The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 448 -


I was pregnant. Ace had gotten me pregnant. And now I had to make Alaric believe that this child was his. And I needed to do it before he realized that I was pregnant. There was only one thing I could think of doing at a time like this.

It was the full moon.

He should be locked in that room. Once I woke up next to him, he would believe that he'd slept with me the entire night. That way, he would believe me when I told him I was pregnant with his baby. Everything would work out in the right way for me.

I sneak into the basement using the key Alaric once gave to me. It wasn't the only key; he's given me multiple ones, and I've kept them all. I'd already messed with the cameras. I knew that one day I would need them, and I was right. Today was the day that I needed those keys more than ever.

I didn't stop as I raced from door to door until I found the one I was looking for.


I was surprised, however, when I noticed that the door was already opened. That's strange. Since our marriage, I don't think he's ever left this basement on a full moon.

Why would anyone leave this door unlocked?

I was hesitant as I peeked inside. I didn't want to get attacked by him if he was unchained. I'm surprised when I see not a single sign of him inside. Instead, all that's left is some blood and broken chains. It meant that he'd broken free from here a long time ago. Maybe not that long; the blood was still fresh.

I shivered with disgust at what that monster was capable of doing. He must have found another woman to bury his dick inside tonight. I don't feel even the slightest bit of envy; I only feel disgust.

I can't believe I've ever been married to that man. Alaric is the last person I'll ever want to be married to. However, I needed him. As long as I needed him, I had to find a way to get him to stay by my side. I'd already lost a big part of him when he divorced me; now, I didn't have much left to hold onto.

I was desperate for him to believe this baby was his. I haven't broken the news to Ace just yet. I wanted to trap Alaric first, then handle Ace. I knew Alaric was a much easier target than Ace was.

Alaric always fell for my fake tears; it didn't work with Ace. He was a lot more heartless than my ex-husband was. Alaric had a soft spot for me, and I planned on using that to my advantage as long as possible.

I quickly got out of the basement before another one of his brothers could escape and do something to me that I would hate. It's not like they would remember seeing me the next day. They all disgusted me, every single one of them. I don't know why I ever married into this family.

The second that I enter the hallway, I immediately think to check Alaric's room. Maybe he was in there. I had to do something, anything, to get him to believe that he slept with me tonight.

I knew it was risky to be inside his home when I didn't ask for an invitation, but I had no choice. If I told Alaric I wanted to be here tonight, it would have made my intentions a lot more visible. Besides, I knew that he would have turned me down. He always asked me to stay far from him during the full moon. He never needed to ask me, I always preferred to keep away from him during that time. Even now, I hated the fact that I needed to be here when he was running loose.

There was no telling the state he was in or which woman was his next target now that I was out of his life.

I was at the bottom of the stairs when I noticed some movement at the top. I immediately hid before the person could spot me.

It didn't take me long to realize who it was.


What the fuck was she doing here? Why would Alaric have Clara over during a full moon? That was very unlike him.

She looks like she's crying as she runs out the door. I don't think I've ever seen her look that upset before. Something must have happened between the two of them. Why else would she be that way? I knew damn well it wouldn't be for Carter since she was completely over him.

I don't waste another second as I race up the stairs to Alaric's room. I had to move quickly before I ran into anyone else again. I knew Scarlett was most likely in her room; I had to hope that she was fast asleep.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally got to the door. I quickly open the door to find Alaric passed out on the bed.


It was exactly what I needed to see.

I didn't waste any more time as I ripped my clothes so that it looked like he was the one who did it. I didn't stop until I was naked. When I was pleased with my work, I snuggled against his chest and held on tightly. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

Tomorrow. . . Everything will go back to normal between us. He will be mine again.

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