Tolerating The Player

Chapter 44

She tried to force a smile at me, “I’m fine….” She couldn’t complete her statement before she suddenly passed out but I caught her in my arms before she landed on the floor. Worries enveloped my head as I yelled her name. Devin heard me yelling and despite what I did to him he ran to help me.

I carried her to my car and immediately rushed her to a nearby hospital. It was owned by my dad and they attended to me immediately as they saw me rushing her in. They rushed her to an emergency room but told me I couldn’t follow her in.

I waited for what felt like days but she still wasn’t awake yet. Devin didn’t go back home either as he stood with me.

“I’m so sorry Devin, I only wanted to make you happy” I apologized as I sat down on the cold iron chair with my hands and my whole body shaking.

“It’s fine, I understand you tried to help. I’ll just find a way to tell her it wasn’t what it looked like, she would believe me. Hopefully” his voice broke at the end and I felt really bad for him too.

A doctor came out of the room and I ran to meet him.

“Is she okay, is she awake?” I rushed my questions as he tried to calm me down.

“She has been really sick but didn’t check herself up, she has lost a lot of blood in her body but we’ll just have to transfuse blood into her” he said and I heaved a sigh of relief.

“But the problem is that her blood type is rare and we don’t have it in this hospital, I’ll have to call on the rest of the hospitals to check but it’ll take a long while before it gets here, maybe about a day or two and I’m not sure she can last without blood that long” the doctor said and I broke into tears at the mention of her not being able to make it.

“What’s her blood type?” I asked

“O negative and we don’t have that here at the moment” he said and I broke down.

She could only receive from O negative and my blood type was not fit to give her blood. I felt hopeless for a moment before remembering that my dad was also O negative.

I brought out my phone and dialed my father’s number hoping he would help me, he picked almost immediately after the phone rang.

“Zach?” He asked in surprise but I had no time for greetings.

“Can you come to your hospital in Tennessee right now? I need your help please can you be here in thirty minutes?” I asked and their phone was silent for a while.

“I’ll try my best” he responded and I hung up. If I am truly important to him then he would take his helicopter and arrive here on time. I couldn’t settle my body as I kept on panicking while fidgeting through the hallway.

I had called Maya earlier because I thought it was important for her to know and she arrived at the hospital in no time with the rest of her family members.

I spotted a little boy who was soaked in tears and I immediately knew he must be her brother Joe. I felt sorry for the kid because I knew he would have been crying for a very long time.

I walked up to him and bent to reach his face, he raised his little head up while he sobbed quietly.

“Hey there buddy” I greeted him but he said nothing as he continued to stare at me while crying.

“Is she going to leave me too?” Was the only statement he said before he continued to cry. I stared at him in pity, it must have been tough for him being alone. I had no idea when I suddenly pulled him into a hug as he cried his eyes out on my chest.

The time was ticking but my damn father wasn’t here yet and what type of hospital doesn’t have enough blood in it. He called himself rich but couldn’t afford to have enough blood in his hospital. I was going to give up on him and find an alternative when I suddenly saw doctors rushing to the main entrance.

He must have arrived, it’s a thing the doctors do whenever he arrives at the hospital and I really don’t know why all of that is actually necessary.

“How can I help?” He asked as he walked towards me. i tried not to look at his face in order to not lose my temper but right now I was dealing with the love of my life and couldn’t afford to let my stupidity cause harm to her.

“We need your blood for my girlfriend, she’s sick” I said to him trying to be as polite as I could even though every muscle in me wants to ruin his face merely at the sight of him close to me.

He was taking too long to response as he kept on staring at me, if he refused to donate his blood to my Bella then I might as well beat the fuck out of him till he bleeds then I would give the blood to Isabella.

“Okay” he sighed

“But on one condition” he said and I scoffed at him, I was about to break down but I wouldn’t let him see the other part of me. He knew how much she meant to me and he was giving me a condition before he would save her.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Really, Is this how low you can stoop?” I scoffed and raised my eyes to prevent the tears from falling down.

“Giving me a condition when the life of someone I love is involved?” I barked at him but he didn’t flinch. He was truly heartless and a monster.

“You know what? Nevermind! You want her to leave just like how you made mum die but I won’t let that happen” I yelled when I realized he wasn’t going to do it and the more we waited the more my Bella’s life would be at stake.

I walked past him and shove him off with my shoulders, I could hear the nurse’s murmuring and gossiping among themselves but I really didn’t care about them.

I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going to but all I knew was that I needed to find the right blood for my Bella and that being as soon as possible even though I have nowhere to go look for it.

After driving in circles at the highest speed from one clinic to another I was told they didn’t have the blood at the moment and it was making me frustrated. Bella was dying and I really hope she was still awake, perhaps I should accept my father’s condition to bring everything to an end and save her.

I went back to the hospital to look for my father in order to agree to his condition but couldn’t find him anywhere.

“Where’s he?” I asked Maya who was silently crying at a corner.

She wiped her tears off as she saw me, “he left not quite long after donating his blood to Isabella” she answered and I heaved a sigh of relief. I was glad she was already receiving the blood after all the time wasted.

“How is she now?” I asked.

“She’s still unconscious and I hope she gets better soon” she said as her voice broke. I noticed how she couldn’t bring her head to face me. Perhaps she was still feeling guilty after making out with Devin.

“Okay” I sharply replied her and left for the room

I opened the door of the room where Isabella was laying even though the nurse tried to stop me from entering. I shoved her aside and threatened her with her job so she could stop blabbing.

My whole body broke at the sight of Isabella lying unconscious on the bed with different pipes connected to her body.

I sat by her side on the bed trying hard to not let the tears fall from my eyes. “Please get well already” I whispered in her ear before laying my head on the bed.

“Zach” a voice called out my name as I felt someone patting me on my back. I opened my eyes and saw Maya’s mother standing beside me. I must have fallen asleep while looking after Bella. My hands were still holding her little cold hands.

“The doctor said she’ll be alright so you can as well go home and get some rest. I’ll watch over her” she insisted but I knew I wasn’t going to leave Isabella alone.

“I’m fine this way, thank you” I sharply said to dismiss her, i didn’t mean to be rude but I as well didn’t want her to persuade and push me further. I heard as she let out a heavy sigh and left but before she left she whispered something I wasn’t able to hear.

“Zachary?” A weak voice called my name as I felt a hand stroking my hair. I must have fallen asleep again but this time the day was bright.

“Bella!” I shrieked in excitement as I hugged her tight when I realized it was her tiny hand that was on my hair.

“Ouch!” She winced.

“I’m sorry!” I apologized and she tried to smile at me even though her smile was weak and her face was still pale.

I couldn’t hide the excitement in me any longer, my lips immediately connected with hers and I was glad she kissed me back before I pulled away.

“I was really scared” I brought her hands to my face as I placed a soft kiss on it.

“I know” she smiled back at me. The door flung open and Maya walked in with Joe walking side by side with her. His eyes were swollen and red like he had been crying all night.

“Isabella!” He ran to hug her immediately he realized that she was awake. Her brows cringed but she tried to hide the pain she felt from the forceful hug Joe gave to her.

It didn’t take a lot of time before we settled everything with the doctor even though he mentioned that my father had covered up the expenses. I guess I now have to thank him for two things.

We were free to take Isabella home the next day even though we persuaded the doctor to let us take her home the same day. I really hated the smell of hospitals but I had no choice since he said she wasn’t through with her dosages.

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