The Young Luna

Chapter 30

Chapter 30



Chapter 30



I found leading the pack a lot easier than I thought – it turned out I was very good at telling people what

to do. Go figure. But as good as I was at 'delegating', as Seth always called his bossy ways, there was

also a lot of paperwork to get through.

So I ended up spending a large portion of time sat behind Seth's desk, feet dangling because his chair

was too high, trying not to die of boredom. Luckily, I was no longer ill and the following day I was

heading to my old Pack. I would not only finally see Seth again, I would get to show off to everyone in

my old Pack.

"Hey girl, you ready to get out of here?" Shawna asked, popping her head around the door. I sighed as

I looked up at her.

"Nah, still got shit loads to do. You go ahead without me" I admitted.

"Alright, I need to go shopping anyway. I'll grab some food for dinner and pick up some ice cream or

something. You can always meet me at the mall later".

I shook my head, "not going to happen, Shaw. I need an outfit for tomorrow, but I am going to have to

trust you to buy something for me to wear".

"You sure?" she asked, twirling a braid around her finger thoughtfully.

"I don't have a choice. Plus, you have better fashion than me anyway". I paused, and opened one of

the desk draws. "Here, this is the Pack card. Just pay for it on there and I'll transfer money back onto it

later. Right now I have to do this report and then I have to go supervise the training because Dean is

looking after his son today".

"Sure. Just text me when you're done and I'll meet you at yours" she grinned.

"Thanks, Shaw, you're the best". I smiled up at my closest friend as I handed her the card. She winked

at me, fanned herself with the credit card, before disappearing out the door. I laughed softly at her

before turning back to the report I was writing.

Once I had done that, I quickly changed from my jeans into my workout clothes and made my way

through the territory and to the training centre. Outside the centre the Wolves were all being divided

into their normal groups. Due to some of our strong Warriors on the trip with Seth, some of the trainers

were missing.

Oli usually watched over the training, but he was with Seth, so Dean had been taking over. However,

with Dean at home with Bentley, I was the only person left with a high enough rank to supervise – apart

from Josh who was already supervising the border patrols.

"Luna" Javier smiled, noticing me. He gave me a small wave as he jogged over to me. The rest of the

Wolves around us looked up at me, when they heard my title. A few waved and smiled at me, while

some even called to me. "Hey" Javier grinned when he reached me, "you joining the training today?"

"Nope, here to supervise" I laughed. "Ironic since I probably need training just as much as anyone.

Haven't done any since I got to this Pack".

"It works differently in this Pack, we only train after Shifting".

"I know" I nodded, "back in Vernal Pack I trained as soon as I hit my twelfth birthday, even though I was

technically still human".

"Ah so you're probably better trained then I am, Luna" Javier smiled. He seemed to be in a good mood

and when Javier was in a good mood so was everyone around him – his smile was a contagious and

warm one.

"I'm not so sure about that. I haven't been able to translate my skills into Werewolf speed and strength

yet. Maybe when all these visits are out the way I can get back to training" I shrugged. "What are you

doing here? I thought you'd finished all your training?"

All the Wolves in the Equinox Pack had to start training within a month of their first Shift. They had to

do solid six months of training before they were tested, if they passed the test they were then fine to

train on their own but if they failed they had to do another six months until they could test again.

"I am but because we're so low on high rankings at the moment, I was asked to train a group" he

grinned. I could feel the pride swelling out of him. I grinned brightly as I squeezed his shoulder.

"Bien por usted" I told him. I then turned to everyone who was slowing gathering together for the

training. A few days after my first Shift, I had turned up to join in with the training. Seth refused, NôvelDrama.Org © content.

because I was sick at the time, but I stayed to watch anyway. So, I remembered back to how Oli had

taken charge of everything, and I took a deep breath.

"Alright everyone" I called, and the conversation faded out into silence – the soft summer breeze filling

the air. "As you know Dean has been filling in for Oli these last few days, but unfortunately you don't

have him today, you have me".

Myles, a guy I knew from school, gave a large whoop. I laughed brightly as did a few others, I shook

my head at him as he beamed brightly at him. I glanced down at the sheet of trainers and activities I

had in my hand, before deciding on a schedule for that day. It was hard given we were three trainers


"Anyway, like I was saying, I'm supervising today. I understand that group five are preparing for their

testing next month, so they can use the centre with Jessica. Groups one, seven and four are going to

be doing patrol runs today with Javier and Grant. Groups three and six are doing defence with Nico and

group two are doing offense with Travis".

I sent everyone off in their groups, Javier giving me a small thumbs up as he took his three groups on a

run. All the other trainers gathered up the groups I had assigned them and began the training. For two

hours I wandered between the centre, where some Wolves were doing a practice test, and the other

two groups going over fighting. I checked in on the patrol group when they passed a few times, but

didn't seem much of them.

I didn't actually have to do much being the supervisor, just walk around and make sure I was happy

with everything. I could feel the nervousness of the Pack Wolves as I observed them. There was one

thing to be watched over by Oli or Dean, but to be watched over by their Luna was very different. It was

like going from having a normal teacher in class to suddenly having the principal there watching over

you as you worked.

When the training was over, Javier walked me back to my house before saying his goodbyes – as I was

leaving for my old Pack in the morning and he would be remaining here. Shawna was already at my

house when I got there. I had invited her around so that she could make me up in the morning, so that I

was ready to walk back into my old Pack with my head held high.

We had pizza for dinner and watched Netflix for a while, before I showered and got in my pyjamas.

Shawna put my hair in hot curls for the night, before painting my nails. After I was 'pre-prepared' as she

described it, she went to sleep in the spare room. I spoke to Seth briefly before going to sleep.

The following morning, Shawna woke me up way too early and got started on the preparation. She took

the curlers out and brushed my curls down until they sat in heavy waves. She then did my makeup

thoroughly, giving me smoky eyes, bright red lips and sharpening my cheek bones with a contour. I

swore the girl could be a makeup artist to celebrities one day with her skill.

She had brought an outfit for me the day before and I quickly dressed into it. The outfit consisted of a

soft red dress that although was lowcut and came in at the waist, had a flowing effect to it as it fell to

my knees. She had paired it with a pair of flat blacks and small black cardigan with small red rose

details. It was a pretty outfit, that not only showed my new body off, but was also the perfect balance

between casual and formal.

"And my work here is done" she grinned, as she laid my hair over my shoulders. "You look amazing,

May". She turned me around to face the mirror and, as vain as it sounded, I had to agree with her. I

looked good.

"You are actually a lifesaver. What would I do without you Shawna?"

"Still wear that awful red baseball cap every day?" she sassed.

"Hey! That's my favourite hat". I playfully hit her arm and she laughed. "So do you think I'm ready to

meet everyone again?" I asked, double checking my appearance.

Shawna's thousand watt smile glimmered in the mirror, "oh yeah. You're ready".



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