The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf



It is the outskirts of the Shadow Rank Pack, Derrick and his rogues were having a meeting at the inside

of an abandoned building. The place was dark and one could barely differentiate the faces at the


There are about ten rogues that were with Derrick and the meeting was more of Derrick giving out

others and resisting every contrary opinion. His right-hand man, Blade was standing in front of him

together with every other rogue that was present while Derrick was sitting on an old chair that looked

like an abandoned throne.

There was jubilation and merriment in the room, they were all drinking and happy, celebrating their

latest achievement of sending a letter to Wright.

“So how was his reaction after receiving the letter from me?” Derrick asked Blade.

After asking this, he grinned and let out an evil laugh, and the rogues laughed along with him to please

him. But Blade remained quiet. Derrick looked at him and frowned. He knew that Blade’s silence would

only mean bad news and he hated the fact that there was a piece of bad news at this point of his


“I don’t know sir” Blade responded.

“How do you mean you don’t know, where is the informant?” Derrick thundered, his eyes have all

become red in anger.

“He has been sent to Thailand” Blade responded.

“Thailand!” Derrick exclaimed. “So who followed up with him and the letter, where was the letter

delivered?” Derrick was furious.

“We are very sure that the letter got to Wright, but we don’t know where” Blade responded.

“You are not serious” Derrick screamed.

“I am so sorry sir” Blade knelt in front of Derrick. Every other rogue also knelt down too.

“Keep quiet before I cut off your throat” Derrick pulled out the sword that was by his chair and got up

from the chair.

Seeing that Derrick has collected the sword, all the rogues began to tremble. They all know what he

was capable of doing with just his bare hands let alone having a sword with him.

“So is Wright in Thailand?” Derrick asked.

Blade was trembling and didn’t know if to answer Derrick’s question.

“Answer already” Derrick yelled and growled.

“No he is not in Thailand, or maybe he is” Blade was trembling.

“So who followed up the letter?” Derrick asked.

“No one could” Blade replied.

“Can you hear yourself, you say no one could?” Derrick was irritated.

“He was just too smart for us,” Blade said.

“Too smart for you, you fool. Go and get me all his family members immediately” Derrick instructed.

“He left with them sir” Blade replied.

“Idiots” Derrick flared. “You are all bloody idiots. Where did I pick you all from?”

There was no response. They knew better than to say sorry again to Derrick unless they want their

throats cut off just as he had threatened.

“Wright is definitely in Thailand. Smart ass” Derrick smirked. “He has already figured out who the

informant was and has immediately sent for him. But we need to get more information from our

informant, we have not discharged him yet. He can run but can never hide from me”

“I have already sent a spy after him and he will be back with the necessary information very soon,”

Blade said.

“Hahaha. That seems to be the only meaningful thing that you have done all year round” Derrick said.

“Thank you sir” Blade responded.

“Keep shut now” Derrick growled. This time, his growl shook the foundation of the building.

“You amount to nothing Blade, just nothing. What were you doing when he moved his family? They

were our captives. Now how would you make him tell when you’ve got no hold on him?”

Derrick slapped Blade with the flat surface of the sword. Blade fell down from the effect but was quick

to get back on his knee before Derrick got more pissed. The sword gave Blade some cut on his face

and he was bleeding profusely. The pains were much, but he knew better than to cry or touch his face.

He bore the pains as if nothing had happened.

“That was the only link that we had to Wright and now you can’t even handle that. We are no fools

here, Wright would bear the child with the shadow wolf. Even though he has decided to mate with

humans, he is the only one with a direct link to the shadow wolf. It is apparent that Tabitha has no

shadow wolf in her. Now I just feel like dispatching her, just throw her to the gutters where I picked her

from. I know Wright, might act as if he does not care about what becomes the fate of members of the

pack, but was it is established that he has the child with the shadow wolf, he would immediately come

after me. I need to get hold of him and all his offspring, I need to wipe them out. I want to be alpha, I

have always wanted it even when Wright never failed to remind me all through our childhood that it was

impossible for me to rule. If I get to sit there, none of his would”

Derrick growled and gave Blade a very hard kick. Blade flung in the air and landed at the end of the

room. He immediately got up and ran to kneel down at his position.

A rogue ran into the room bearing a letter. Derrick looked up and the rogue and growled again.

“I am here sir,” the rogue said and knelt down.

“And who are you?” Derrick asked. “I never invited you for this meeting”

“He was sent after the informant sir” Blade replied.

“Oh, I see” Derrick grinned. “So what do you have for me?”

“He is dead, sir” the rogue replied.

“You fool, who is dead?” Derrick asked.

The rogue started to tremble and his voice was shaking. “The informant is dead sir”

“What?” Derrick screamed.

Everyone remained quiet. None wanted the wrath of Derrick to befall him.

“Is everyone gone deaf suddenly?” Derrick shouted.

“Sir, as soon as we learned of the informant’s movement, I sent him to go after him” Blade tried to


“What is this?” Derrick was irritated and infuriated.

“I went after him to Thailand sir, only to find out that he committed suicide, killing every member of his

family along. He set his house ablaze” the rogue explained.

Derrick gave a burst of evil laughter. “What a bunch of loyalists Wright has got. But for me, what do I

have? Bunch of fools that only think of themselves, all afraid to die even for my cause”

Derrick continued to laugh and was looking at the rogues kneeling in front of him.

“He killed himself. He killed himself because he wanted to protect his master he took the lives of his

family. But look at you all, just a little task of tracing a tiny letter was difficult for you to do” Derrick said.

After a few seconds, he asked in a calm tone. “And who was supposed to trace the letter?”

Blade turned to look at the rogue that had just brought the news and Derrick noticed this and

immediately the rogue opened his mouth to give a reply, Derrick raised his sword and cut off his head.

The rogue gave a loud scream as his head leaves his body and his blood splattered on the body of all


Derrick laughed loudly, he was finally at peace with himself. “Now you all can stand up, let the party


They all immediately stood up as instructed and started to laugh along with Derrick like one of them

has not just been killed right before their very eyes.

“You know, that is good riddance to bad rubbish. We should not condone incompetency in any way”

Derrick laughed.

Everyone laughed too and they all agreed that his action was the best. Even Blade that still has blood

all over his face acted as if nothing was done to him as he led the rest to praise the decision of their


“They say that I know nothing about being humane and so should not lead Shadow Rank. But see what

happened to our humane alpha, Lucas, he is an alpha with no heir” he boasted and laughed aloud and

they all joined him.

“So tell me Blade, what gain is there to be weak and fragile?” Derrick asked.

“No gain sir, the strong take over what is rightfully theirs. A weak werewolf deserves nothing at all”

Blade replied.

“They say Shadow Rank is the strongest and they all said Wright is fierce. But where has it been seen

that a fierce werewolf goes into hiding, not caring about the fate and welfare of his Pack?” Derrick

asked looking at each and every one of the rogues.

“He is a coward sir, alpha Lucas has only been shading him all those years” one of the rogues replied.

Derrick was pleased with the response and he started laughing and they all joined him.

“I want to rule and that cannot be negotiated. Deploy all our men to Thailand. Wright must be

discovered and his family taken down with him” Derrick commanded.

“The shadow wolf sir” Blade trembled as he spoke.

“I will rule with or without the shadow wolf. If there is no shadow wolf, none would talk of it” Derrick

replied.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

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