Their forced luna

Chapter 65

Chapter 65


I found her. My woman, the one that belonged to me and existed for me. Ares had forced her to shift to

protect her, but now that I was here, I would rip out the spines of anyone who stood in my way. I didn't

recognize the four men around her, but the creature facing her I recalled.

Hell hounds?

I had thought those creatures were extinct.

"Zale!" Amanda screamed my name and our bond throbbed with her relief. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"Get away from her now," I ordered, my Alpha tone resonating through the air. Two of the hell hounds

fell to their knees and bowed to me. The three others though continued to glare at me. The one in

beast form slowly moved in front of Amanda and blocked me off from her.

"This woman belongs to my master. There's no way I'll let an imposter like you take her away," he


Black flames rose off his body and he opened his mouth wide before a jet of flames erupted from his

mouth and toward me. I ducked the attack, the heat hot enough to make even me take notice. If that

monster had dared to use that on Amanda... I had to stop myself from focusing on a variety of

punishments for the creature.

I would need to shift if I was going to fight seriously. It would be pulling Amanda's protection from her,

so her wolf better step up and keep her safe. Ares seemed confident in her abilities, but it was harder

for me.

"Sorry," I apologized to her. Amanda lost her transformation and I took my wolf's full power back as my


"Couldn't do it alone, and you're supposed to be a Prime? Pathetic," the hound laughed at me before

the other two circling us joined in.

Maybe I was wrong. These creatures weren't hounds, they were fucking jackals.

Another wave of the black flames rushed at me, but this time I stood firm and let it wash over me. It

stung, but with Ares' strength I barely felt it. "I'll kill all of you," I promised. My eyes glinted as I met the

gaze of each of the five. I didn't care if two had sworn obedience. They stood between me and my

mate, and I'd tear out their insides for that sin.

"Agreed," the demon added at my side. I'd almost forgotten about him considering my relief at being

with my mate. I would have to find a way to deal with him. I didn't trust for a minute that he would give

up his vendetta against me and mine.

"And who the fuck are you?" the hell hound snarled at him, as if just now taking notice of my reluctant


The demon summoned a blade of wind to his hand and ran a hand through his hair. "You've taken my

Luna, all of you will die for touching her." He pointed his blade at each of them.

"Wait," Amanda called. Her head jerked up as she focused on him.

But he didn't listen to her. He rushed forward toward the hound. The beast tried to bite him while

darting forward, but the demon jumped over him, his fingers stroked the back of the creature before he

landed behind him and slashed with his blade.

The demon could take care of that one. I had the four others to deal with. I let my powers burn through

me until my nerves tingled. A small red ball of fire simmered to life in front of me. It wasn't as large as

my father had been able to do, but at least I could manage something under intense conditions. It was

too bad it was the size of a marble.

For now, I wouldn't let it stay this small for long. I was the Prime. Still, progress was progress. It

wouldn't take me long to master this, and it was more than enough to deal with these dogs. The fireball

raced away from me. It circled the one the demon fought, darting between his legs and forcing the

creature to fall to the ground. My little ball of fire flew back to me and directly at the other four. This time

I would force it through every traitorous heart until they were all dead at my feet.

"Stop it!" Amanda screamed at me. She threw her hands to the sides and stood in front of me,

obscuring my view of my death marble. I had to force the thing up in the sky so I didn't hurt my mate.

"What are you doing that for?" I snapped with a snarl. She had been so close to death by my hand.

Why had she went crazy on me?

"Zale, these are your hell hounds. They should be loyal to you. Killing them won't do anything for you.

Why not use this tool you've been given to take care of your other enemies?" she pointed to the four.

"All of them can be used, they're your brith right and you should take it. Please, think about it."

I tilted my head. Her statement had a point. These were the same creatures that had served my father

so long ago. But did I really need these relics around? Would they ever be able to protect me and my

family? "Sorry," I apologized to my mate. "I'm not in the mood to be forgiving anyone right now."

Besides. There were those amongst this group that had caused her pain. That would never be


She huffed at me, puffing her adorable cheeks. "Raul, Tyler," she snapped the two unfamiliar names

and I growled in warning to her. "Behind me," she ordered. Was she trying to make me jealous?

"No," the demon interrupted. He was still in a deadlock with the fully transformed hell hound. His sword

kept flashing and the hound continued to throw his black flames in response, forcing the demon to back

up. The demon jumped over the hell hound again, but this time he didn't attack him, but plunged his

sword into the heart of one of the others that had been standing by.

"Derek!" the hellhound screamed.

The man looked down to stare at the blade in his chest before going limp and his body was consumed

by dark blue flames that chilled me to the bone.

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