza, “stay with the pups while we see what’s going on.

pounds in my chest as someone from the car in front Leave them alone and you won’t walk for a

week.” The trees are blocking my view of the person but I can tell it’s a male, following what Eva told us

about shifters here Eliza doesn’t say anything she just keeps her head down and walks towards the


I’m holding my breath as Eliza waits for more people to pass her. Once most of the people have run off

to see what’s going on she looks from side to side and carefully opens the back door. I can feel my

heart going crazy as I wait to see Aurora’s little feet, it seems to take an age for her to slip between the

car and the partly open door.

‘Oh my Goddess!’ Anna squeals in my head as soon as Aurora comes into view, she’s wearing a tiny

beige dress very much like the one Eliza is wearing. Her once bouncy blonde curls now hang limp and

look like she hasn’t been bathed since she was taken. Even from my spot behind the trees I can smell

the scents coming from her, she smells like rotten food and like she’s been living in a toilet. She’s

wobbly on her legs as she clasps the hand of a very dirty looking little boy, he must be a little older than

her but not by much.

‘We can’t take the boy.’ I tell Eliza as she rushes the pups towards the trees.

‘We are taking him Winter. We aren’t leaving him here,’ I don’t know how she expects me to carry both

of them back to the cars. I decide now is not the time to argue with her as she tries to get to the trees

without being seen, I knew it was too good to be true because just as Aurora breaks into the trees she

squeals when she spots my white fur. Someone must hear her because suddenly there are people

yelling at Eliza to stop, she doesn’t of course. Instead she picks up the boy at the same time as I clasp

Aurora in my mouth, careful not top nip her I grab




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her by her clothes and start running.

‘We need to secure her, this cloth won’t hold.’ I tell Eliza as we weave around the trees, I can hear Eliza

stomping behind me so she’s definitely keeping up but I haven’t started running full out yet.

“Momma!” Aurora yells as she bounces around under my chin.

‘Stop here, quickly.’ I skid to a halt next to a massive oak tree, dropping Aurora on the forest floor. I

nuzzle my nose into her stomach, I try to block the scents coming off her as I check her for injury.

Nothing seems a miss and soon Eliza is scooping her up and dropping her on my back.

“Hold tight sweetie, momma has to run very fast. Keep your head down and stay quiet.” Eliza tells

Aurora as she secures my pup onto my back.

“Silent game.” Aurora asks softly. I’ve never played such a game with her and neither has Anna or

Fraction so it must be something she has learnt here. “Hysion.” At first I don’t know who she’s talking

about but then I remember the scruffy looking little boy.

“I wolf?” The boy next to my head says, his voice is small and almost a whisper like he understands the

urgency of the situation. I swivel my ears as I hear the trees being disturbed.

‘We have company Eliza.’ I tell her quickly as I feel her put the last strap in place.

‘Don’t leave the boy, Winter. ‘I roll my eyes at Anna, these bleeding hearts are going to get us all killed.

“Can you shift?” I just huff, who has ever heard of a pup shifting, just as I am about to say that to Eliza

a tiny black wolf is winding under my legs.



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‘Holy sh it.’ Anna exclaims in shock, I have to say I agree with that statement.

“Ok, Hysion. Stay with Winter, run as fast as you can until you see a big Alpha covered in tattoos.” I can

hear Eliza’s voice shaking, she’s clearly in shock at the tiny pup changing too.

I don’t wait to see if he understands, as soon as he parts from my legs I set off running. I do exactly

what Fraction told me to, I run. Fast. I keep my body low to aid my speed, I let the trees blur past me. I

glide over rocks and snap twigs under my paws. I can sense the pup running just behind me but I don’t


up but let’s be honest her him much attention. I hope he can keep

I’m holding precious cargo and right now Aurora is my priority. I almost stop as I hear Eliza scream out

in pain but I listen to Anna and keep running. I hope Eliza is ok but right now I have to trust my best

friend knows what she’s doing.

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