The Stained Omega

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

A plan ‘not’ to help.


It’s been three weeks since Anna told me she was planning on taking Swiftmane’s Alpha Heir and

running for the hills. I haven’t told anyone, not my friends, not my Alpha and most certainly not Fraction.

It’s not that I feel loyalty to Anna, it’s more I get her situation. The kid has been dealt a really shi tty

hand in life, no wonder she wants to run from everything. I know I need to tell someone, mate or not if

you run with an Alpha Heir you’re going to have one angry Alpha chasing you until you run out of space

to run. Fraction might seem like a big softie but I’ve seen him in fights and at the height of anger, I know

the damage and destruction he can cause. It will kill him to do it but he will cause Anna pain to get his

son back. his very Pack will demand it.

“Again!” I shout over at Anna and Brad as he pins her to the mat with. little effort, today we are focusing

on her keeping her balance when at frontal attack is coming. She has no weight to her so I’m trying to

teach her to watch signs of the attacker to find a weakness. Brad for example, has a bad left knee and

a swift kick to that knee will take him. down, Anna hasn’t noticed it yet. I won’t point it out either, I know

Patrick was training her but I think he was either going easy on her or he just sucks as s at training. I

know he’s meant to be a good warrior but I am seriously questioning the man’s capabilities right now.

“How she doing”?’ Darryl asks over the Pack mind-link.

“Thought you were on patrol?” I ask him instead of answering him.

‘Stop avoiding the question or is she just that bad?’ I hear him laugh over the link.

A plan not to help

‘I seriously worry for Swiftmane if this is an example of Patrick’s training.’ I tell him honestly.

‘Can’t be that bad, I’ll run by and see her after I call Fraction.’ I rub at my eyes as I watch Anna actually

trip over her own feet and faceplant the floor.

‘He still asking for a daily update? Or is he finally getting off his as s and kicking Faye to the curb?’ I

ask him as I give Brad a thumbs up when he points to the water cooler.

‘He’s coming here, apparently they found less than nothing at Faye’s house. It was scrubbed clean so

now they are playing house in the hopes she gets comfortable enough to talk,’ I make a noise in the

back. of my throat as Darryl says this.

‘So Fraction gets his cake and eats it, typical Alpha as s.’ I say before realising I just said that to my


‘Normally I would disagree but not about this, I don’t know what the hell Fraction is doing at the

moment and worst, I don’t think he does either.’ I can hear the worry in Darryl’s voice as he breaks our

link, he must have found something on his patrol.

“Anna, we’re done for the day. Go on back to the Packhouse.” I shout across the clearing before

walking away.

I need to see Jefferson, with Fraction coming here and An nal threatening to run, I don’t know what to

do for the best. Jefferson and I were always close, we grew up together and have stayed close even

after he left the Pack to go and do lawyer stuff. He woke up a few days after we got him home but he

says he can’t remember much of what happened, he knows he was in a house and he vaguely recalls

a man maybe two but otherwise that’s it. Our Pack Doctor thinks he was pumped with drugs to keep

him out of it, if it wasn’t for Arrax I don’t think he would have gotten out. His wolf is one tough son of a

bit ch to


get him as far as he did with the damage done to him. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

1288 Vouchers

Once at the Pack house I keep my head down and make a beeline for the third floor, this is normally

where the Alpha’s kids would be but with no mate there are no kids so now this floor is for visiting

Alpha’s. There are two rooms on this floor, I head straight for the one on the left. knowing this is where

Jefferson is staying. I don’t knock, I just open the door and instantly slam it closed again.

“Da mn it, doesn’t anyone knock around here?” I hear Jefferson yell as I bark out a laugh. “Alright,

come in.”

“You all tucked away?” I ask as I open the door and walk in with my eyes closed, “I could go my whole

life without seeing your coc k again


“Shut the door you idiot.” Jefferson says from the bed, I open my eyes and see him covered over and

sitting up in the bed, I let out a breath as I close the door behind me. “What do you want?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, was I disturbing your me time, Princess?” I ask him as I take a seat on the chair next to

his bed, “didn’t the Doc say rest and


“What did you think I was trying to do?” I laugh at him as he says this, “did you just want to torture me

or did you want something?”

“I need to tell you something and I need you to not go bat sh it crazy when I do.” I say leaning forward

and resting my elbows on my knees, Jefferson nods at me. “Anna told me she plans on taking Thomas

and running. She’s done with all the shifter sh it everyone keeps throwing at her, Ocean showed her

how Omegas can manipulate others emotions.” Jefferson sucks in a breath at this, “Darryl asked her

too but still, Anna was so ashamed of herself when she dropped me to the floor. The things I felt,” I rub

my hands over my face and lean back in my chair. “I



A plan not to help

don’t understand how she’s even up and walking around.”


“You want to help her run?” Jefferson asks, I’m not surprised that he knew what I was thinking. I just

nod my head instead of voicing it out loud, “if you help her Fraction will kill you. Forget the Elders,

forget Darryl. Nothing will keep that man from his mate.”

I jump up from the chair and start pacing the room, even though I know everything he’s saying is true I

don’t have to like it.

“What do I do then? Just let this go to shi t for her all over again? You really think they are going to just

be able to get rid of Faye?” I ask him with my voice getting progressively louder with my agitation.


“Shut up.” Jefferson says between his teeth, “all it will take is one person to hear you and go to Darryl.

If he thinks you’re betraying him he will have no choice but to lock you up.”

“So what do you suggest?” I ask him sitting in the chair again, I start to bounce my knee in an effort to

calm myself down.

“Well, we can’t help her but we don’t have to stop her either. Only I know and I won’t say anything.

Anna is a sweet kid and she has enough money to make it on her own if she needs to. I’m not saying

it’s a good idea but I trust her to know what’s best for her and her son.” I look at Jefferson as he says

‘we’, guess this means we are both in this together.

“At least your Darryl’s brother, Fraction can’t kill you.” Jefferson just nods as he leans his head back

against the headboard and closes his




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