The Wedding Night

Chapter 33- Alive

“Have you ever wished for something and it never happens?”

Melody’s POV

After the incident that happened in the morning, I make sure I kept my distance from the Aderemi brothers. I didn’t bother entering after he gave a straight order that I should cancel all his meetings. The transparent glass on his door that I do use to spy on him was shut and I couldn’t see any of his frustrating movement.

When Giovanni pushed me, I hit his desk and it left a nasty bruise on my left side. I got hit because I didn’t know how to mind my business.

“I think I deserved it.” I thought.

Few hours passed and it was nearing lunch hour but still, Giovanni had not come out of his office and I haven’t seen Lorenzo. I was worried for both brothers and although Lorenzo didn’t deserve my sympathy, I still feel sorry for him. When lunch hour came and he hasn’t come out of his office, I was pushed to knock on his door.

“Sir,” I called but I didn’t get a reply. “Are you okay? Do you want me to get you anything?” I asked but still, I didn’t hear him say anything. “You can ignore me all you want but I’m not going to let you starve because if I did, that would make me a bad assistant .” I joked and when I didn’t get any response, I walked to the CEOS department office.

“Is anybody hungry?” I asked them and they all turned from the computers to look at me.

“I am starving.” It was Anita who first spoke up. She shut her computer and stood up from her seat.

“You guys go ahead, we will join you,” Ken spoke on behalf of himself and mark.

“Okay. What about you Lindsey?” I asked her because I had nothing against her. She might hate me but I don’t.

“Why do you care? You are a disaster.” She answered back.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Stop faking it melody. Everyone heard the argument between the brothers which I know was caused by you.” She accused.

“What are you even saying? I didn’t cause anything and you have no right to judge me like that.” I retorted.

I didn’t like how she accused me of something I know nothing of. She had no right to do that because I didn’t do anything wrong and even if I did, it was none of her business.

“That’s was harsh Lindsey. Back off.” Anita warned her but Lindsey didn’t listen instead she went on.

“The truth is always bitter right?” she smirked and pretended to work on her computer.

I didn’t know how to react at that moment and even if I did, it wasn’t going to end well. I ignored her and walked out with Anita who apologized for Lindsey behavior


“She wasn’t always like that,” Anita said.

“People change Anita,” I replied.

We both walked to the cafeteria and took our seats near the window to see the view of the people walking on the street. It was the perfect view. I ordered spaghetti and barbecue chicken since I didn’t have breakfast while Anita ordered fries only. Since I promised Giovanni I was getting him lunch, I ordered his favorite which was potatoes chips.

While waiting for our orders, Anita decided to ask him about the Chinese brand project. “So how far are you with your proposal?”

“Good. Just need to add something more interesting.” That was all I said and just then, our orders came including Giovanni’s lunch. We both dig in and didn’t say anything afterward. Halfway into the lunch, I saw people getting and rushing out of the cafeteria like they were been chased except that I didn’t see anyone chasing them.

“What is going on?” I asked when the entire cafeteria was almost empty. Lunch hour hasn’t ended yet and this was the first time something like that had ever happened ever since I came to DReam.

Anita looked up from her food and gasped. “Oh my God!” she exclaimed.

“What’s wrong?”

“We have to leave,” she announced, and with the way she sounded, I knew something was going on. Anita stood up and rushed out of the cafeteria while I followed behind with Giovanni’s lunch in my hand.

“Why are we rushing?” I asked as we walked towards the elevator. The people around us were also rushing as if something or someone was chasing them.

“What going on?” I questioned again.

“The former chairwoman is around,” Anita answered back.

The chairwoman was the cause of all the chaos. I had no idea who the chairwoman was but If there was a former chairwoman then that means one thing.

Giovanni’s mother is here.

I opened my mouth wide and gasped. “Oh hell no!”

Giovanni’s POV

I didn’t know how long I was sitting on the floor of my office but all I knew was that I was in pain. It is not physical pain but an emotional one. I was dying inside but nobody knows because I was hiding it so well but after what Lorenzo said during the argument, I believed there was no one for me. I had melody cancel all the meetings I had. I was in no mood for meetings or seeing anyone. I didn’t know how I made it to the couch but before I knew it, I fell asleep on the couch.

The loud knocks on my door woke me up from my slumber. I scratched my red-eye and sat down on the couch. I didn’t know who was knocking but I didn’t bother answering.

“Sir,” I heard melody called but I didn’t reply.

What was her problem?

“Are you okay? Do you want me to get you anything?” she asked but still I didn’t say anything.

“You can ignore me all you want but I’m not going to let you starve because if I did, that would make me a bad secretary.” she joked and I found myself smiling at her stupid joke. When she didn’t say anything else, I figured she had gone for lunch.

I stood up from my couch and walked into the washroom; I stared at myself in the mirror and noticed how red my eyes were. I turn on the faucet and washed my face. I kept staring at myself for a while before I finally turn off the faucet and walked out of the washroom.

When I walked back to my office, I met my mother sitting on the couch with Cassandra and the two guards that stood behind her.

“What are you doing here?” was the first question I asked her when I saw her.

“Look whom we have here Gio,” Cassandra announced happily but I didn’t pay attention to her instead my focus was my mother who was on my couch.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I ask again mother, what you are doing here.”

My mother stood up from her couch and walked closer to me. She tried to touch me but I moved backward before she could touch me. My mother dropped her hand and forced a smile on her face. “Lucas called a few hours ago to inform me about the mess that happened.” My mother said and walked back to the couch to take her seat. “Why did you attack your cousin and brother?” she asked but I didn’t give her a reply instead I walked to the entrance and opened the door for her to leave.

“Listen, mother, I owe you no explanations so, please leave.” I politely said.

“What insolence!” my mother shouted. “Stop acting like this Giovanni, I am your mother.” She declared.

“Being my mother doesn’t give you the effrontery to come here and talk to me about Lucas’s stupidity.” I retorted. I pointed to the door and asked them to leave.” Please leave.”

“Have you forgotten that I owe a share in this company and you have no right to chase me out of this company and besides I am your mother? Have some respect!”

I chuckled and walked away from the entrance. I went to the couch and sat opposite my mother. “If you think you have any claim on this company then you know nothing mother,” I told her and she gasped at my disrespect but I didn’t care. I didn’t mean to disrespect my mother but I no longer cared about her. “Five years ago, when this company almost crash, I rebuild it with my blood and sweat, and not even my father or you could help me back then and now you are claiming shares?” I scoffed. “Listen, mother, you and father have no shares in this because the company is all mine.”

“This company is a family heritage.” My mother tried to argue but I raised my hand to stop her. “Grandfather built this company and father destroyed it while I rebuild it so, it’s mine.” I declared and continued. “Don’t give Lucas any hope about getting a position in this company because he won’t get it. This company belongs to me.”

My mother didn’t reply instead she sat comfortably on the couch and looked around. “You have a nice office,” she commented, trying to change the topic.

“If you are done admiring my office, you can leave,” I told her but she didn’t respond instead she stood up and continue to look around. I followed her eyes and saw her staring at the entrance.

Melody was standing at the entrance.

“You!” she shrieked and before I knew it, she was at the entrance opposite melody. “Haven’t you done enough in our family? What are you still doing here?” she asked.

When melody opened her mouth to reply to her, she didn’t get the chance as my mother’s hand was already on her cheek. She had slapped her. “You’ve been alive all this while right? Leave my son alone and let him focus on his family!” my mother shouted at her and raised her hand to slap her again but I came between them and held her hands.

“That’s enough mother!” I dropped her hands. “You can’t come to my company and harass my assistant.” I didn’t know why I defended melody but I couldn’t stand there and watch her get harassed by my mother. The feeling was familiar and at that moment, a memory flashed in my head. I had seen this type of scene happening before but I don’t know how and when.

“Look at what’ve you caused.” My mother accused. “You’ve succeeded in turning my son’s back against his family as you did years ago!”

My mother’s confession made me look at melody and observed her. She was trembling, her fingers were shaking and her she wasn’t looking up.

“What do you mean by that mother?” I asked.  My mother cleared her throat and moved away from the entrance.

“It’s not what you think,” she scratched the back of her head and grabbed her bag from the couch. “I’ll be on my way.” She announced and motioned for her guards to follow her but I stopped her midway.

“What are you hiding mother?” I asked her. My mother’s hands started to shake and she suddenly freed herself from my grip.

“I’ll be on my way.” She said and walked out of the office not without stopping to look at melody at the entrance. “I hope you are happy,” she stated and walked away.

“What are you still doing here?” I asked Cassandra who was staring at me. “Get out of my office Cassandra” I ordered.

Cassandra got up from the couch and started laughing. “I warned you about her, didn’t I?” she laughed and walked out of the office.

I pulled melody into my office and asked her the question I wanted answers to so badly. “Who are you?”

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