The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 68 - The Traveling Tree

Chapter 68 - The Traveling Tree

It has been a long week since the day I arrived in Elisaria's cottage in the dark forest of Viridis, 4 days

since Homura left to return to mother nature and the same tiring week of training this body to keep up

with my abilities yet it still had a long way to go before I could be able to fight in full strength and

stamina like my original body.

Nevertheless, the weight of the katana has gotten lighter in my hands then the first time I had held it 2

weeks ago. In general Diana's body has gotten used to the intense swinging and running around a

10km block 3 times a day but the strength not so much however I'm getting there.... Barely.

Furthermore, I had used my spare time to poison my weapons with the Veleno flower I picked up from

the forest grounds of Viridis. Elisaria had helped with processing it and giving me advice on how to

extract the poison even if she did feel weary and suspicious about it yet didn't question me and minded

her own business.

I followed behind Elisaria through the forest where she lead me to the Andmine Arbor which she

promised to take me to when I had healed and when it bloomed. We didn't talk throughout the 3 hours

walk with Alaric behind us. Not an utter of word between us and I liked that, I had the time to myself to

think of my plans and admire the scenery of the forest and it's creatures.

It was this morning I had bathed in the enchanting lake of the fairies before slipping into my clean and

sewed Kimono and packed my supplies into my bag and said farewell to Demarcus who was going to

stay with Elisaria until his wing had healed before setting off to home in Argentum, returning to the

rightful place he belonged just like how I will later.

I'm won't lie to myself, but it was heartbreaking saying goodbye to the dragon that kindly got you this far

even if he was forcefully taken from his home by the person who caused it. The gentle emerald eyes of

the dragon that stared into my inner soul, the one that made me feel that I wasn't some sort of human

monster, a curse to my family and cold-hearted killer from the 21st century that was feared among my


The feeling of my heart being punctured by needles over and over again was overbearing, deep inside

I found myself wanting to bring him with me, but I knew that was going to cause a lot of panic to the

people in my world. Not wanting to feel such heartache feeling, I had forced it to become a shadow

behind my heart. A short memory of happiness that was taken away by the darkness again.

My heart is a compass with the arrow set on pointing to the one thing that thrives me to continue living.

"Here we are" I was taken away from my train of thoughts by Elisaria bored tone. She stood with her

hand shoving a hovering leaf branch out of the way for me to see what laid beyond it. My eyes grew

bigger than walnut as it laid upon a pink leaved tree that grew on a little island of itself encircled by a

crystal-clear lake.

It's branches twirled in a swirl as little white crystals hung down from the pink leaves making it glitter

under the sun. A long white diamond shaped crystal grew from the centre of the trunk, small branches

clung around it like heart trapped in a caged rib.

It was the most beautiful tree I had ever laid eyes on. So, fantasy like.

"When ya done staring, tell me so we can go" Elisaria had to ruin the sudden mood I had by her

sarcasm manner. I glanced at her with a poker face expression feeling the owl likes eyes penetrate my

inner soul as she smacked her lips together awaiting for my answer.

"Old ladies first" I bowed like a butler escorting a lady to the main room. "Huh" she scoffed.

"A young lass who knows her manners" the old witch cackled under the scratchy tone of hers that

made a tingle go up my spine as she strolled in, the branch swinging to a close behind her. My face

brows knitted perfectly into a scowl as I heard her cackles echo. 'Tch, you're lucky your old'

Moving the branch of leaves to the side I walked in, the scent of flowers bursting through my nose, as I

tried to settled the racing heart of excitement that pounded in my chest. I glanced back at to see Alaric

sitting patiently on its two back legs, his green forest eyes stared at me waiting for me to leave.

"Are you not going to come?"

"Do not worry about me Artemis. I shall wait here for my masters return right here" his voice was like a

deep melody of the forest.

"I see then" I approached him and placed my hand on his head slowly stroking it. "Goodbye Alaric, I

don't think we will ever see each other again"

"To you too" he said with a nod of courtesy. I bowed in return before jogging to the entrance of the

place, moving the leave branch aside and stepping into the beautiful scenery.

I treaded carefully on the green grass, following the staggering old witch that ignored every beautiful

thing around her and made her way to the banks of the lake.

I however admired the scenery and the things that made this place breathtaking to see. The colourful

butterflies that fluttered around before taking rest on a flower, their was fairies that flew past as pixie

dust trailed behind them. There was these little mushroom people of all sorts of mushroom types from

red polka dots to brown in all little shapes and sizes as they stopped what they were doing and came to

stare at me with their little mouths wide open in awe and their beady little eyes following me.

I gave them a small wave without pulling any sort of expression except for a monotone look, one

seemed to had suddenly faint from shock. I flinched in guilt, quickly putting my hand down and running

away before they all ganged up on me for killing their friend.

I nearly bumped into Elisaria who turned around and glared at me with her squinted eyes. "What did ya

do?" she questioned with a smack of her lips again. I glanced behind me to see two of the mushroom

people talking in a squeaky language I could not understand beside their fainted friend.

Glancing back at Elisaria I smiled awkwardly revealing my perfectly straight white teeth to her, "That

wasn't my fault"

She scoffed rolling her eyes before turning her back on me and continued on walking towards the lake.

I put my middle finger up at her with a scowl across my face 'I thought you would have been a nice old

lady but your nothing but a rude old fart. I hope you trip on that old cloak of yours and tumble your way

into the water and drown'

"What are you doing?"

I felt my heart drop to the bottom, the air had somehow got thick, and my mind went blank. The familiar

voice that I assumed I would never hear again was now ringing in my ears. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

"Oi, human can you hear me or has that old human stuffed rocks in your ears while you were

sleeping?" I slowly turned my head and looked down at the bright orange fox staring at me with the

same annoyed honey amber eyes.

Seeing him beside me again and his presence had somehow chased away the lonely feeling that had

locked itself in my heart. This foreign feeling of joy that came bursting made my heart tremble a little.

"H-Homura?" I had finally uttered. "Yeah, who else would I be?" hearing the annoying sarcasm from

him made my mind at ease.

"I don't see any other creature named Homura" he looked around mockingly before laying his eyes at

me again, those honey amber eyes of his that looked like autumn itself made me realise that even if he

is annoying, snobby, or dramatic at sometimes he really is a beautiful fox.

"I thought you had left?" I asked.

"I did"

"But why did you come back, I thought you hated me and wanted to return back to the forest" I rose an

eyebrow crossing my hands and waited for the answer at the fox who opened his snout to answer

when he closed with wide eyes, those eyes that held autumn itself stared at me as if he was thinking of

an excuse to say instead of the truth.

"Someone like you can get in trouble with those pesky humans. As the responsible one out of us I will

guide you to the right choice" Homura had placed his black paw on his chest before stretching it in the

air like he was touching an invisible hand.

"Are you worried about me?" my lips twisted into a smirk and my eyes reflected mischief.

Homura looked at me deadpanned. "Who would be worried about you? I'm just here so you wouldn't

make a fool out of yourself"

A forced irritated smile perched my lips "Why you little shit"

I wanted to kick this orange fluff ball so suddenly but looking into his little amber orbs of a predator,

those eyes that had trapped autumn fall within itself had made me rethink my decision of kicking him. I

couldn't but smile a little glad that he had came back.

"What are you smiling at? Are you thinking of skinning me alive?" Homura narrowed his eyes at me. I

crouched down and held my hand out, wanting to pat his head, he looked confused as he lifted his

head up to seem my palm closing in on his head for a pat. "Oi, what are you doing?" Homura panicked

but it was too late, I ruffled his head leaving him confused.

"Your so annoying has anyone told you that" I said with a smile, placing my chin on my arm that rested

on my knee.

Homura eyes stared at me baffled before snapping his jaw. "Keep your dirty hands off of my beautiful

head" he screeched at me baring his teeth at me. A vein throb appeared on my temple; this little

snobby princess had to ruin the mood. I smacked my fist against his little head.

"You little shit, I take back what I thought"

"EEEK" Homura rubbed his head, ruffling his orange fur on top of his scalp to ease the throbbing pain.

"Stupid fox" I grumbled in annoyance, 'the audacity of this fox'. I stormed my way to Elisaria. The old

witch had made her to the lake and stood with her hands behind her back, staring completely at the


"Oi Artemis wait for me, I have tiny paws" Homura called out, I could hear his faint footsteps behind

me. I slowed down and watched him appear beside me, his little paws trotting next to me. I didn't say

anything and continued to approach Elisaria.

"I see the fox has come back" Elisaria looked down at the annoyed fox who was not fond of the witch


"And yet your still alive" he shot back with sass. I chocked on my own laughter getting the attention of

the witch herself.

"What are ya suddenly laughing at?" Elisaria owl like eyes eyed me up and down with a grimace

expression across her face.

"I saw a bird hit the tree" I lied trying to hold a straight face, but the laughter begged to burst out.

"Hmph" she scoffed spinning her head and glancing back at the tree.

"Ya should be going or the tree itself will wither away later" Elisaria's tone had gone serious, and she

smacked her lips again which was getting on my nerves.

"Yeah" I answered lazily crossing my hands.

"Take one of those crystals and crush against your palm whilst thinking of the place you want to go"

she pointed her bony finger, aiming her long *** yellow stained nail to one of the crystals that hung

down. "But hear my warning taking more than a crystal will send you to a void that no man can return

from" the dead serious tone echoed through my ears as I eyed the crystal.

I had planned to take another to use it to reach the black or white dragon before using it to go to the

Alphyrian crystal but if there is a consequence for using more than one crystal then I rather just go on

foot the get stuck in a void that I will not be able to return.

I looked over to where the witch was standing but to my shock she was gone, the only thing remaining

was the air left behind. I scanned around to see where she had left but could not spot her anyway,

neither her presence lingered around as if she was some sort of ghost leading me to my desired

destination. "Woah, did you see that Homura" I pointed to the nothingness. "No. I was busy looking at

that rabbit" Homura answered, his hungry predatorial eyes gazed at the little brown rabbit not so far

from us. The salvia drooling down his snout of the thought of the good rabbit meat in between his teeth.

I threw Homura a exasperated look. "Your so hopeless" I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose and

having my hand on my hip.


"Nothing let's get going before it's too late" I exclaimed spreading my arms out for Homura to jump on,

but the stupid fox narrowed his eyes at me, confusion written all over his face.

"What?" he growled.

"Jump up" I gestured him to.

"No" Homura sounded like a rich man that refused to eat a loaf of bread from a peasant that kindly

offered him. "Do you know how uncomfortable you are?"

"Homura can we not start that all over again and peacefully do what I say"

The stubborn fox growled at me; his teeth were sharper than before I saw them. "Do you want to swim

across the lake to the other side and risk ruining your beautiful fur"

For some reason he gave me a deadpanned look and opened his mouth to say something. "I haven't

met a creature or human so stupid yet so blind"

"Excuse me?" tilting my head whilst arching an eyebrow, I crossed my hands. "There is a stone

pathway right next you" Homura lifted his black paw and pointed at something beside me. I looked

behind me to see stone footpaths on the lake reaching to the end of the banks on the other side.

"Oh" my tone was exasperated. I heard Homura click his tongue and saw him walk past me before

leaping on the first steppingstone.

He perched his head to glance my way, "What is taking you so long? Did your stupidity block your

mentality?" My lips twitched into a forced irritated smile, the urge to kick this fox back to the hole he

came from was surging through my veins.

"Stupid fox" I mumbled softly so he wouldn't hear me and make a snarky comeback at me again as I

fisted my hand in the air.

'One day I will drop kick you, just you wait'

Following behind Homura, taking huge steps to the other slabs of stone before I reached the ground

where the tree grew, I lifted my head to witness the magnificent tree above me. My mouthed shaped an

'o' and my eyes reflected the glittering crystal that hung down from the brown vine like thin branches

like candle lights.

"Remember Artemis, take only one" Homura's serious tone made me look down at him, his amber eyes

glancing my way reflecting the seriousness of his behaviour. I nodded my head in response.

Lifting my head up to gaze above the branches, averting my icy blue orbs left to right searching for the

right one to pick when my eyes laid on a specific one not far from where I stood. A smirk perched my lip

and I looked down at the monotone expression of the fox that sat under the shade waiting patiently for


"Ready to head to Ventus?" the grin crossed my face as my eyes reflected the mischief of the 23-year-

old assassin.

The bright orange fox clicked his tongue and answered bluntly "Great, more human lands to my liking"

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