The Temptress: Tempting the Devil’s son

CHAPTER 15 Erotic dreams 1

“Kimberly, Bethany and Ariana. You’re late. Do you have a valid explanation for your lateness?” Miss Katrina questioned, her eyes peering into their faces as she awaited their explanation.

“Erm… Ma’am. My car broke down and I had to call my mechanic.” Ariana scratched her head and lied blatantly. She was bad at lying and she knew it.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

The woman adjusted her glasses and frowned. Of course, she knew she was lying. “You can go to your seats. I will overlook this issue because it’s actually the first time you’re late to my class.”

“Thank you ma’am.” They expressed their gratitude and took to their seats. The lecturer resumed teaching afterwards.

“Who was that guy?” Kim winked and questioned in a whisper. Ariana flushed and she felt butterflies wobble in her stomach when she thought of him. His touch… but he was a complete asshole. She felt embarrassed and mad at the way he let her drop to the ground.

You have a boyfriend, Riri. Stop thinking of another man! She scolded herself.

“No one,” she replied, not wanting to talk about it but her friends wouldn’t stop pestering her. She knew how they were, they weren’t one to give up until they got the answers they were looking for.

“He obviously isn’t no one. Look at how you’re blushing!” Kimberly taunted, her smile breaking into a wide grin.

“Too bad, we didn’t see his face,” Bethany mumbled, sadness easily making its home on her face.

“Seriously, guys, nothing happened. He’s no one and please can you drop this topic. The lecturer is teaching and I wanna listen.”

“Yeah, whatever!”



“So, are we ready to go?” Asked Ariana.

“Yes. After my psychiatric evaluation, I was given these. It’s supposed to help with my PTSD,” she glow​ered at the pills in her hands.

“I’ve been having a lot of terrifying nightmares and terrible flashbacks whenever I close my eyes. I just can’t seem to forget about it. It was hard enough getting over the brutal killing of my parents, now I have to get over the gruesome killing of my friends!” She yelled.

She became melancholic when she thought all the misfortunes in her life. Why can’t fate just let her be happy?!

Amelia lost both her parents to a robbery shoot-out at a tender age of seven. She was lucky to have escaped after watching her parents die miserably. She felt helpless, she couldn’t save them, all she could do was watch as life drained out their bodies till they became lifeless.

John’s father (Jayden) found her roaming on the streets and took her in. John was very nice to her and he helped her get over her depression but the picture of her dying parents never left her memory. She knew she would have to live with that memory for the rest of her life.

They became awfully close and Lia soon developed a crush on him but John only treated her like a sister.

When they both turned seventeen, Jayden died of lung cancer. He was a chronic smoker and his son pretty much took after him but stopped when he lost one of his lungs to cancer. He was lucky that his cancer hadn’t spread, hence his left lung was surgical removed.

About a year ago, he confessed his feelings for Amelia. Turns out, he also had a long time crush on her. They have been together since then.

Ariana placed her palm on her shoulders and assured, “Everything is gonna be alright. Kimberly, Bethany and I, we are gonna help you both get through this. I promise.”

“Thanks you, Riri. You’re one in a million,” Lia beamed.

“We better get going. Kim and Beth are waiting at home. We prepared a feast.”

“Good thing, I’m hungry!”


When Lia entered the dinning room, she couldn’t help but salivate at the mouth watering meal that was packed on the dinning table.

“Wow, this looks delicious!” Her stomach growled loudly as she mumbled.

“You sure are hungry.”

“Lia!” Vee screamed and ran to hug her. Lia was astonished by the unexpected gesture since she and Vee didn’t really get along in the past, but she gladly returned the hug.

“Vee, you’ve grown so big. When was the last time I saw you? About six months ago?”

“Yeah, big and stubborn as always.” Riri said rolling her eyes.

“Lia, Riri is always bullying me,” she pouted, a saddened look washing over her face.

Lia glared at her friend with knitted brows. “Riri leave my Vee alone and stop bullying her!”

“Yes, mom.” She answered with sarcasm. Kim and Beth sauntered into dinning carrying in some side dishes.

“Food is ready! Let’s eat!”

“Where is mom and dad?” She asked Ariana once they were all seated.

“Since, it’s weekend, they both decided to go on a date. You know do an activity together.” She replied with a smirk.

“Wow, that’s great!”

“Hey, don’t start without me!” John dashed into the dinning with a bowl of fried chicken and turkey. He was discharged earlier so he decided to help out in the kitchen since he was a pretty good chef.

“Hey babe,” he kissed Amelia passionately, their tongues intwined in their mouths as the kiss quickly got heated. Riri tried to cover the eyes of her sister but she flung her hand away and grimaced.

Riri cleared her throat causing them to stop kissing. She said between gritted teeth, “There’s a child in our midst!”

Amelia’s face turned red and she quickly pushed John away feeling embarrassed.

“I’m not a child and I know about kissing and sex and threesomes!” Vee revealed with her arms crossed. Riri gazed at her awestruck.

“And who taught you about threesome! You’re just fifteen!” She shrieked.

“Hayley. She said she’s fucked most of the hottest boys in school.”

“OMG! I told you to stay the fuck away from that girl! You’re so changing school!”

Bethany and Kimberly suppressed a laugh at the priceless expression she had on.

“Come on, Riri. It’s no big deal. Don’t tell me you didn’t know about sex before you turned ten?” Beth teased, her tone full of ridicule.

“Of course, that was the basic sex education thing. She knows too much. I didn’t know about threesomes till I was eighteen!” She uttered with a frantic yell.

“So does that mean I can have sex now? I wanna try it out!”


“Of course, darling, I lost my virginity at age thirteen,” Kim told cutting Riri off.

“And I lost mine when I was fifteen.” Beth added.

“That is not a good testimony!” Riri screamed like she was about to loose her mind. Her friends were driving her nuts and they knew it. She took deep breaths as she tried to calm her nerves down. When she was perfectly calm, she started slowly,

“Look, Vee if you wanna have sex, you should do it when you’re both emotionally and physically ready. At least, at age eighteen. You should have sex when you feel you’re ready and not because all your friends are having sex.”

“I guess you’re right. That’s why I love you Riri, you give the best advice ever!” Vee grinned feeling upbeat as she pulled her sister into a bear hug.

“Even though you bully me!” She added with a frown and squeezed her in her arms.

“That’s because you’re stubborn and I love you!”

“Aww, so cute. I wish I had a baby sister,” Lia cooed.

“We could make a baby,” he whispered into her ears making her ears and cheeks flush.

“Shut up,” she pushed him away.

“Riri is right though, you really should wait till you’re older. We both lost ours at an early age and to complete douche bags!” Kimberly scrunched her nose in disgust.

“Yeah, I did warn about David though,” Beth said with pursed lips.

“Like I didn’t warn you about Kelvin! You were obviously blinded by love.” She retorted with an eye roll.

“Stop rubbing it in my face already. Let’s face it, we both were blinded by love.”

“Okay, enough with the talk about love and sex. The food is getting cold. Now let’s eat and you both stop moping like kids!” Ariana threw her hands in the air dismissively.

“That was mean.”

“She’s never suffered from heartbreak before,” Kim whispered.

“I heard that.”

Moments later, they were relishing on the delicous meal they were having when a nagging curiosity suddenly eveloped Vee and she couldn’t help ask, ” Riri, when did you loose your virginity?”

Ariana suddenly chocked on her food and a small blush creeped on her cheeks.

“No talking when eating. Bad habit!” She quickly dismissed and she gulped down a cup of water in embarrassment.

“She won’t answer, because she hasn’t,” Beth revealed with a sarcastic smile.

“She hasn’t?!” Vee exclaimed, astonishment washing over her face.

“Technically, Riri is betrothed to someone since birth. It’s normal if she wants to keep herself for him,” Amelia explained, sipping juice from her glass cup.

“Oh, come on, don’t tell me her betrothed hasn’t had a few hookups in the past? Why can’t she have some fun too?” Kim rumbled in protest.

“It’s her choice, you know!”

“Seriously, guys, I’m still here. It’s not fun to talk about people’s life in their presence!”

“Sorry.” They both mumbled an apology.

“Now, can we please continue with the food, and in silence please?”


“I want you stranger and I don’t care where you came from. All I want is to feel your kisses on my body while you fill me up with your c*ck.”

And just like that, he slammed her against the wall, eyes blazing into hers as he whispered in a desperately sexy voice, one that didn’t mask his hidden desires, “Be careful what you wish for Ari. I am a very feral man on bed!”

She replied with a taunting and seductive smile, “I like feral men.”


The next chapter is gonna contain a lot of smut. Stay tuned.

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