The Stained Omega

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

From the Alphas lips.


She hit me, she actually drew a fist and hit me so hard she put me on my as s. In my own office, my

tiny little wolf has resorted to speaking with her fists. I think it’s at this point that I realise I have pushed

her too far. In wanting to make her stronger and able to win a challenge I have broken who she is and

moulded her into a person she never wanted to be. It took me years to build her up from the shell of a

person to an actual living and breathing woman and in mere weeks I have destroyed it all. I really didn’t

realise how far I had pushed her until she was standing over me with her hands still clenched and the

internal war going on inside of her clear on her face.

“Tell me. Tell me everything.” She seethes at me through clenched. teeth.

“Anna, you don’t need to hear it.” The last thing I want is to sit here. and tell her all about my infidelity.

“I do. I need to hear it all, I need to hear which woman was worth tearing your family apart for.” I flinch

as she says this, she’s not wrong and it sounds awful coming from her mouth. I watch as she walks

over to where I keep my whiskey and helps herself to a good three fingers worth. “Start talking and

don’t leave anything out this time.” Her voice. sounds like she’s using all of her willpower to keep

herself calm when she’s feeling anything but calm.

Getting off the floor I go to walk behind my desk but she beats me to it, Anna makes herself at home

where the last three Alphas of this pack. Her message is clear, right now; the Luna is calling the shots. I

take the unspoken message as it’s intended and take a seat in the armchair


opposite her.

“What do you want to know?” I ask her while looking her in the eye, if she wants to know then I will tell

her. Everything.

“Just start talking.” She says with a wave of her hand.

“It’s going to sound awful Anna, so please let me finish before you leave me.” I have no doubt in my

mind that once I am done telling her everything that she will just pack up and leave. She just nods at

me as she sips her whiskey. “That first night you were in the medical centre, after the poisoning?” She

nods her head at me, “well when I got back. home there was this woman in the kitchen feeding

Thomas. At first I didn’t know who she was but then it clicked, she was one of the younger nursery

assistants. She had come over to help me with Thomas while I found out what had happened and how

it had happened. At first she was just this normal helpful pack female and then I scented her.”

“You scented her?” Anna asks me in a small voice.

“She smelled like you but different, not as sweet or seductive but it was there.” I tell her truthfully, I

watch as a single tear rolls down her face.

“Your mate.” Anna does this little side laugh as she puts the glass down on the desk quite heavy

handily, “she’s your mate but so am I so what? You get to have two mates and I’m meant to share


“At first I tried to deny it but Leo was going crazy, it was because of you that I ran from her that first

night. I decided to keep my distance. and reject her but Leo said her wolf was too strong and she would

fight the rejection. Some mates.” I sigh because I know how bad this is going to sound. “Some mates

are too bonded for the rejection to work.”

“So you’re more bonded to her than me?” I shake my head at her, the

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vulnerability in her voice is killing me.

“No not in that way, this is on a base level it’s nothing like what me and you have.” As the words leave

my mouth I know how bad they sound, I watch as Anna seems to flinch away from my words. When

she doesn’t say anything I continue, “I decided to have Patrick train you up, the only way you would be

able to stay would be if you beat. her on a challenge. I need to toughen you up, you’re strong but not in

a way that would win a Luna challenge.”

“So you and Leo just decided I was too weak to win a challenge. against this younger wolf?” I can hear

the tone in her voice, she offended and I understand why she feels this way.

“Leo said he just knew, he said as strong as Winter is, there was not way she would win against her

wolf.” I tell her truthfully.

“And who is she?” Anna’s voice comes out wrong and I look up to see Winter staring out of her eyes.

“Winter.” I warn.

“Don’t ‘Winter’ me! Get to the point, I’m done hearing about how freaking weak I am. Who is this

woman? You tell us now.” Winter. growls at me. I watch as Anna struggles to pull Winter back but after

a few minutes she seems to have control again. “You heard her. Tell me, who is she?”

“Faye. Her name is Faye.” I see the moment Anna places the name.

“She’s the main carer in Tho ma s’s class, she’s with him every day. I had no idea, she was always so

nice to me.” Anna isn’t looking at me anymore, her eyes become glassy and I know she’s speaking with


“Anna please, you need to hold Winter back. At least for now.” I try to


com the Alphas ips.

plead with her.

Anna’s eyes go glassy again as she tries to talk Winter down. I need to find a way to make Anna and

Winter understand why I have done what I’ve done. Which is easier said than done, thanks to all the

whiskey nights I’ve been enjoying. I’m not one hundred percent sure I know why I’ve done what I’ve


“Carry on.” Anna tells me once she has Winter firmly back in place, looking up from the floor I see Anna

looking back at me. She went back to her normal self just with a lot of hurt and pain in her eyes. “When

did you sleep with her? Was today the first time?” I flick my eyes to the clock and see it’s two in the

morning, it’s been a long day.

“I didn’t sleep with her.” I tell her firmly.

“You said you wouldn’t lie to me again.” She tells me as she gets up. and walks around the desk to refill

her glass. I’ve never seen Anna drink before, she always turns her nose up at the smell so two glasses

in one night is a measure of her current mood.

“I’m not lying. We didn’t sleep together, she k*ssed me and it was like I got taken over and I couldn’t

see anything but her. I stopped it before it went too far.” Anna does a choking s ob sound into her glass

as I tell her this.

“The mate lust took over but you managed to stop it?” I nod at her.

“The second I stopped touching her, she just turned back into this. woman I couldn’t stand. I’m not even

sure it was mate lust, it felt nothing like when me and you are together.” I tell her truthfully.

“So I’m supposed to be thankful that what you felt with her was different? You still k*ssed her Fraction.”

She’s not wrong and I feel the shame settle deeply into my stomach.


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plead with her.

Anna’s eyes go glassy again as she tries to talk Winter down. I need to find a way to make Anna and

Winter understand why I have done. what I’ve done. Which is easier said than done, thanks to all the

whiskey nights I’ve been enjoying. I’m not one hundred percent sure I know why I’ve done what I’ve


“Carry on.” Anna tells me once she has Winter firmly back in place, looking up from the floor I see Anna

looking back at me. She went back to her normal self just with a lot of hurt and pain in her eyes. “When

did you sleep with her? Was today the first time?” I flick my eyes to the clock and see it’s two in the

morning, it’s been a long day.

“I didn’t sleep with her.” I tell her firmly.

“You said you wouldn’t lie to me again.” She tells me as she gets up and walks around the desk to refill

her glass. I’ve never seen Anna drink before, she always turns her nose up at the smell so two glasses

in one night is a measure of her current mood.

“I’m not lying. We didn’t sleep together, she k*ssed me and it was like I got taken over and I couldn’t

see anything but her. I stopped it before it went too far.” Anna does a choking so b sound into her glass

as I tell her this.

“The mate lust took over but you managed to stop it?” I nod at her.

“The second I stopped touching her, she just turned back into this. woman I couldn’t stand. I’m not even

sure it was mate lust, it felt nothing like when me and you are together.” I tell her truthfully.

“So I’m supposed to be thankful that what you felt with her was different? You still k*ssed her Fraction.”

She’s not wrong and I feel the shame settle deeply into my stomach.


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“I know and I will spend the rest of our lives making this right.” the words sound hollow even to me.

“There isn’t room in our relationship for two Luna’s, for two females. It wont work, I wont share you with

another woman. I don’t think I can. I know she can’t and it’s what I’ve been saying since I found out

about Faye.

“I know and I’m working on a plan to get her out of our lives.” I tell her truthfully.

“You need to keep me informed of everything from now on. The lies, the secrets, it all stops. I can’t

handle it, Fraction.” I nod at her, “I’m not ready to forgive you so don’t ask me to do that, not yet.”

“I know little wolf,” I tell her in a small voice.

“I need to sleep or think, I don’t know which.” She gets up and stumbles a little as she walks around the

desk. I go to catch her but she flinches away from my touch like it burns her. I hold my hands up in front

of me to show her I’m not going to touch her. The fact that she can’t even stand for me to touch her kills


I slump back down into the armchair and listen as she leaves the office and stumbles up into the

bedroom. Once I know she’s in bed I walk over the wall and turn off the light. Tonight will be the first

night in a while I have slept without a drink in my system. Enough is enough, it’s time to start fighting for

my mate and my family.



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