The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 391 -


"We have company!" Dagger shouts to alert his brothers.

"Call for backup!" Fox shouts at his sisters. "Let the council know we will need their assistance immediately! Alert all of the guards and every other allies that we have! Tell them that we are under ATTACK!"

They look hesitant to leave their brothers, but eventually, one by one, they all race back into the gates to call for help.

The tables had finally turned. It wasn't just the three of us against them anymore. My brothers were out for blood just as much as I was.

Alaric is the first to jump out of his truck. He looks at me, and his face is relieved to see I am still alive. The relief he felt mirrors what I feel now that he was here. I knew he would scold me later once we got out of this happening, but I'm so happy to see him here. Finally.

With everyone here on our side, I knew that it was possible to come out of this fight alive. I looked forward to spending the rest of my life with Scarlett.

Alaric still looks worried, however, like something else was on his mind. I looked around for Nicole, but just as I suspected, she wasn't there. He must have left her behind to keep her safe.

His eyes keep searching the crowd for someone, and he finally stops when he spots Clara motionless on the ground beside us.

I see the moment rage takes over his body. He doesn't even think twice as he rushes over to her side and picks her up gently into his arms.

His actions surprised me, but I was grateful Clara had someone to look after her. After everything I've put her and Scarlett through, I wanted them both to be happy and safe, always.

"Clara?" He whispers.

She doesn't move at all, and it worries all of us. Just how badly was she injured? He pulls his shirt off his body and covers her nakedness. I've always seen my brother protective over Nicole, but it's the first time I've seen him this protective over another woman other than our sister.

"Who did this to her?" He growls low and dangerously as he looks for the culprit.

I opened my mouth to answer him when, one by one, my other brothers showed up, and I was surprised to see that even my sister was present. Why did they bring her? She should have been home, where she would have been safe. But I knew her; she would have insisted that she was allowed to come.

Atticus's entire family follows closely behind them. They were all here to show their support for Scarlett and Clara. It showed how loved both of them were.

I felt a sense of pride to see so many on our side. But it wasn't over; I could hear the howls close by. They were mighty and couldn't be mistaken; it was Alpha Austin and the most powerful pack to ever exist in our world.

One after the next, they surround us in all directions, growling and waiting for a reason to attack. It was a sight to see. My family has never had any reason to be involved in anything like this. We've had our problems because of the curse, but we've never been in a life-threatening battle like this before. It would be our first experience, but it would be a learning one.

The Cage brothers were now outnumbered, and they knew it. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

I shift into my human form and immediately pull Scarlett into my arms without a second thought. She was finally where I wanted her to be. I always wanted her to stay here, where I could protect both her and our baby.

Wilder growls at my actions, and I know it pissed him off as much as it thrilled me.

"Get your hands off my mate." He threatens me. "You don't want to learn how dirty my family can play to get what we want."

"Oh, we know how dirty your family plays," I assure him. "We know all about your criminal activities to get where you are right now. You're a big part of the underworld. We know all about you and your family, Wilder. And Scarlett will never be a part of it. She's too pure for you. You will never have her. As long as I'm alive, I'll ensure it."

"You're aware that she's my mate, right?" He growls. "The rules of our world clearly state that she is MINE!"

"She was never yours, Wilder fucking Cage," I shout. "Scarlett is my wife. She is the mother of my unborn baby. She has always been mine. I found her first, and I fell for her first. I don't need a fucking mate bond to tell me that she's mine. She will always be mine, and I'm ready to wipe out your family's existence to keep her in my life!"

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