The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 72 - Raven's Fly

Chapter 72 - Raven's Fly

"AHHHHHHH!" Homura deafening scream had rattle my ear drums. He had clung himself on my face,

his feathery wings wrapped around my head for dear life.

"ARTEMIS, I WANT TO GO BACK TO THE GROUND!" the squawky screeches echoed through the

sky and the people that flew past us gave me an irritated glare through their windows.

However, they weren't the only that was getting annoyed by this loud yell of this raven. I was clenching

my hands together preventing myself from throwing this fox out from this wooden carriage and watch

him fall.

I bet the coach was getting irritated from Homura as well, threatening to himself that he was going to

burst in and strangle the bird to death.

The Pegasus weren't even going in a fast pace but a smooth regular pace that soured gracefully

through the sky, making their way to the huge bridge trail that spanned wide and long as a huge and

tall gate skyed to the top, built on the bridge.


"Get off of me you pesky bird" I fumed at him, trying to pull the raven off my face.

"NOOOO! I'M GOING TO DIE!" he squawked even louder as his grip around my head had tightened.

"You are not going to die unless I through you off the carriage if you keep this up" I fought him off my

face with a huge tug back.


I held him mid air by the back. He had hugged himself as if I seen him featherless and *****. "We are

nearly there" I whispered angrily, my eyelid twitching from irritation and my lips forming a grimace


He slowly peek his head back to take a look but soon regretted "NOOO!"

I stared at the screaming bird with a blank expression crossing my face clearly exasperated with his

childish behaviour "You're so hopeless" mumbling, I released the bird and he dropped to the wooden

floor of the carriage with a cry of terror before landing with an oof and a thud.

"I dead but I'm still alive" Homura whined with a cry, lifting his head so his voice wouldn't be muffled. I

crossed my hands against my chest and rolled my eyes, leaning back to rest my back. This old body

was getting on my nerves, I don't want to get old now if I have this kind of trouble in the future. My feet

were so small that it had taken me an hour or two to reach to the place they flied people up here.

Stupid tiny old feet.

I can't believe I'm already here in Ventus. Time had went quickly with just a blink of an eye and I'm

riding in a carriage to the palace of Ventus to diagnose Ben.

But I'm praying that the disease or illness isn't surgical or how am I going to explain to these ancient

people that hasn't gone far with healthcare about how I'm going to open him up to cure him. I think they

will call me crazy and try to arrest me for trying to open up the prince.

Not to mention I'm an old woman, they will definitely think I'm a witch who is trying to assassinate the


A long sigh of distress slipped through my lips. I don't know what to do anymore, it's either test my luck

or just turn around and leave it.

"Why do you humans love to torture us animals" Homura cried silently now hiding under his wings,

trembling with fear. It's confusing to see him like this when he was completely normal flying on

Demarcus a few times. Maybe he hasn't flown for a while and the fear had got to him again. I don't


"We are arriving at the great sky bride of Taivas" the coach called back alarming me out of my inner


"Ahh\~ thank God" Homura sighed a relief, fake tears seen falling down his onyx eyes as he peeked

his head out a little. Clicking my tongue, I rolled my eyes.

I looked over to see us descending downwards, the white wings of the Pegasus' flapping widely against

the wind while the coach lead them down to platinum concrete path. I held on to the window frame for

safety, watching how we went down and trying to ignore Homura's constant crying and screaming. We

had descended down, the sounds of carriage rolling on the concrete slab and the gallops of horse

hooves against was loud in my ears. © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

Looking out the window the path lay in between grasslands, lavender growing in shrubs trailing the

grass path at it's bank, passing a few marble fountains each seven metres. I rested my elbow against

the wooden frame, placing my cheek against my palm and stared with little interest toward it.

My view was suddenly blocked by another carriage similar to mines. Made of entirely out of wood,

arched roof with a trails of platinum markings coming down from the corners and fading away when

reaching to the bottom. From my hallow window that did not have any glass windows, I could see

someone sitting quietly within the carriage from his carriage window.

I quickly averted my eyes so I wouldn't have any eye contact with him and turned my attention back to

the front.

Leather straps wrapped around the white winged horses that pulled the carriage to its destination which

was to the wide-open giant gate that stood 30 metres tall. I didn't know what the necessity of the gate

foundation was for, but I shrugged it off, not wanting to dwell on something useless.

The carriage began to slow, and I realised we were coming to a stop before it came to complete halt

and Homura had stopped screaming, peeking his head out from under his wings and said "Is it all

over? Have we arrived yet?" the constant ear threatening screams had turned his voice raspy and raw.

I rolled my eyes and didn't answer his ridiculous question.

I could make two men talking to each other but couldn't decipher what they were saying due to the loud

background noises.

Suddenly the carriage began to move again, I watched as we slowly entered the giant gate. The pillars

were all platinum with a few marble and cold dragon carvings and swirls engraved on them to make

them stand out better. I still didn't get what the purpose of this gate was, it just looked rather stupid if

you ask me.

The carriages came rolling in, some followed behind, some to the side of us or in front. The gallops of

the horse foot and rush of the wind current was the only sounds I was hearing now.

The air up here however was refreshing and cool to the face as it blowed away the locks of grey hair

away from my face. Thank God this potion lasts longer than the mask potion or I would have already

turned back to my regular self, well Diana.

It didn't take long when the carriage came to a stop again but this time someone had opened the

carriage door for me. This was my que to get out of the carriage. Glancing down, Homura was

quivering in fear and his head was still hiding away under his wings.

I sweat dropped.

'Homura you're a bird now, act like one. Don't embarrass me'

Scooping him up, I tucked him in my medicine bag that I brought with me and leaving the strap open so

he could come out whenever he stopped being dramatic and act like a real bird. "Just stay in there for

now" I whispered to him before making my way down refusing the help of the coachman.

"Thank you" I acknowledged with a raspy creaky old lady like voice so he wouldn't be caught off guard

by my young feminine voice.

The coach nodded his head in response and at that I walked away, strolling towards the side entrance

of the palace. Scanning my surroundings, I could see many people walking the same way. Some

walked with courtesy and a high-ranking aura intimidating from them, each one wearing something

fancy and high class while others had commoner clothing on however amongst these men, they were

not a single lady spotted.

'I assume they must have come in order of having their luck of curing the princes' mysterious illness

and being rewarded the promise remuneration' These men must be doctors coming from all parts of

Ventus or the other empires, no wonder there aren't any women here. Women are forbidden of

becoming doctors here in this ancient world, not like they care anyway. All they care is about finding the

right man to have children with. These ancient beliefs and state of mind isn't to my liking.

Immediately I felt the burning stares penetrating through me coming from the higher ranks and some of

the commoners. Each one mumbling a disgusting under their breaths, their expression or their eyes

revealed their ideology of woman doctor.

One in particular had a sour expression across his face when he laid his eyes on me. I could see him

ajar his mouth a little which I had assumed he must have clicked his tongue in disagreement with my


In return, I stared blankly at him competing our intense glare as I slowly rose my middle finger to my

eye level and watched him pull a face of confusion. 'Suck on this you half evolved baboon' I didn't see

his after face because I had walked faster leaving him speechless and confused, the wind current

brushing past me making my cloak and skirt fly behind me in a trail.

'I'll show all these dim-witted ancient scums who's the real professional doctor here. I'll it will be an

honour to watch the colour drain from your faces then to bury it back up your asses where you had

taken them out from'

"Are we there yet" Homura spoke after a while, his beak being the only thing sticking out from the back.

"No" answering him bluntly taking a quick glance to him.

"tch" he clicked his tongue frustratedly. "I'm getting stuffy in here and these things are very

uncomfortable to sit on!"

"Do want to stand on my shoulder instead?" there was utter silence coming from Homura, yet his beak

was still sticking out.

"No. I'm staying in this bag until we get inside" he sunk his beak back and I could feel the rattling of my

bag. "Stupid things" I heard him complain and the glass jars clash together in a bag.

"You better not break anything in there or I will break you neck" I warned shooting the bag a

threatening glare.

"No" Homura answered with sass his beak sticking out the gap of the bag again.

I rolled my eyes and continued on my way.

It didn't take long when we reached the side entrance. Lifting my head my eyes following to glance at

the giant double doors of the castle, my eyes had widened in awe. The giant double door of the castle

was shaped in a triangular arch made completely from platinum, marble carvings of pillars and gold

swirls of roses engraved on the sides before ending at the tip of the door. The entrance was bolted

securely to the sides of the castle which made it stand for centuries even to centuries to come. Royals

guards in silver armours stood by the entrance in a commanding manner, ready for anything happen to


Even after centuries it looked like it was freshly built yesterday. The palace itself looked like it was just

built, the unknown shining white material they used had not dulled away from the centuries it passed,

it's tall towers of itself rose high into the sky and the whole palace stood tall and firmly, disappearing

into the incoming clouds.

'Whoever lives here must be a lucky bastard'

"Excuse me lady" I was cut from my inner thoughts by a squishy voice. Glancing to the source of the

sound, I laid eyes upon a man.

He wore a silver fantasy style tuxedo that had a gold chain coming down from his shoulder and

buckling with his golden belt. His silver hair was slicked back, and his moustache was in a curl like the

Spanish styles from the medieval times. His chin was rather long and sharp and so was his nose.

There was wrinkles forming in the corner of his metal-coloured eyes and he looked like he was in his

early 40s yet no taller than I was.


"Do you have any clarification or any sort of letter stating your business here?" he asked politely but his

voice hinted an ounce of annoyance as if he hated this sort of job.

I stood there in front of him, my mind had went blank. "Um...No" I answered with a pause.

He rose a thin silver eyebrow and stared at me in disbelief, the corner of his mouth was twitching into a

small scowl. "Then you are not permitted to enter without any sort of documents stating your reason

and acceptance signature by his royal highness himself" his squeaky masculine voice made my mind


'What? What kind of bullshit is that? Did all these doctors get a permit? because I wasn't told about this

neither was it written in the story itself'

I continued to stare at him blankly, my lips shut tight. I averted my eyes away glancing left to right

before locking it with the now annoyed middle aged man, that stood firmly in front of me with one hand

arched in front of him like a butler and the other behind him.

"Listen" I started exhaling a long breath "I have come from a small village in Isvand"

"I can see that" his voice echoed sarcasm as he eyed me up and down.

A vein throb appeared on the side of my temple and my lips turned into a smiling maniac. "Yes"

"Anyway, I have heard that Ventus' young prince, his royal highness Benjamin has fallen terribly ill with

a sickness that no one has ever seen and cured before"

The middle-aged man expression changed into a resentful look towards me those metal-coloured eyes

examining me as if I was worth to be here.

"And what will you be doing about that?"

A cold glare formed in my eyes turning this man's resentful look into a look of fear in his eyes. "What

else would I be here for if I heard about his highness sickness" crossing my hands and sneering at him

in return. This guy is lucky we are in public with guards around or else I would have pushed him down

to his death.

The man's mouth turned in a smile and he opened his mouth for a cackle to escape. I was caught off

guard for a second but then realised these people don't believe in women to do anything but bare

children for them. My hand twitched to punch this guy in the mouth and knock out all his tooth that he

would be stuck drinking soup for the rest of his life.

The men around us had turned their attention to the sudden laughing man that has been chuckling his

butt for the past minute. I stood there expressionless waiting for him to finish with my hands crossed.

From his laughter I can hear Homura cursing at the man.

He wiped a tear with his finger and his laughter had calmed as he took a breath of air to get some air in

his lung to talk. "You curing the prince" he pointed his chubby finger at me that seemed to have a

chipped nail, shouting his words out loud for the whole world to hear.

The men around started to laugh and soon the whole place was echoing with chuckles of these men's

laugh at an old woman who is going to cure the prince. I didn't say anything and let them laugh at me

because I knew that I will be the one laughing at them when they walk out the princes' room

disappointed that they couldn't heal the prince then to tell them to suck it when I do.

So let them laugh because Karma would slap them so hard, they don't see it coming.

"I don't get how that is funny" Homura said peeking his head out and looking at me, but I didn't respond

due to the man being here. Homura was silent before opening his beak to speak "Do you need me to

poke his eyeballs out?"

'Yes, that would be nice' but sadly I cannot do that, or it will cause me trouble. With a sigh I blinked

twice indicating him a no. Homura must have caught what I said with our not so special answering

conde and answered me "Tch, I would have loved to" he crawled his head back in the bag with a slight


"I must apologise but I cannot let a woman with the intention of healing the prince in the palace" he put

his hand out in a stop gesture.

"Because I'm a woman and less superior than you men. Is that why?"

"Well, isn't that what women are? You should get back to your cottage to your dying husband then be

here doing a man's job" The 40-year-old silver haired man shooed me, and the people around

snickered. I felt my blood boil and my hands twitching into a fist. How badly I wanted to punch him.

"Sir, tell me" Crossing my hands and challenging him with my hostile glare I rose my voice a little so

that everyone else could hear me clearly "If you sent off the only person in the whole of Alphyria who

knows the reason to why his highness and he dies because of your stupid ideology of a woman what

will you answer to the prince"

The old man's lips twitched into a scowl, his slightly crooked teeth baring at me, his eyes glaring

daggers at me that wanted to kill me and his face had turned a slight red from anger.

"Hmm? What's that cat got your tongue" I mocked with a slight malicious grin crossing my face as my

long nail traced my chin. My cold eyes reflected the evil intention towards this man that had shut him


"Huh" he scoffed so suddenly. "I'm sure one of these fine men might know of the cure. Don't get cocky

old hag and get out of here" he growled.

Suddenly the loud thundering sounds had caught my intentions. The right side of the double door had

opened a little letting one of the high-ranking doctors that probably worked in a mansion as a personal


A sudden idea sparked my mind and a small smirk perched in the corner of my mouth, and I felt so evil

right now.

'If this old man is refusing to let me in then I will have to force myself in'

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