The Young Luna

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter 23



"Oh god" I screamed, fingers gripping into Seth's back as he thrust into me roughly. I glanced over to

the large grandfather clock of the middle of the room and I groaned. "Dean will be here soon" I

breathed out, as Seth's lips sucked on my neck.

"Don't say another man's name while I'm fucking you" Seth roared angrily. I screamed out as the anger

forced him to speed up and roughen his fucking.

"I'm sorry Daddy" I whimpered, as his teeth bit into my neck – over the claim mark that already sat

there. I screamed in pain, and pleasure, as my orgasm hit. I threw back my head as I arched my back –

screaming for Seth. My mate then found his own release, before we collapsed on the bed together.

"I have class I need to get ready" I said, trying to catch my breath as sweat covered every part of my

body. I tried to slip out of the bed, but Seth grabbed a hold of me tighter. "Seth, I'm going to be late" I

whined. "I've already been late every day this week".

"Ten more minutes" he grumbled, cuddling into me and burying his face into my neck.

"I only have two weeks until summer and then we can lay in every morning" I chuckled, kissing him

once more before moving out of his hold. Seth let me the second time. He grumbled incoherently to

himself as I made a dash to the shower.

After I stepped back into the room, Seth was sat in the bed – hands behind his head – smirking as he

watched me dress. "Keep moving your ass like that and I'll never let you leave this room" he teased as

I wiggled my generous ass into my jean shorts. "Damn, don't wear those your ass looks too nice. Boys

will be staring".

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my book bag and flung it over my shoulder. "Exactly boys. I don't want a

boy, especially not when I have a man waiting for me at home" I replied. I leant over the bed and kissed

him goodbye, just as Dean honked his horn outside. "Think of me today" he called after me, as I raced

out the house.

"Always do" I shouted back, giddy with happiness.

The school day was long, and boring, but at least I had Shawna to keep me company. I had been with

the Equniox Pack for almost three weeks and it was quickly becoming the norm for me. Seth and I

fought a lot, that was never going to change, but the fights were small and petty and always led to hot

makeup sex. That part of my life was perfect as was the other aspects.

"So your birthday is coming up" Shawna said, after soccer practice. I groaned as I turned the air

conditioning up in her car, as we drove back towards the territory. She sent me a look. "What do you

think the Alpha is going to get you?"

"I'm scared to think what Seth will get me. Something kinky probably" I commented and she snorted. "I

swear to god that boy only has one thing on his mind".

"I think you'll be surprised. He might do something really romantic".

I laughed, "yeah, no. Not Seth. His idea of romance is showering together after sex in the morning".

"That could be romantic" Shawna commented. I shot her a look that made her laugh. "Alright I get your

point, Seth and you have nothing in common but sex. But that doesn't mean he doesn't love you". Her

words made me pause for a moment. "What?"

"You don't think Seth and I have anything in common but sex?" I asked, trying to think about anything

else we had done together that wasn't sexual. I came up with a blank.

"Hey, no, girl I did not say that" she spluttered, eyes wide when she realised she'd insulted me. "I just

meant that you guys don't do anything except have didn't mean that either. I just





"You just meant that Seth doesn't know anything about me apart from what makes me cum" I

deadpanned, cutting off her nervous rambling. I noticed a blush on her flawless black skin and sighed.

"I'm not upset, Shaw, you're just confirming what I have been too scared to admit to myself. I know he's Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

busy at the moment, with work and the war, but we really haven't done much together. Shit, I don't even

know what he does for fun".

"Maybe sex if what he does for fun" she replied, trying to cheer me up. I grumbled but didn't say

anything in reply. We rode in silence for the rest of the drive – Shawna was worried she had upset me,

but she hadn't. I was just thinking about the truth behind her words. I thanked her for the drive when we

reached back at my house and I climbed out. "Hey, May, we're still on for tomorrow night right?"

"The end of school party. Of course" I replied, grinning at her. My smile made her sag in relief that I

really wasn't angry with her. I gave her a small wave as she drove off, before I headed inside. As usual

Dean was playing on Seth's Xbox and eating my food.

"If you're going to eat so much of my food I should start charging you rent" I told him, knocking his feet

of the table as I walked past. He grunted as his feet hit the ground but he didn't take his attention away

from the game he was playing. I rolled my eyes at him, before throwing my bag down and sitting down

on the couch next to him.

After his character died, cussing like a sailor, he turned to me with a frown. "Why aren't you shooting?"

he asked me.

I shrugged, "don't feel like it. I'm tired". There was a moment of stillness, as he assessed me before he

nodded and turned back to his game.

When Seth came home, earlier than normal, Dean and I were laying under blankets on the couch

watching Friends. "Everything alright?" Seth asked, frowning at the situation.

"Fine" I shrugged, as Dean got up from the couch.

"I'll head out now" Dean said, moving towards the door.

"Oh Dean, I won't need you at all tomorrow" I shouted out to him, before he left. I saw Seth raise an

eyebrow, but I didn't regard him. "I'm staying at Shawna's tomorrow night so I'll ride back with her

tomorrow as well".

"And in the morning?" he asked, hovering in the front doorway.

"I'm going in early tomorrow. Coach wants me to do some shooting thing with him" I replied, "and Javier

is in early for the prom committee so I might as well ride with him".

"Cool. That probably works out well because Bentley is sick at the moment and Tricia doesn't want to

send him to the babysitter because of it". He paused and glanced at Seth, "so unless you need me for

anything else, Boss?"

"No, have the day off" Seth nodded, looking slightly distracted. Dean waved us off and the second the

door closed, Seth moved closer to me – but didn't sit down. "Are you alright?" he asked again.

"I told you I'm fine" I sighed.

"You once told me that if you're not working out in your spare time then something is wrong". He

perched on the sofa next to me. "And I've never come home and found you laying under a blanket. I'm


"That's sweet, but really I am just tired today. Maybe I'm getting my period or something" I offered him a

smile. I held the blanket open and nodded him to cuddle with me. He flicked his shoes off, before

throwing his suit jacket over the back of the couch. Seth then slid in beside me and wrapped his arms

around me, I rested my head on his chest quietly.

"So I was thinking we could do something this weekend" I began softly.

"Like what?"

"I don't know...something together. What do you like to do?"

Seth's hands moved down and cupped my ass, "I like doing you". His words were exactly what I

expected. I sighed and pushed his hand away. "Alright, I've definitely done something". He moved so

he was sitting up. "Are you going to tell me what I've done to piss you off or are you just going to leave

me guessing?"

"You haven't done anything, Seth" I admitted, sitting up as well. "It's just that I feel like all we do is have

sex. Don't get me wrong, I love having sex with you, but we never really do anything as a couple. I

mean I kind of feel like a talking sex doll lately".

"Oh" Seth replied, blinking in shock. "I'm sorry May, I never wanted to make you feel like that. I'm not

just using you for sex, you know that right?"

"I know, I know" I said quickly, putting my hand on his arm to let him know I wasn't angry. "It isn't just

you, Seth, I meant that

we haven't done anything as a couple. You don't know much about me just like I don't know much

about you. I haven't bothered to get to know you much either. We're both to blame".

"No we're not" Seth frowned, moving away from me. I sighed heavily, wishing I'd kept my mouth shut,

as he stood up.

"Seth, you haven't done anything wrong".

"No I haven't" he admitted, "you have".

"Excuse me?" I snapped, jumping to my feet.

"You say that we don't know anything about each other, but you're wrong. I know everything about you,

it's you who doesn't know anything about me. I know everything about you Mabel, everything".

I narrowed my eyes, "bullshit I--"

"Mabel Elizabeth Thorne, your mother is Columbian and your father is American. You never felt like you

fitted in with your family – too white to feel comfortable on your mother's side of the family but not white

enough for your father's family. You hate how you're not pretty like all the other women in the family

because you take after your father more than your mother, and you think everyone notices. So you lash

out at anyone that gets you angry because that's what you're used to doing – having the loudest voice

in order to be heard because, well, no one is looking at you for any other reason."

"Stop" I whispered, feeling as if all my insecurities were laid on the table in front of me for the world to

see. But he carried on, face reddening in anger.

"And then you found archery, something you could put all your time and energy into. Something you

were good at and no one else around you was. And, finally, after everything you were getting attention

– something you'd craved for years. Then, it was all ripped away from you. So you completely closed

yourself off, even your own friends didn't get to see how much you were hurting. And then I came along

and you were so desperate for me to like you, because finally someone was taking notice of you again.

But you were too worried I'd notice that you weren't pretty that you instantly went on the defensive,

terrified I wouldn't notice you either".

"Seth, please, stop it".

"But I did notice, Mabel" he shouted at me. "I notice every goddamn thing you do. When you spent one

night away from me, I missed you so much I slept in the forest behind your friend's house. I can read

you like a book, Mabel. So don't you dare say I don't know anything about you".

I was silent, eyes watering with tears. I felt so young and stupid, like everyone was seeing how pathetic

I was – despite the fact it was only Seth and I in the room. "I don't know, I--". My voice cracked with

emotions and I couldn't get another word out.

"Yeah, Mabel, exactly you don't know" Seth said, before he walked away.

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