The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess

Chapter 122 The Masses

 Chapter 122 The Masses


“Sky,” Mama says quietly as the cunt glares at me.

I see several people nod in agreement to what I just said, and I cock a brow at the cunt.

Yeah, you don’t have a fucking answer.

“She isn’t wrong. There are many of us who are living a far better life than what we would be if he did not intervene. There was a time that every pack went by their own rules, allowing abuse, violence and other misdeeds to be overlooked. Alejandro Rossi united the packs of this country and promised safety to those who needed it. Giving them consolation that there’s someone who they can reach out to,” Leo says sharply. His voice is ice cold, his piercing eyes trained on the man.

The man scoffs. “Of course, you say that now when you are mated to a Westwood. You hated the king and the rest of the kingdom too, did you not Alpha Leo Herrmann Rossi!”

Leo smirks. “Past tense. I hated what happened, and it is in the past. Those involved understood and regretted their actions and yes, I admit that I channelled a lot of hatred. Something that my mate helped me overcome. I will not deny that. However, it does not mean I’m blind to fucking facts, Alpha Keith. I hope you’re learning from yours,” he says, his eyes trained on Cunt Keith, but he already motions for the cameras not to turn on him. 1

“I have not made a mistake!”

“Tell me, is it the fear talking or are you once again trying to look for a way to disrespect the King? If memory serves, your pack was under investigation a few months ago for alleged abuse of low-ranked wolves.

Something that didn’t sit right with you, correct? Is it a grudge that you hold and are now trying to undermine the king?” Leo’s voice is low, yet clear as his voice crosses the quiet room.

Now that’s some shit I didn’t know.

“That was something that only the council knew-” Keith looks at Dad accusingly.

“Oh, I have my own ways… I can assure you I don’t need the council to know what’s going Sit the hell down and I will be the one to

reopen the case that was against your pack. This time… with proof.” Leo’s eyes are deadly cold as he now scans the room, daring anyone to speak before he glances at Dad to continue. 3

Only Dad is now smirking. “No, carry on, by all means.”

Oh, he’s enjoying this.

Leo frowns slightly before he turns back to the room.

“A decade ago, the King made a decision that benefited our people. Now, times have changed and with it, we need to change the way we will go forward. That’s with anything in life. We move with the ever- changing expectations of life around us in all aspects. We are mortals… we will make mistakes and with each mistake, we will find a solution. We are going to face this as one.

We can and we will overcome this.” He finishes with such confidence and finality in his voice that even I believe it.

He glances at Dad, who has the tiniest of smiles on his face and I get it… Why Dad wants to hand everything over to the next generation…

Someone begins clapping and others join in, and I really want to know what’s going through Leo’s mind behind that mask of indifference.

Does Ladder Boy get shy? Cus the entire fucking hall is looking at him, and I’m not blind to the women swooning over him, and I can see Azura’s eyes glimmering with irritation. 3

Don’t they know not to mess with the Westwood Devil?

“Thank you, well said,” Mama whispers to Leo as he takes his seat.

I glance back at Cunt Keith and he looks humiliated. Catching me looking, he frowns slightly and I simply smirk and give him the middle finger.


‘Sky, baby, leave it.’ Mama’s voice comest through the mind link.

I pull a face. Ah yes, I’m back in the pack for now, which means the mind links back.

Sad life.

What if I pretend not to hear her and…

Na, she’s watching me.

Fuck that.

“Thank you, Leo,” Dad says before he scans the room again. “I should step down and let him take over. He’d make a good king.”

A few people chuckle, but if only they realise Dad fucking means that shit.

I hear Raihana laugh and I glance over at her as Chris leans over and they exchange a kiss, much to the dismay of the reserved witches on the table.

Such prudes.

I roll my eyes, turning back to Dad.

‘How’s Aleric?’ Royce asks.

‘Weird and looking ugly like poop. He’s also wearing brown.’ I snicker. 4

Royce chuckles through the link and I swear that fucking sound makes my stomach flutter every damn time.

‘How are you feeling?’ I ask him softly.

‘I’m alright, don’t worry about me. I just wish I could be beside you right now.’

Me too…


“We will be implementing safety measures around the country and setting up new protection spells. Make sure every pack is equipped accordingly and has the financial support they need.” Dad continues, his voice clear and powerful.

“Things may be fucking changing, but we will do our very best to prepare. We have our own genius Alpha, who will talk us through some of the strategies we will begin

implanting within the next few months. And of course, I’m talking about none other than Alpha Leo Rossi. Leo?”

Leo glances at Dad before he stands up and walks over to the podium.

“He really would make an excellent king…”

“I was thinking the same thing… We rarely see the king’s own son. But what we’ve seen of this young man shows the potential…”

I glance around and although I can’t pinpoint the voices, I can’t help but smile.

Dad made the right decision, and everyone can see it before he even officially announced it.

I turn, hearing Catherine murmur an excuse me to Kenneth and I glance at them.

“Where are you going?” Kenneth asks, holding her hand.

“To the ladies’ room, we will be right back,”

Catherine whispers, kissing his cheek as Charlotte gets up.

My heart skips a beat.

Time for her to reunite with her son and learn about her daughter…

“Will you be alright?” he asks, kissing her hand.

She nods. “The place is tight with security,”

Catherine replies.

“I’ll come,” Aleric offers but Catherine waves her hand and shakes her head.

“I’m going with Charlotte.” There’s a finality in her tone before she turns away.

Liam smiles at him and says something quietly, to which Aleric nods.

‘Good Luck… your Mama is leaving the hall.’ I say through the link to Royce.

‘Thanks Love… and I’m presuming your uncle is talking to Aleric?’ his sexy voice comes.

From the corner of my eyes, I can confirm this. ‘Yup, and whatever uncle is saying, he’s smirking like a fucking cunt.’

‘Excellent… join me in a bit?”

‘Oh absolutely, I want to officially meet your Mama too.’


I don’t turn as the women leave, but I’m excited for them. Knowing that this night will be one to remember for them all.

Leo and Dad discuss and explain the current plans they are implementing. Leo explains his analysis of the serpent in depth. And the fucker is working on a weapon that guess what? Channels electricity, yup the fucker used my man’s ability.

Wait a minute, that’s why he wanted to test out Royce’s voltage capacity… according to Azura… Smart-ass…

Once the conference is over, Dad leaves with a few of his men to tend to some calls from abroad. I’m betting they’re regarding the live conference and the rest of us grab some

refreshments or hit the dance floor. The blood moon isn’t up yet, but hey the party starts earlier.

And no one’s complaining as many people hit the dance floor.

I don’t really want to dance, especially if my man isn’t here. Leo and Azura are surrounded by Alphas wanting to talk to Leo and so I loiter off to where Alessandra is at one of the many dessert tables.

And fuck do they look lush! I might just have a foodgasm.

“What are you doing?” I ask her as she examines the cake pop in her hand.

“Looking to see if it’s clean.”

I raise an eyebrow. “It is clean.”

“So many dead skin cells are flying around… how many do you think land on open desserts like these?”

I glance at the table, suddenly not feeling so hungry anymore and neither did they look appetising.


“A valid point.” She finishes pointedly.


I grab one of the covered pots. Safe option.

“Even those might be full of germs… I mean, we don’t know if the cook scratched their butt or something whilst prepping them…”

“What the fuck, man?” I place the trifle jar down and turn around in a huff.

Spotting Sienna dancing with Heaven on the dance floor. They’re getting attention from some of the younger lads here and I cock my brow, eyeing the quints suspiciously. They better not be perving at my


I see Renji approach them and say something to the girls. He’s a cutie, but he’s approachable and I can see he’s getting attention too, looking handsome in his grey suit.

He compliments both Heaven and Sienna, making the latter laugh and Heaven shakes her head, not buying it. He excuses himself before he steps back and begins to speak to Ares.

Sienna smiles as she glances at his back.

Renji, he gets on with everyone. He moves away, offering to get drinks as Jayce walks over to them.

I’m about to turn away when the song ends and Sienna steps back, turning and placing a hand on Jayce’s arm.

“Want to dance?” she asks.

He turns around, cocking a brow, and she steps back, her eyes widening and her heart racing.

Oops, I think she thought it was Renji…

I watch on in amusement as Alessandra offers me a cake pop. “This one looks clean.” 2

I take it as we both watch the scene unfold.

“No. You’re not my type.” Jayce says arrogantly, looking her once over as if she was something far beneath him. 3


“Sorry… I thought you were Renji…” Sienna says, brushing a strand of her curls out of her face.

“Yeah? Well, I’m not.” Jayce says, turning his back on her.

Sienna looks around, her cheeks flushed with humiliation as she turns and hurries away.

“What a dick.” Alessandra says emotionlessly.

“Yeah,” I say as I stride over to him. “Why are you such an ass?”

Jayce looks at me and frowns.


“You could have been nice, and what do you mean not my type? She asked for a dance, not a relationship,” I growl quietly. “If your dad saw that, he would be so mad.” NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“I really don’t care, and can you stop annoying me? Go find someone else to bother.” Jayce says stealing the cake pop from my hand and walking off.

“Your cousin is a horrible man.” Heaven declares, glaring scathingly at Ares before she turns and walks off.

“And you girls are divas, alright!” Ares shouts after her. 2

I’m about to reply when Royce’s voice sounds in my head.


My heart skips a beat. ‘The reunion done?’

‘Yes… but I need to tell her about father…’

‘I’ll be right there.’ I say, and with those words, I turn and head to the entrance to the hall. 5

This is going to be hard, but I’m going to be right there for him.

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