The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 38 - Damon

Chapter 38 - Damon

With the cloak hiding my identity from the people, I strolled through the hordes of people walking in and

out of stalls and buildings.

I watched how the commoners in this district looked so happy, living peacefully, and enjoying their days

under the sun and bustling about their lives ahead of them, kids run around laughing and playing. It

was fresh of breath air just looking how my people lived freely and happily.


I shifted my gaze towards an armoured soldier barking orders to the others that seemed they were

below the other.

Squinting my eyes to get a better look at the brooch on the shoulder, it was crystal flower.

'The Glacies? Who are they searching for? A thief or an assassin' realisation dawned on me and I

tasted something bitter in the back of my throat.

*'If an assassin was present at the household of the Glacies then....ARIANA'* Terror washed over me,

raising the fine hairs on the back of my neck. I quickly made my way to them, squeezing myself through

the frozen crowd that surrounded the areas. 'By the names of the Gods please don't let anything

happen to Ariana'


I stopped in my tracks and watched in disbelief I felt my muscles relax a little. 'Hold on a minute please

don't tell me that wretched woman did something to Ariana' a look of bitterness crossed my face, anger

curled hot and unstoppable in my gut, like a blazing inferno that wanted to burn me from the inside out.

"I heard lady Diana run away just yesterday" I look to my side hearing a young woman whisper to her

husband beside her.

"tch that trashy daughter of the Glacies, what is trying to stir up now, making a ruckus wherever she

goes" others whispered from behind.

"I hope she never reveals herself. It's better she just never comes back"

I wasn't surprised that the people of Aureum despised Diana, that woman does nothing but talk down

to these people just because she lives under the house of the Glacies. She tormented many of the

commers when they were just passing by.

'That shameless woman you better have not done anything to Ariana to run away because if you have I

will not stop to find and you pull you by the hair you adore so much and make you kneel in forgiveness'

"-STOP BY THE NAME OF THE PRINCE" I felt my body become paralysed by the sudden familiar

yells of a certain someone. I looked through the crowds looking for that forgetful young prince but

couldn't spot him anywhere when suddenly some pointed up and yelled out "LOOK! PEOPLE ARE


I span my head to the left where the person pointed, I swear my mouth drop to the ground, staring

blankly at Edmond chasing a person that was running on the roof with sharp and graceful steps like he

has been doing it all his life while Edmond staggered across the roof tiles like a fawn learning how to

walk for the first time.

"What in God's name?" I mouthed, my gaze following Edmond who seemed to stop to catch his breath.

I shifted my gaze quickly towards the person he was chasing and to my surprise he was already so far

away. 'How fast is this guy and why was that idiot following him?'

Edmond regained his stamina and chased him again nearly tripping over the tile but staggered back up

regaining his balance.

*'Tch that idiot is going to fall if he keeps following him'* My eye twitched in annoyance, and I frowned

'he can't do anything by himself without my help can he?'

I let the light magic surged within me. Once I felt my fingers twinkle and glow a faint vibrant yellow, I

whipped my hands and a faint gold stare case appeared in front of me.

Ignoring the sudden whispers and jumps from the people, I bolted my way up the stairs. Reaching the

end of the stairs I jumped off landing painfully on the tiles with a crash.

"tsk" I winced in pain.

I looked behind me and saw how the stairs faded away in the light and the pale faced of the citizen.

Regarding their sudden loud cheers and applause, I ran after that idiot and the mysterious person he

was chasing after. I don't know how the person was running on the tiles without stumbling the tiles or

sliding off because I was having a lot of trouble running and so was Edmond, I saw him glide a few

times and because of that I was nearly getting reaching his side.

Edmond looked back to see who was following him and saw me and his eyes beamed with joy.

"Damon you won't believe who I caught" he said with a glint of mischief in his voice as he smiled. I

frowned my eyebrows and pursed my lips. "You idiot! We are running across the roof that would

probably be our end, chasing some mysterious person and your smiling!"

He ignored my words and just kept on smiling. "Your royal highness" he teased

"What's with the angry frown, lighten up for once and have some fun chasing down your runaway ex


"Ex fiancée?" I rose an eyebrow in confusion at him. I stared into his excited green eyes but then

looked straight at the person running in front of us but so far to see who it was.

My eye's nearly dropped from my sockets of who Edmond meant. "Your kidding with me"

"Nope. That bitch didn't recognise me. I mean me" he sounded hurt. "The most handsome prince of the

whole five human kingdoms of Alphyria" I stared at him with a face palmed expression. "The most

handsome prince of the whole five human kingdoms of Alphyria. You look like a beaten-up rat with

memory problem"

Edmond was scowled at me. "Unlike someone who looks like a troll that hasn't slept in years" he

insulted back then to proceeded to continue where he left off regarding that I hold more power than

him. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by a certain troll, she called me a douche bag and

threatened to slice my throat with her weird dagger"

*'She did what? Diana was never the type to threaten to slice someone's throat especially without

squirming in disgust at the sight of blood and she wouldn't call someone with that of a foul word.'* I

thought. 'But lately Diana hasn't been herself lately. She stood against me without fear of my dark

magic, her aura showed of a killer when I saw her and her words from yesterday caught me off guard.

How was Diana able to come up with a plan in the spot. She was a dim-witted feeble with no common

sense or logic, a naïve fool of a noble woman?' Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

'But seeing her run on the tile without any trouble is shocking. How was she able to do this? Not I an

experience fighter is able to run across this without tripping over my feet' I was too caught up with my

thoughts that I didn't realise what I was heading towards. Edmond grabbed me by the cloak and pulled

me back startling me.

"Be careful Damon, we don't want a splattered emperor ruling over Aurum" he joked with a little cheeky


I jerked his hand away and at the huge gap between where we stood the other roof then to Diana's

figure that was getting smaller and smaller as she ran further and further away from us.

"How did she?" my mouth was agape. "This bitch! what else is she hiding from us?"

We needed to head over to the other side quick before we lost her.

Using my light magic again, I held my hand out and commanded the magic to twirl around my fingers

as it glowed a hint of yellow. A bridge formed between the huge gaps.

"Is that even safe to run on or would I drop to the floor if I step on it since it's made out of light" Edmond

questioned scratching his messy brown hair as he observed my golden light bridge.

I rolled my eyes and ran across. "You won't fall down" I called out.

Looking back, I saw him slowly poke the light bridge with the tip of his shoe making sure I wasn't

kidding before sighing in relief and stepping onto the platform.

We both ran across the bridge to reach the other side.

We pursued her, jumping over gaps that we could leap over. "How she is able to run and leap like an

experience Assassin?" I mumbled, feeling the urge to grab her by the throat and force the answers out.

Watching how she nearly tripped when she landed this must be because Diana is tiring out. Even if she

did surprise us today with her new developed skills, she still has very bad stamina.

Without notice, Diana slowed down, and her figure was getting bigger as we came closer and closer.

She slopped down huddling what seemed like a fox.

"Is that a fox?"

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that" Edmond awkwardly smiled rubbing the back of his head innocently.

"Why does Diana have a fox with her?" I asked feeling a little worry for the poor animal that Diana

might kill.

"I have no clue your royal highness you tell me?" he said sarcastically, and I glared at him.

"I'm kidding" he said nervously.

We finally reached her. She was sobbing quietly, cuddling the little orange in her arms.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH" Edmond growled angrily, clenching his fist like he was about to start a fight with

her, storming his way towards Diana. The fox looked over, it's amber eyes showed nothing but hatred

and anger. Bearing his teeth, he howled at Edmond.

Edmond balked back. "You little runt" he hissed.

"Why can't you just go away" a low mumbled was heard by both Edmond and me.

I gave Edmond the look to move back but this idiot didn't get it and stepped forward, from the corner of

my eyes I saw her place the fox on the tiles. His paw was wounded but patched up. 'Could Diana done


"Do you know what kind of commotion you caused." He slashed his hands angrily,

"Shut up" she hissed clenching her fist. I could sense the dark earth aura started to roam around

Edmond, he was furious more furious than I was. "You threatened a prince and ignored the calls of

royals." "I said shut up douchebag".

We both sent a glare towards her. I felt the dark power surging through me. 'How bold is she to call a

prince a douche bag in front of her future emperor. Only I can call him such names'

"I'll rip that tongue out for slandering a prince" I hissed a dark purple ball forming in my hand.

"You are an arrogant, shameless and vile woman. I curse to whoever brought you to this world"

Edmond hand started to glow green as earth started rumble beneath us. "Do you know what kind-"

A glimpse of light reflected on my eye and instantly I knew what was going through her mind, reaching

my hand out to push him away from the incoming blade "EDMOND WATC-"

I felt like my world slowed down as I watched the blade ****** into his flesh, the sound of metal going

deep inside him was loud and clear in my ears. His warm blood splattered on my cheek as it rolled



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