The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 136: Born

Chapter 136: Born

Brenda POV.

My mom just Pushed me out of the room making me sight as I look against a close white door.

"You need to push now Lucia." I heard my mother said to my Mate who scream making me flince for

her giving birth isn't a nice thing because the pain but it's worth it.

"You can do it honey." I heard my mom.

"Where are they? I heard Cathy asked out of breathe she sounds like she run as I turn to look at her

seeing the hole family was here great family reunion.

" Shouldn't you be in there with her? Cathy ask me.

"I don't know. "I told her shrugging my shoulders.

" What happened isn't her time most? she ask as she sit down next to my father getting her breath


" I asked her too. "LJ said as we look at her. I was still angry at her and with her mother about this Luke

thing. I can't believe she encouraged the kid.

"LJ you know just too much for your age." my father spoke making me laugh. That's true I will be old

before she reach seventeen.

"My mommy was tired and she told me that it was the baby so I asked her to stop making mommy tired

and suddenly mommy was in pain." she told chrissy and Jacky making me laugh seeing how they look

at my daughter.

"I believe you." Jacky said ruffling through LJ hair making her giggle.

"Lucia you need to push! my mother scream I can see her head.

" But I do.! my Mate yell back sounding so much in pain.

"She here! LJ scream as she jumps up and down

"How long is she in there? Cathy ask. I was losing my patience why is she struggling to push she

should have have push just once and boom she would have been here.

"30 minutes I think." chrissy said.

"That's long for a vampire and she still busy pushing oh no."

"Maybe you should get pregnant too and find out for yourself that it isn't so easy like you speak." I told

Jacky if you don't have something good to say please shut up okay.

"What's wrong with you it's not you giving birth jeez you so moody." she told me as I growl her.

"That's my Mate in there you won't assault her." I growl her feelings my eyes change red.

"Even on birth times too there's trouble." I heard my father breathe out and walk out of the room waving

his hands in the air.

My mind was brought back from Jacky when I heard the baby cry as I look at LJ seeing a huge smile

on her face a light shine through her beautiful blue eyes making me smile with tears rolling down my

face. Cathy burst out crying as Naomi comforting her making me laugh. Chrissy look at Cathy and just

shakes her head with a smile on her face and walk out of the room patting me on my shoulder.

"Chrissy where you going? Cathy ask her.

"Uh mmm." Chrissy mumble

"You still haven't worked things out? she asked looking at chrissy who look down to her feet.

"We had is just..

" It's fine chrissy it's fine you can go go. "Cathy said.

Things wasn't the same between Lucia and chrissy and I hate it she didn't even stay to find out how

she was doing after giving birth she just left when she heard the baby cry. I wipe my face feeling LJ

tuck on my tights as I look down at her beautiful blue eyes.

"I wanna see her." she said looking at me.

"We will see her baby just wait." I told her when the door of the room opens seeing my Mate been

pushed out of the room as she look like a mess.

"Darling." I said looking at her as I kiss down on her sweating forehead seeing her blink her eyes open

to look at me.

"I'm here okay you need to rest you look tired." I told her as she just smiled and close her eyes.

"My baby." Cathy cry out kissing her child with her wet face.

"Mom." she answer looking at her mother.

"You fine my baby? she ask caressing her child's face as they look at each other making me feel so

jealous that me and mom are not speaking at the moment and I miss her so much.

" I will be." she Said tirelessly.

Okay I will be here when you wake up you did good she said and kiss her daughter again

"Mama we need to take her to the room." the nurse said looking at Cathy. I couldn't stop looking at

Lucia she was so beautiful and she wakes up something deep down in my heart as I look down at her.

Her beautiful hair was a mess and my heart skip a beat even in her darkness days she was still so

beautiful. She wake up everything she give me a reason to wake up every morning just to look at ehr

beautiful face to see her beautiful green eyes looking down at me. This was my home, my life and I

want her to be mine even though I have mark her I want the world to still see and knows she belong to


I felt her cold fingers tucking on my finger as I felt that sparks running down my body as I bend down

towards her face and hold it in my hands "My baby! she breathe out with her eyes close.

" She will be fine Babe. "I told her kissing down on her lips as she open her eyes giving me butterflies

down in my stomach.

"She is so small so tiny ! she said putting her hand on the back of my head as I felt her fingers moving

through my hair I wasn't listening to her I was staring at her admiring her Beaty she look like a mess

but still turn out to look more beautiful.

" Marry me! I breath out holding her hand in my mine looking into her beautiful eyes seeing her eyes

brows widen in shock. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

" Will you Marry me Lucia Riet? I asked her seeing she look at me with tears in hers giving me an

exciting feeling running throw my hole body hearing gaspe behind us. Her hand caught up with my face

a sshe out the other one on my other cheek pulling me close her face as I felt her lips on mine.

Yes a big yes she cry out making me cry as I grabbed her in hug hugging her so tight close to me.

Yes Brenda I will marry you I thought you would never asked I heard her feeling her hands caressing

down on my back and one of my hair. I love you so much she whisper.

Brenda I heard my mother call for me. I move myself out of my beautiful mates grip and kiss her so

hard on her lips hearing her moan out making me laugh.

I love you too now please go and rest I will see you when you wake up I told her walking up to my mom

seeing her look at me with tears in her eyes.

"Mom! I cried out seeing her opening her arms as I throw myself onto her hugging the hell out of her. I

pick her up spinning her around hearing her squealed like a child.

" I'm sorry baby about everything. "she told me

" Mom, mom I'm sorry, I'm sorry please forgive me? I ask kissing down on her cold hands feeling her

caressing my hair back smiling down at me with tears in her eyes.

"It's okay my baby I have already forgive you, you haven't ask for my blessings."I heard her looking at

her confused when it hit me.

" Wow mom I haven't thought about it and I hope it's not to late to ask? I ask her wiping her tears away.

"It's fine darling you have all my blessings in this world wanna see the baby?she asked gesturing for

Cathy and the others. I was so caught up by my Mate that I have forget about everyone looking around

for LJ seeing her now where

"Where's LJ? I ask Looking around.

"It's okay Brenda she went to see the baby." mom told me.

"Congratulations friend." Kat said hugging me

"what took you so long to ask my child the big question? I heard Cathy ask making us laugh as we walk

into the room to go see the baby.

" We happy for you sister. "Jacky said hugging me

" Aslong as am the maid of honor."Naomi spoke seeing Kat eyes raise looking at her

" Over my dead body. "she said making me laugh.

" I can hear the wedding bellsc. "my mom sing dancing around as she lead us down a hall out of the

birth room.

Mommy mommy I heard seeing LJ run up to me as I pick her up I have seen my sister she is so small

and they say can I hold her yet she said looking sad.

" But LJ she is still small darling and not even mommy Lucia can hold her yet we all need to wait before

we can hold her." I told her kissing her down on her forehead as we walk out to where the others were

standing looking through a glass. One of the nurses push the cast where she lays in close to the glass

wall so that we can see her.

"Wow! Was all I heard around my family as we look at a beautiful small baby girl she was really small

my hand was bigger then her body. Her eyes was still close. This is amazing, she is so beautifull.

" My baby. "Cathy cried out as look at her seeing Jacky wants to laugh but she try so hard not to as

she run out of the room as I shake my head at her.

" Isn't she beautiful? my mom ask smiling down at the baby.

"Yes she is my granddaughter granny is her baby! Cathy scream out through the glass making us


" Not so hard Cathy she can hear you and you will wake up the other babies. "my mom yell, and it's

enough now come on leave out of here." she said pushing us out.

After seeing the baby I went straight to my Mate finding her fast asleep. She is a vampire but she is so

sleepy vampires don't sleep just when it is necessary but I have seen a vampire who like to sleep. I

kiss down on her head caressing her hair back as admire her beautiful features. She makes me the

happiest woman in the world and I don't see me without her. I have brought her a ring yet, "shit." I

mubble out biting down on my lips.

"Where's her ring." I heard Naomi's voice behind me as I look up at her smiling down at her this bitch

had read my mind.

"Things happen so fast you know. I was caught up in the moment and I couldn't stop I needed to ask

her right there. I still need to get her a ring and we will get married when she comes out of here. I

want to make her my wife. "I told Naomi looking at my beautiful mate who sleep so peaceful.

" We can go to together to buy her a ring. "she said looking at me.

" Now! I asked her.

"If you don't mind leaving her for a few moment and Kat is already waiting for us in the car." she told

me as I look at her.

"You two plan this? I asked kissing down on my Mate cheeks as we walk out of the room.

" Is a way of giving you my blessings to married my daughter and sister." she told me making me laugh

as she jus t smile putting her arm around my shoulder.

"I still can't believe that you know really your sister and daughter oh my God." I said as we walk down

to the garage.

" I can't let you propose to my daughter without a ring oh no Brenda she spoke sounding like a man.

" You will fit really. "I told her hearing her laugh.

" Groom to be. "I heard Kat when we reach her.

" My father will rip your head off if he hear you said that. "I whispered in kats ear making her laugh.

"Oh no he can go to he'll get in guys we have things to do." she said as we climb into the car.

" Are you wearing a suit for your wedding? I heard my sister as I look at her seeing her look at her


" I don't know yet. I spoke looking out of the window thinking about my Mate. Her baby our baby she is

so small and I still can't believe she is human.

" You should friend. " Naomi spoke looking at me and Jacky who sit at the back of the car.

" My father will kill me." I told them

"Brenda is not your father's wedding and he need to be cool he can't control you anymore wear a suit

and you will see how you knock Lucia out under her heels." Kat said making me smile as I imagine my

Mate walking down the aisle with her beautiful dress.

" You getting married Brenda Swartz. "jacky said ruffling her hands through my hair as I push her away

from me.

" I'm really getting married and I still can't believe it I ask her too. "I breath out.

" About the wedding Brenda who will be your maid of honor? Kat asked hearing Naomi growl at her.

"I'm her sister so it's supposed to be me and since the two of you both wants to be I think I will have to

be maid of honor.."

" Jacky shut up please." Kat hiss at her. I just shake my head listening on them as they fight who will be

maid of honor which I really don't know who because I love them both so much they should work this

out between them I could stop thinking about my Mate and that we going to be married soon. I want us

to get married after her 10 days or maybe wait till the baby is 3 months but I don't wanna wait that long

I want to call her my wife already. She is my soul mate my other half my ride or die. I was happy I'm

feeling amazing and I couldn't express how I felt the moment when she yes.

I could see the light in her eyes the happiness that moment in her face she was so beautiful it was so

beautiful to she her face brigthen up with so much joy. I smiled as we finally came to a stop in front of

jewelry store seeing the beautiful irng display on the through the glass.

"Brenda where are you Lucia is awake." I heard my mom's voice in my mind making me sight softly as

we get out of the car and walk into the shop as I was amazed by the beautiful rings I saw.

"What do you want? Naomi asked me as I look at the rings.

"I'm not sure." I sight trailing my hand through my head.

"HI good day how can I help you? a woman asked standing behind a desk smiling at us.

"HI." I greeted her back I just asked my girlfriend to marry me and I need a beautiful ring for her I told


"Like in a Engagement ring? she asked taking out a big box.

" I think so, but if you call it engagement rings that's mean I need to buy her another ring for when we

get married.! I asked looking at the woman.

"Yes ma'am." she responded softly,but you can also use the same one. "she told me.

"Oh no give me both engagement and wedding rings" I told her.

"Wow this is so beautiful Jacky." said as she look at the rings in front of me, I also want one. "she said

looking at the woman as I look at her.

" What? , I ask her.

"I'm just going to engage chrissy that's all." she said looking at us.

I brought my attention back to the woman as I look through the rings," I just want something small for

now but I want a beautiful ring for the wedding. I spoke looking through the rings when I saw a beautiful

small ring with a diamond," this will work for now." I pointed out the ring for her to put it away from me

as I glance down on the weddings ring which I don't know what to choose every one was so beautiful

and I thought of taking them all she can just change her rings everyday.

"Can I buy it all? i ask stoll looking at the rings.

"What do you mean ma'am? the woman asked me

"Can I buy all this rings? I ask hearing.

"Brenda have you gone crazy? jacky asked me as I just ignored her.

"I can't choose I love them all." I said scathing on my head.

"And now you want to buy them all? Kat asked feeling her next to me as she throw her arm around


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