The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 74 - order of the old lady

Chapter 74 - order of the old lady

The mysterious woman had silently stepped into the gigantic throne room stoned with platinum pillars

stacked tall in rows. Ancient weapons bolted onto the walls for decoration and two massive thrones laid

at the far front of the room, one made of silver platinum and the other in gold. Slowly closing the giant

marble door behind her, the mysterious white-haired woman strolled gradually towards them.

No sounds of footsteps or heels hitting against the stone floor echoed the silent grand throne room as if

she was a ghost haunting these very halls of the castle. The only sounds that was heard in the uneasy

atmosphere was the heavy breathing of the royal guards and the clanking grips of their swords.

The royal rulers sat uncomfortably on their thrones, staring hesitantly at the mysterious woman that

was approaching them from afar. Both feeling troubled and confused on what was going on.

Was she an assassin? No, she can't be one. An assassin kills their victim silently not directly in front of

eyewitnesses especially a guarded King and Queen. So, who was she and what was her purpose for

barging in?

As she came into a view for everyone to see her face became clearly visible to the eye. She was an old

lady. The wrinkles forming on her face showed she was around her late 60s. Tall height no bigger then

170cm, a perfect figure under her dress as if she was still young, her long white hair brought out the

sapphire eyes that could be seen glowing from afar.

This woman would have been a beauty in her youth years.

The confusion was seen written all over everyone's faces especially the Commander of the guards who

stood beside the kings throne, the emperor himself Ambrose and Empress Arabella who glanced to her

husband's direction for any replies to this situation. She herself held Ambrose hand tightly, hearing her

heart pound in her ears loud and clearly.

Ambrose mouth slit ajar ready to speak to the intruder when he was immediately interrupted by the old

woman's sudden voice.

"I'm sorry about that" the old woman spoke; her voice was creaky but if listened closely enough you

can hear the faint young feminine voice. "But your pesky workers were being rather sexist and wouldn't

even let me in to give me a chance" she stretched her arms out and pulled into a cross against her

chest, shaking her head in a defeated sigh. This old woman showed no ounce of courtesy towards the

Emperor and Empress who could say one word and she will be dead.

This rendered everyone speechless even the guards that nearly dropped their swords for a slight


Ambrose stood up assertively tall with his hands hiding behind his back as his silver eyes glared down

at the impolite old lady who dared to barge herself into his castle without his knowledge. The air around

him changed into a bitter taste that poisoned the lungs of anyone that breathed it in.

A dangerous aura began to glow around him worrying the queen herself who has never seen this state

of him in a very long time before glancing back at the old lady.

She felt her heart stop for a moment, seeing the competing icy blue eyes of the mysterious old lady that

stared back without a single reflection of fear in her eyes. She was not fazed or shaken by her husband

but stood their with her hands crossed with a bold aura lingering around her.

They were like two alpha wolves from different packs competing for the same territory.

"Who is bold yet so imprudent to enter my palace unannounced then to storm into my hall without a

waiver of courtesy" Ambrose spoke, his voice crackled like thunder rattling the room so loudly.

"Do you understand who you are present under?"

The old woman's face was expressionless as she stood there with her hands crossed looking left to

right before glancing back at the calm emperor whose silver eyes reflected anger.

"Do I look like a fool to be asked such a question?" she spoke monotonously towards him. "How dare

you speak to his emperor with such disrespectful manners!" Arthur growled clenching the grip of his

sword tighter.

Ambrose rose a hand midway gesturing the commander of the guards to silence. "Not to be rude your

royal highness" she said tilting her head, hands still crossed against her chest.

"But my king is not of Ventus but of Isvand."

'Isvandy' Ambrose thought his aura calming down just by a little. 'What is an Isvandy doing in the

kingdom of Ventus'.

People from Isvand were never the people to venture far from their homelands, neither did they like to

interact with that rest of the people of Alphyria. Staying in their own homeland away from the rest of the

world, they were reserved people minding their own business.

It was quite a rare sight to see one enter his kingdom.

"Your king or not. All rulers must be respected from anyone even foreigners themselves"

"Your right, they do but that isn't written in my law book."

Ambrose rose a thin a dark silver eyebrow at the audacity of this woman. "But to answer your first

question from before. My name is Aletheia Smith and I'm the only one in Alphyria who will know the

reason to your son's mysterious illness"

The silence was loud.

Ambrose just stared with wide open eyes that could not be shut, like the whole world is crumbling apart

around him. He didn't even shake. Her words made him stand there in total paralysis, his heart

skipping beats yet thumping in his ears and taking away the sounds around him.

Arabella suddenly jolted up from her throne, the tight feeling in her chest tightened its aching grip on

her. Her mind went hazy, and she could not think straight but the fact that her son might be cured. Her

body felt like the heavy weight was being lifted from her shoulders and rain was being poured down

from the heavens to wash away the grief.

"What did you say?"

"I'm the only one who knows the answer to your sons illness. Give me permission to take a look at him Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

and I promise you that I will answer the question you have been desperate for" her hand flied to her

chest, her voice strongly speaking in confidence in her abilities as her icy eyes stared directly into

Ambrose shocked silver eyes that doubted every single word.

Arthur was speechless, he wanted to laugh at how fool of an old woman she was. Many had the said

the same thing but failed to give it. Furthermore, she is a woman. How is a woman supposed to know

when a man who is far more knowledgeable than a woman not know? The guards wanted to laugh as

well but with the presence of the king and queen and the subject being about their young prince they

dared not to.

"How can I trust the words of you especially an old woman" he hissed.

"Because you have no choice" she answered calmly but her hands were seen clenching into fists

beside her. Ambrose was taken back for a second before calming his composure.

Arabella glanced over to her husband waiting for an answer from him, yet his indifferent eyes did not

leave the icy cold eyes. The empress could see the glitter of sweat forming in the brows of his knitted

eyebrows. The desperate attempted to send her away for saying words for a woman.

Arabella wanted to believe the woman herself but with so many saying the same words but could not

keep it had lost her will of believing but deep down she felt like maybe this person might know what is

wrong with her dear son Benjamin.

"I will not make a fool out of myself to let a woman in the quarters of my son to heal him"

"And that's a mistake that will haunt you until your last breath" the old woman hissed; an icy chill came

from her as a faint squawked was heard. Her icy blue eyes squinting into a frustrated glare that

competed with the king.

"Darling maybe if-" Arabella was cut off by loud footsteps that echoed the hall room turning everyone's

attention to the source of the sound.

A brown-haired maid came into view. Her silvers eyes glittering with tears that draped down her face.

"Benjamin" Arabella muttered under her breath knowing who exactly the maid is.

"His highness is in worsen condition then before and his vomiting up blood more than he usually does"

she cried. Arabella didn't waste time to run towards the maid, her red dress trailing behind as her heels

clicked against the marble tiles.

"Tch, this is fucking stupid" Artemis hissed with anger. She was wasting time with this ignorant old man

when ben was dying on his bed. She regarded the kings angry words and followed the empress with a


Passing the Empress without a single glance, she reached beside the maid "OI! lady, take me to his

highness chambers" Artemis placed a hand on the maids shoulder who flinched seeing an old lady

appear beside her.

"P-par-" "STOP THAT WOMAN!" hearing the kings fury echo the grand hall, Artemis clicked her tongue

in annoyance, looking back the guards that ran towards her with their swords in hand, silver armour

clanking against metal on metal.

"I don't have time" snatching the maids hand and pulling her into a run the maid yelped. "Who are you?

What do you want from his highness?" she asked in a run.

"I'm saving his ***." She answered coldly not glancing back at the shocked yet terrified face of the

brown-haired maid. "Now escort me there"

Artemis burst through the double doors of Ben's chambers, startling everyone in the room and stopping

them from their work. Ignoring their stares Artemis looked over to Ben who was coughing tons of blood.

Ben sat on his bed in a sitting position, a bucket under his chin for the blood he puked out. The

reflection of sweat that formed heavily on his face was visible to the eyes, his face was pale in a tint of

a grey green hue that made people believe he was dead, his violet eyes was dull and gloomy with no

vibrant hue in them. Ben was covered in his own sweat and blood that coated his white sleep clothes.

He was sick, really sick.

"Who are you and what is your business-" Artemis cut the sudden growl from a silver armoured guard

in the room with icy cold glare that sent shivers down the man's spine before glancing away from him

and approaching Ben.

A middle aged stayed beside Ben but his attention was on Artemis who stormed her way towards him.

He wasn't able to utter a word or question when she threw in hers. "Tell me he's conditions and further

symptoms" she demanded placing a hand on Ben's forehead. It was hot.

"W-well his lower abdomen has been tender to the touch and his been having sever chest pain lately"

he answered hesitantly. Artemis bit her lip. She needed more information if she was going to figure out

his illness or diseases since there isn't any computers or x-rays to see the condition herself.

"Has he been eating properly or having any severe back pain?"


'Fever, stomach pain, chest pain, severe pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite. The only thing I can

think that might be the cause of this is that his appendix has torn.' Artemis glanced into his dull violet

eyes, feeling the dread that he has to go through all this pain without any antibiotics or anything that

could help him stop this pain.

She could feel the sweat pour down her cheeks, the cold sweat forming in the back of her neck and the

loud breathing of hers. Artemis did not notice the worried glances she was getting from the people

around her.

The middle-aged man that was shocked and confused as he was then the maids, guards, and butlers.

'Tch, I don't have time to do any test. If his appendix is torn, then I have to an immediate surgery or it

would turn into a situation I can't handle since the ancient world doesn't have anything from the modern

world to stabilise his condition. It would kill him slowly and painfully' Artemis bit the nail of her thumb,

nibbling in deep thought trying to figure out what she was going to do.

'**** it. Taking risks is what I do best'

Glancing back up she started to demanded every person in the room. "I need all windows to be

closed!" The people stood in there spots staring at her with confusion across their faces, each one

giving each other doubting glances.

"Your prince is dying for god sake and your standing like frightened rabbits. Move your asses!" Artemis

was losing patience with these people. Can't they see their prince is in severe conditions and they are

standing around not do anything and staring at her.

With this sudden shout, startling the maids and butlers they obeyed her running in different direction

and closing any window in the room. "I need buckets of water, alcohol and towels" a few maids nodded

before rushing out the door.

It was hectic in the room with everyone running around with Artemis barking orders. "I need 2 people

who can use wind magic" she glanced to one of the guards. 'There aren't any ventilators here so I have

to use these wind magicians instead to make sure his breathing is normal while doing the surgery'

"I can" a guard rose a hand, his voice rattling out from his helmet. "Good" Artemis nodded with a sigh a

relief. "You stay in the corner and change the air of the room every 4 minutes and no later"

The guard obeyed Artemis without questioning her word. The middle-aged man stared in awe at this

old woman's strong commanding aura. He somehow knew that this woman might know what the

problem with his prince is even if she is woman but if she knows what the problem is and can cure him

then he will let her be.

"I too can use wind magic" he said confidently getting a side glance from. "While I'm performing

surgery, I need you to be in constant watch for his breathing, use your wind magic to stable his


He didn't understand what the concept of surgery is or why he should make sure his breathing is stable

but nodded his head.

"You there" she turned her head quickly, pointing a wrinkly hand finger to a silver armoured guard that

stood beside the door with a spear. He flinched.

"Don't let anyone in, even the king and queen" the guard looked hesitant at the remark of this.

"Do as I say, or your prince will never be cured" she glared at the guard, her icy blue orbs piercing

through the armour and frightening the guard who ran out the door.

Turning her head back to the direction of the rest she said "The rest of you leave only the people I need

stay here"

'I can't let the exposure of moisture to be circling the air while I'm doing surgery' she looked down,

examining herself and clothes. When doing surgery, she must be wearing proper clothing or bacteria or

other form of dangerous pathogens to enter the prince's body. 'Even I'm risking the prince's life with the

equipment I have'

Artemis moved the strap over head and passed it to the man who looked like a medieval doctor. "Take

everything out and placed them on the table. Also don't mind the raven"

Artemis slid out a needle from her wrist and twirled it around her fingers, a smirk appearing across her

face. "Let's get started"

'I'll show you the skills of the former assassin and Ryu's greatest doctor'

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