The Vampire Kings Slave Mate

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Nikolai

I walked out of my room slamming the door, and running my hands through my hair, my damn slave was so irritating. Why couldn’t she just listen and do as I say? I was headed straight to my office, I had something important I needed to take care of before Mary got out of her shower.

This morning had been a mistake, I had meant to kiss her, but her damn lips looked so luscious, I couldn’t resist a taste. I should’ve known that she would kiss like she argues, she always has to come out on top. Normally I hate dominant females, but she intrigued me, and the beast inside of me. I wanted to go further with the kiss, but once I started to lick and suck on her neck, my beast wanted to come out and play, her soft little moans and the smell of her arousal, enticed him. The second my fangs touched her neck, she stiffened beneath me, and I could feel her fear, she was afraid of me, and that bothered me.

I took a deep breath as I stood outside my office, I needed to contact the fairies. I needed to see if they could detect what was going on with me, why my beast was so attached to his human. When I walked into my office, I hadn’t expected to see Kade there, sitting in my leather chair with his legs crossed. (This novel will be daily updtaed at, I really didn’t want to deal with his twenty questions this early in the morning.

“So…” Kade said drawling it out. “Are we going to discuss the rampage you went on last night?”

“No.” I growled. “I came to my office for some god damn piece and quiet.”

“Tell me the story and I’ll leave,” Kade said, now leaning back in my chair placing both his feet on my desk, and his hands behind his head.

“There’s nothing to tell.”

“Uh-huh, so you’re just telling me you killed three blood slaves and a servant for no reason, and then you brought your blood slave into your room and let her sleep in your bed?” Kade asked me, raising one eyebrow at me.

“How the fuck do you get your information so fast?” I asked my frown deepening as I pondered how to answer Kade’s question.

“Ah-ah-ah,” Kade said, “Answer me first and then I’ll tell you.”

“You’re such a child,” I said as I shook my head at him, while walking towards my liquor cabinet and grabbing out my favorite whisky. I poured two shots, drank them both, then re-poured them, giving one to Kade and keeping the other for myself.

“Oh, it’s that bad,” Kade said chuckling, “I never thought I’d see the day you took up day drinking.”

I downed the rest of my whisky, before taking a deep breath to explain the events of last night to Kade.“I put Elizabeth, in charge of my blood slave, advising her to first take the slave to the Blood Slave corridors, and then I ordered her to take my slave to the room beside mine.” I rambled out. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“The Queen’s room?” Kade asked with a stupid smirk on his face.

“Do you want to hear what happened or not?” I asked avoiding his question.

“Okay, continue.” Kade said, sipping his whisky.

“Instead of putting her in the room as I commanded, Elizabeth left her down there. (This novel will be daily updtaed at She disobeyed a direct order, so I got rid of her. I don’t need servants that don’t obey me.” I growled out recalling the events from last night.

“Okay, and the three blood slaves?” Kade asked impatiently.

“They tortured my blood slave.” I could feel my aura shifting, and I tried to remain calm, I didn’t want Kade to make nothing into something big.

“So you killed three sources of food. Don’t you think that was a bit excessive?”


“Okay, then. Tell me about your blood slave, does she taste as good as she smells?”

“Yes.” I answered remembering the passionate kiss we’d shared this morning, “Speaking of my blood slave, I’ve put yours in charge of her. She’s is to make Mary, into the perfect model slave. As you know with our duties we have to travel often. I want my slave to accompany me. I’d rather drink from someone I know is clean, than risk being poisoned.”

Kade nodded in agreement.

“I do have a favor to ask before I leave, I need you to find a faerie. There’s some questions I need answers too.”

“Can’t the twin Dragon seers answer your question?” Kade asked his curiosity peeking.

“No, this question is specific to the Faeries. I need to seem one immediately, I’d do it myself, but you’ve taken up all my free time with your questions, and I need to take Mary into town to get her some necessities.”

“Mary, is it?” Kade asked a smirk on his face. “When did we start calling our slaves by their name?”

I ignored Kade and walked out of my office, heading towards the dinning room where I’d asked Mary to meet me. On my why there, I realized Kade had never answered my quesiton about how he got his information. ‘How did you find out the happenings of last night?’ I asked him through the link.

‘The servants love to gossip.’ Kade answered,

Fuck. I would need to talk to the servants today. Secrecy was important in the castle, I couldn’t have them walking around gossiping, the information they’re gossiping about might get in the wrong hands. Before going into the dinning hall, I quickly met up with Draq and Dru took the locket from them, (This novel will be daily updtaed at they’d retrieved for me last night.

Walking towards the dinning hall, I could smell Mary’s scent before I saw her. Once I set my eyes on her, my beast purred, taking in her beauty. She had combed her long red hair, and braided it down her

back, a few pieces had already escaped the braid, curling around her face, She’d taken my shirt and knotted it at the bottom, it still fell just right above her knees, and she wasn’t wearing the sweats I had given her. My mouth salivated, my fangs eloginated when I started wondering what she was wearing under her dress. I felt myself hardening, remembering her sweet moans. I wanted to take her right there and now in the dinning hall.

“Nikolai, are you okay?’ Mary aksed, interrupting my thoughts.

I should correct her for using my name, but I liked the way it sounded on her lips. “I’ve something for you,” I responded.

Mary looked at me puzzled, ‘What could he possibly have for me?’ she questioned herself, her thoughts flowing into me, I guess the blood link wasn’t too bad after all, it would give me an advantage.

“Why don’t you come over here and find out?” I ask her.

Mary glared crossing her arms as she walked towards me. “I really hate that you can do that.” She mumbled. “You’re already taken all of my privacy, and now you’ve taken my mind too.”

“I will try to deter from listening to your thoughts.” (This novel will be daily updtaed at said rolling my eyes. “Perhaps if you didn’t think so loudly, it would be easier to ignore them.”

She sputtered for a second not knowing what to say. I found that I enjoyed bantering with her, as a smile formed on my face. “Ah, much better.” I replied to her sputtering. “Now your thoughts aren’t drowning out my own.”

Mary stopped within a foot of me. “You said you have something for me?” She asked, ignoring my earlier comment.

“Yes, turn around and close your eyes.” I ordered.

“Yeah, no thanks. I’m not turning my back to you.” She replied snarkily.

“Mary, just do as I say, or shall I punish you.” I growled out stepping closer to her.

I watched her swallow her take a deep swallow, before doing as I commanded. I walked the rest of the way towards her, inhaling her scent, and pressing a gentle kiss at the nape of her neck. I couldn’t get enough of her, she was my newest addiction. I felt my beast start to stir at my proximity to Mary, so I quickly put the locket on her, before taking a few steps back.

“Okay, you can turn around and look now.’ I commanded her.

***I hope you enjoyed today’s chapters. Next week in the states is the Thanksgiving Holiday, I will be spending time with my family, so I am not sure how often I’ll be able to write, during my free time, I will try to post additional chapters, but I just wanted you all to be aware, posting may be slow next week. Xoxo- Marriah.

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