The Stained Omega

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

The Elder.


I sigh as I look out of the window of the SUV, I have been reading a book for new mums and so far it

has kept me pretty entertained. We are just hitting the last hour or so of our journey to the Moon


“I need to pee.” I tell Fraction, the two warriors in the back let out long drawn sighs. I turn to look at the

both, “do you guys want a pup dancing on your bladder?”

“No Luna.” They say, I have found that if you mention anything to do with being pregnant these men

shut up pretty quick.

“There is a service station about thirty minutes from here.” Fraction says reaching over and taking my

hand, “can you wait?”

“No, I have to go now. Pull over and I’ll find a spot.” With this trip I have found that I will pee literally

anywhere I have to. When Fraction stops the SUV I pull the small pack of tissues out of my bag and

climb down to the grassy edge we have pulled up to. I wait for Fraction and he leads us into the small

patch of trees and bushes. He has insisted on going everywhere with me since starting the trip. Once I

find a bush I walk behind it and squat down to do my business as Fraction stands with his back to me.

Once we are back on the road I pull my book out and start ready about how to correctly dry your baby

after a bath. I had no idea babies were so complicated, apparently if you don’t dry them properly they

get little sores under their arms, in their neck, pretty much anywhere with a crease. I close the book

and turn slightly in my chair to look at





The Fider

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“What about Thomas? Tommy for short and when he’s older Tom?” I say to him, this is a conversation

we have been having on and off for a week or so now.


“Alpha Thomas…Alpha Tom.” He says aloud trying out the name, “ I like it.”

“You do?” This will be the first name we have agreed upon.

“I do.” He says, bringing my hand up to his mouth and laying a k*ss on

1. it.

“I think we just named our pup.” I beam at him.

“I think we did too.”

The Moon Gathering is not as big as I was expecting, Momma Beth made it sound like a magical place

but I seem to be surrounded by males and nothing else. Lewis and Rick haven’t left my side since I got

out of the SUV, and Fraction has used them to form a triangle of protection around me. Right now we

are stood at the edge of some kind of stage with a massive red chair on it.

“What now?” I ask Fraction.

“Now we wait for the presiding Elder to come out. Do not move from here, Callum is over there.” He

nods towards the man and Luna who look no different than when I saw them in the room at the

farmhouse. The noise around us drops to silence as a grey haired old man walks onto the stage, we

are here with Alpha Darryl and his warriors. We have both brought twenty warriors each so the group

before the Elder is not as big as he is used to be then again this is not a normal






The old man looks really fragile, he’s wearing a black robe covered in moons and stars, his beard is

long and wiry looking. He looks like a good gust of wind will knock him on his ass. As he takes his seat

on the red chair he holds up his hand a man walks onto the stage and gives him a microphone.

“Welcome Gentlemen, for those of you who don’t know I am Elder Thomas,” I look at Fraction with wide

eyes, surely this is a good coincidence? “Before we start I must insist that someb*dy get this very

pregnant Omega something to sit on! Now!” He’s speaking with a much stronger voice that I thought

possible of someone who looks so old. The man who handed him the microphone walks over to and

offers me a collapsible chair, I nod a thank you at him and take a seat. I don’t really feel like I need to

sit but I don’t want to offend Elder Thomas.

“Very good Victor. ” Elder Thomas says to the man, “now. Where is Alpha Darryl?” Darryl raises his

hand and steps forward. “Speak your words.”

Darryl clears his throat and looks at Fraction, he nods at Darryl giving him the go ahead to say

everything. “Elder Thomas, thank you for meeting with us.” the Elder waves his hand in a hurry up

motion, “Alpha Fraction and I have come here today to accuse Alpha Callum of kidnap, endangering

and selling she–wolves. He had full knowledge of the Rogue John who kidnapped and held multiple

she–wolves to be raped and beaten. One of those she–wolves was Alpha Fraction mate who was

witness to Alpha Callum being there while they held her captive.” Darryl speaks loudly and clearly.

“Bullshit.” Callum shouts.

Elder Thomas shoots to his feet with the energy of a man thirty years younger than him. “You will wait

your turn!” Callum looks to the






The Elder

ground and walks back into line of his own people, “continue.” Elder Thomas says as he settles back

into his chair.

“Throughout an investigation we have discovered four females who were soid by Alpha Callum to

males within packs.” Darryl continues as if he wasn’t interrupted, “two were saved by her true mate and

the men who bought them killed in a challenge. One told me she vaguely remembers living in Hati in

her youth. Another was still just a pup at sixteen years of age, Alpha Steven is taking care of her now

with his Luna and the male has been exiled as far as I am aware. The fourth was this Omegas mother.

She was bought by her father and kept as a slave until the day she birthed her, she was then killed.

This left this Omega in an abusive home until she was rescued by the surrounding packs. Her brother,

John was the one who was in league with Callum and helping with the kidnappings of the females.”

Darryl steps back into the group having finished what he had to say. Elder Thomas hasn’t moved and

his facial expression gives nothing away. The warriors standing with Callum seem to be whispering to

each other, some have taken a step away from him.

“Alpha Fraction, anything else to add?” Elder Thomas says.

“No Elder. I think Alpha Darryl has summed everything up well.” Fraction says loudly.

“I have, of course, read the documents Darryl sent that outline everything in more detail. I am sorry

your Omega went through all she did.” He nods at me. “I believe your Head Warrior has something to

tell me?” I turn to look at Rick, this is news to me. Patrick moves forward

and clears his throat.

“Thank you for hearing me Elder, I am aware only Alphas normally speak here.” Patrick says clearly

and loudly.

“If he’s not an Alpha why is he even talking,” the shrill sound of a





The Elder

female shouts, I look over at Callum’s Luna to see her standing forward.

“You will speak when spoken too, female.” Elder Thomas says, “continue warrior.”

“When we went to rescue our Alpha and Luna I met my fated mate. Eliza had been there for a long

time. She was beaten, raped and much worse in the hands of the men who kept her captive. She was

taken the night Alpha Rickson was killed, she was one of his warriors. She was with him when he died

and watched Alpha Callum issue the killing blow.” I gasp at this, I had no idea Eliza had seen such a


“Why is Eliza not here?” Elder Thomas asks.

“I beg your forgiveness for this but Eliza barely allows me to be around her. She has a revulsion to all

men and breaks down in panic attacks. I thought it wise for her to stay home with our Alpha’s mother to

watch over her.” Patrick says, I can hear the care he feels for Eliza in his words. “She has written this

letter for you though Elder.” Patrick pulls a scaled envelope out of his pocket and hands it to the man

who brought me the chair.

“Understandable.” Elder Thomas says while holding his hand out for the envelope. Patrick moves back

into the group, Fraction squeezes his shoulder as he walks past to retake his place behind me. I turn to

look at him and he simply nods at me. We all wait in silence as Elder Thomas reads the letter from


“Do you have anything to say, Callum?” He asks as he carefully folds the letter and places it inside his

robe. I notice he doesn’t call him Alpha, Fraction told me once that leaving this off when addressing an

Alpha you don’t know is a sign of disrespect.

“Seems anything I say will be damning to myself.”






The Elder

“I think I’ve heard enough then, a wise choice to keep your trap shut.” Elder Thomas responds, I let a

small chuckle out at this. I thought of him as an old man but he’s still very smart and witty.

“With everything I have heard today, along with Alpha Darryl’s letters and now Eliza’s, the only person I

wish to hear from is the little Omega there.” I gulp at this. Darryl and Fractio said I might have to speak

but it doesn’t make it any less daunting. Elder Thomas gets up and walks along the stage and comes Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

down towards me, he kneels in front of me and takes my hand. “Everything that has been said, is it

true?” He says to me, he’s speaking quietly and just to me. Fraction is watching him and listening


“Yes, Sir.” I tell him.

“And your pup, he is well after everything you endured?”

“Yes, Sir.” He nods and places a hand on my head and one on my stomach, I don’t feel anything

happening, I’m not overly sure why he is doing this.

“Ah, you met Lily,” I look at him, I don’t know who Lily is. He takes his hands from me, “you don’t tell

people I can see your mind and I won’t tell people you can heal in your dreams.”

“I’m sorry?” I’m thoroughly confused.

Elder Thomas nods towards Fraction, “he looks pretty good for a man who became overwhelmed by

his wolf. When a wolf takes over there is never a way back, unless they have an Omega’s love.”

“The sewing…” I gasp.

“The sewing.” He says, “you healed him exactly as you should. And you will continue to do so for many

years to come.” With that Elder Thomas stands, nods at Fraction and walks back to the stage. I turn a




confused gaze to Fraction who is looking at me like I’m an angel sent by the Goddess herself

“I hereby convicted Callum of murder of an Alpha, kidnap. endangering and rape of multiple females.

He will be executed by warriors secured by the Elders council. His pack land will be split up and

dispersed to the surrounding packs.” Six men walk out of the woods and take a shouting and raging

Callum by the arms and drag him away. “The execution will be held at sundown for those who wish to

be witnesses. This Gathering is done.”


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