The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 485 -


There was chaos everywhere in Alaric's home. Everyone was in a panic now that they knew Clara had most likely been kidnapped. It was such a beautiful scene that it made me giddy with happiness.

Why hadn't I thought of this before? Getting rid of Clara would have made my life so damn easy. I needed to thank the person who took her from our lives; they did me a great favor.

This was exactly the good news that I needed today. Who could have been responsible for this? I couldn't think of a single person except me who would want something horrible to happen to Clara.

I could see the judgmental stares all around the room; I knew that no one here liked me. The only person who probably cared about me in this room was Alaric, but right now, he was still pissed that I'd told Clara that I was pregnant with his baby.

I couldn't believe that my brilliant plan was actually working. Alaric believed me, and there wasn't a doubt in his mind that this baby was someone else's.

That reminded me that I needed to return to the Blackner's residence. I was beginning to think that Ace was starting to suspect me. Since everyone here had their own problems to deal with, no one would notice that I was missing for a few days. I could spend some time with Ace and hopefully show him that I wasn't keeping any secrets from him.

I quietly slip out of the room and head straight for my car, the exact vehicle that Alaric gifted me while we were married. I should have never tried to divorce the man. He was so deeply in love with me that he would do anything I asked of him. Now, he barely wanted to be around me because of that stupid Clara.

At least now, I may never have to worry about her again. Though there was a time when I thought Scarlett would be out of the house, but that never happened because they all saved her. I hope whoever has her kills her before they have a chance to save her.

I quickly jumped into the car and drove out of the mansion. I didn't stop driving until I neared the Blackner's home, which was in the middle of nowhere. I never understood why they had to build their home here out of the many populated areas. This just showed that they loved their privacy a little too much.

Getting into the Blackner's home was always a task, but it was so worth it to see Ace. After dealing with their hundreds of guards, I finally make my way inside. I didn't have to worry anymore about Ace wanting to see me; he always wanted to see me now that he knew I was having his baby. He would do anything to protect the baby in my belly. I had two men willing to do anything I wanted as long as this baby was kept safe. However, I knew everything would be over if Alaric ever learned of the truth.

It meant that no matter what, I had to make sure that Alaric and Ace never met each other. The second that they did, everything could blow up in my face, and I truly wasn't looking forward to that mess.

I'm surprised when I see Ace and his brothers together. Usually, they're all too busy; they rarely have time to just stand around and talk. However, something about Ace felt different today. He looked like he was on edge about something, and even his brothers looked like they were worried about him.

Something must have happened while I was away.

The second that they all sensed me, they turned to look at me, everyone except Ace, who still seemed like he was going through something.

"Is everything okay?" I ask as I take a step forward.

My voice finally prompts Ace to look at me.

"What are you doing here?" he asks me.

I frown, "what do you mean?" I ask. "I often come to visit you, especially now that I'm having your baby."

His jaw clenched, "you've been disappearing plenty with no explanations. It's extremely weird since you've always clung to me before you got pregnant. Is there anything that you're hiding from me? This is the only chance I'm giving you, to tell the truth. If I find out that you're lying to me about anything, you will not like to deal with the consequences."

I swallowed hard; it was a direct threat. I knew that Ace was serious; his family wasn't the kind that made this kind of threat and didn't mean exactly what they said.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

"I thought that maybe you would need some space from me." I lie. "I was giving you that space. If I thought that it would make you angry by being away, I wouldn't have left."

He looks annoyed, "my baby is all that I am concerned about. Nothing else. I made it clear that I don't want you close to another man while you're carrying my child; you're free to do as you please after the baby is born."

Why did his words make me feel so hot? Ace didn't have to do anything but speak to me, and I was ready to spread my legs wide for him.

"You seem a little more on edge today than you usually are," I point out. "Did something happen?"

His brothers all look at each other.

His hand tightens into a fist, and before he can respond, his father walks into the hallway and sees all of us present. He doesn't even bother paying me any attention. I had a coat around me, preventing him from seeing that I was pregnant. For some reason, Ace was very against him knowing that I was pregnant with his baby.

"Your mate has finally awoken." His father announces.

I narrow my eyes; it takes me a second to realize that he was speaking to my Ace.

What the hell did he mean by that? What mate?

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