The Temptress: Tempting the Devil’s son

CHAPTER 6 The truth behind Liam’s accident!

“I have evidence!” It was just but three words but those words made a patter of cold shivers run down her spines. He had evidence? How? She made sure she silenced the only person who knew about her death and erased all traces of her death. Could it be he…

She laughed weirdly and mocked, “Evidence? How could a eight year boy have evidence? Are you gonna show us a horror movie of a ghost killing a boy? How pathetic!”

Collins simply ignored her continuous ranting and asked the boy seriously, “You said you have the evidence. Where is it?”

Blake peered into the eyes of the man and gave him an innocent look. His lips quivered as he spoke in a scary tone, “She would kill me if I tell you, just like she tried to kill my friend. He’s in a coma now.” The boy sobbed and placed his head on his mother’s shoulder. Emily’s eyes narrowed to her son, the expression on her face was that of perplexity. The friend he was referring to… Could it be Liam?!

Jessica felt her legs begin to falter. She staggered and almost fell to the ground. He knew. He knew everything!

Collins placed his hands on the boy’s shoulder and tried pacify his fear. “She won’t kill you Blake. Just show me the evidence and I will get justice for your friend and the woman she killed!” He spoke in a calm and soothing voice.

Blake’s eyes brightened and he cleaned the tears that had formed in his eyes. He brought out his pinky finger and suggested, “Pinky promise?” The man smiled, stretching out his pinky finger and joined them together. Emily gazed at her son with surprise. He was one hell of an actor!

Blake brought out his phone and played a video on it. He handed the phone to Collins who watched the video without any facial expression.

His colleague was guarding the door to prevent Jessica from escaping. Although Collins was the only one watching it the video, the audio was very loud and everyone could still clearly hear it.

In the video Jessica and Katelyn were quarreling. As Katelyn made to walk out on Jessica, she brought out a knife and stabbed her multiple times on her protruding belly till she dropped dead in the pool of her own blood. Jessica then dug a narrow pit in the lonely forest and buried her in it.

Collins glared at Jessica’s trembling figure. She was scared to death. She didn’t want to go to jail. She didn’t expect Blake to expose her.

“Blake, may I ask how you got this video?” Collins inquired as he studied the boy’s facial gesture. He brought out a wristwatch. Emily recognized that watch. It was Liam’s. The boy Jessica tried to kill must be Liam!

“My friend gave me this as a birthday gift. It wasn’t even my birthday yet,” He let out a bitter laugh and continued, “I kept it locked away for so long. I couldn’t even look at it. I blamed myself for his death. I-I couldn’t protect him!” He mumbled, pouring out his heart content.

He didn’t realize that tears were trickling down his eyes until his mother wiped his tears with her slender finger. After a few moments of silence, he spoke in a croaked voice,” Yesterday, I garnered courage and took out the wristwatch. That was when I realized it was a spy watch. It had a Camera and a recorder.”

Collins sighed deeply and pereed at the boy’s face, “Blake, the friend of yours she tried to kill, is it Liam?”Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Detective Collins was also the detective in charge of Liam’s case. They had earlier interrogated Blake a month ago but the boy was too traumatized to answer any questions. He only answered a few questions that didn’t really help with the investigation. But now that he knew that his accident was connected to Jessica, he also had a feeling that Blake actually had Liam’s phone. Liam’s phone wasn’t found on the accident scene, Collins always had a gut feeling that Blake was the one who had taken Liam’s phone. It seemed like he was now planning to get justice for his friend!

“Yes,” He answered softly and his eyes flickered with so much emotions. Emily patted his back and tried to lighten his bleeding heart. She knew he wasn’t faking it. Liam meant a lot to Blake. They had been friends for a year now and this came as a surprise to Emily. All the other children that had befriended Blake in the past all died within a month or two but Liam was different. They were not just friends, they behaved very much like brothers.

After his accident, Blake was badly traumatized, he locked himself in his shell, a shell Liam had successfully pulled him out of and he refused to come out. It took Emily weeks to finally help him heal but she knew deep down that he never really healed.

“His phone? Did you take it? Blake that phone might contain vital evidence. If you really want your friend to get justice, I suugest you hand it over.”

He glanced at Jessica with hatred in his eyes, his fist were clenched tight like a ball. Jessica put his friend in that state. She had to pay! He was gonna make her death a painful one. This was just the first phase.

“Yes,” he replied slowly and Jessica knew at that moment that she was finished. If he provided evidence that she had arranged for Liam’s accident, she would spend the rest of her life in jail!

Collins eyes brightened as he asked cautiously, “Where is it?”

“The phone was badly damaged in the accident but I had it repaired.” He took out a phone from his pant pocket and quickly suggested while handing over the phone to Collins, “Knowing Liam, he most likely recorded their last conversation.”

Collins turned on the phone and true to his words, Liam’s last conversation with Jessica was recorded.

When he played it, the entire room fell silent. Jessica was indeed done for. Thinking about this, Blake couldn’t help but let out a bitter-sweet smile.

“I hope you get justice for my friend.” That was all he could say as he swiftly made his way to his room. Seconds after he had left, Jessica was handcuffed.

She was then dragged, kicking and screaming, from the room. Once they all left, Emily shut the door and sighed deeply with relief.

She trotted back to her son’s room. She entered his room and shut the door with a sigh. She gazed at his smitten and crestfallen expression, his face was knitted in a frown as he gazed at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing to stare at.

Emily ambled to his king sized bed and then sat down on the soft mattress. Blake felt a weight had joined him on the bed and only then did he dart his eyes to his mother on the bed.

Emily pulled him into her arms and confronted him with her warmth. She patted his back and her whole pose and figure spoke of an absorbing melancholy.

“I’m sorry.” That was all she could say to her depressed son. He remained silent and didn’t speak. He closed his eyes and all he could think of was the day of the accident, the day that haunted him even in his dreams, the day that he felt useless, the day he couldn’t protect his friend.

One month ago, Blake and Liam were both seated at a booth close to the window as they sipped on their strawberry smoothies from a straw.

Blake gazed at Liam who was also sipping his smoothie but with a distant expression. Liam was awefully silent today and this was very unusual cause Liam was quite the talkative and a joker. He always knew how to make the boy laugh even though, Blake never really spoke much but thanks to Liam, he was now very much of a talkative.

“Liam, are you okay? You look tense.” He couldn’t help but ask as he was starting to get worried by his unusual silence.

Liam slowly looked up and let out a dejected sigh. He gazed at his friend and then at his watch. He unbuckleed the watch and then placed it on Blake’s palm.

Blake who was surprised at the gesture couldn’t help but ask, “Why are you giving me this? This is your favorite watch!”

Liam let out a dry laugh and suggested, “And that’s why I want you to have it. Consider it your birthday gift.”

He rolled his eyes and furrowed his brow. “You’re crazy Liam, you’re the only person in the world who gives a birthday gift to a friend a month to their birthdays.”

“That’s why I’m different from others!” He let out a cocky grin.

Just as Blake was about to say something, Liam’s phone rang and the cocky look on his face disappeared and was replaced with a tensed expression.

Blake, who sensed his change of expression was about to say something when Liam quickly interrupted, “I’ll go take this. Be right back.”

And just like that, he bolted out of the smoothie and juice shop and went out to answer the call.

Blake gazed at his ant​sy de​mean​or with a af​fright expression. Who could Liam be talking to on the phone? He made up his mind to ask him. Liam didn’t usually keep secrets from him so he was bound to tell him anyways.

With that on his mind, he took a sip from his drink with his eyes still gazing at Liam who had already ended the call.

Before his very eyes, a car racing off at a splitting pace hit his best friend who was not anywhere on the road but on the walkway and sent him flying several meters above the ground. He hit the bonnet of the car with so much force and then dropped the ground in the pool of his own blood.

Blake paused as he couldn’t seem to believe his eyes. He remained static on the spot he sat and he just couldn’t move. Like his body had been paralyzed.

People rushed out to check out the accident. The car that hit Liam seemed to had been control remotely as they was no driver.

It took a few seconds for Blake’s brain to process what had just happened and when he did he bolted out of the door, pushed through the crowd and saw his best friend and brother lying in the pool of his own blood, barely breathing. He felt like a part of his heart had been ripped away and it hurt so much.

He dropped to the ground and held Liam in his arms with tears trickling down his face. His heart was in shreds and pain he felt was overwhelming.

“Liam, don’t die. Please don’t die. I can’t live without you!” He muttered in tears

Liam opened his mouth and gasped for breath. He whispered in between gasps. “Jessica… she… sh… phone…”

Blake closed as his eyes as he reminisced on that heart wrenching event. The fear he felt, the pain… Seeing his friend in that devastating state. He was gonna make her pay… with her life.

Her death would be a slow but painful one!

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