Tolerating The Player

Chapter 61

The priest had arrived while I kept on staring at the silver coffin that was laying beside the six foot hole dug for it. The burial was to start in about thirty minutes but Zach and I were the only present ones around.

I loved the fact he stood by me through all of these and made sure I laughed, he realized I wouldn’t eat anything but came up with a smart plan to only make toasts because they’re irresistible.

Shortly after, a black car pulled over, it belonged to the Andersons. I watched how they hopped down from their expensive car and walked towards us; they somehow have different cars for different occasions.

“Isabella” Joe greeted me as he welcomed me with a hug which I returned with a kiss on his forehead. I watched how he also hugged Zach and I was kind of surprised at the sudden affection. They liked each other but never admitted it. They always want to act tough to each other but today’s hug was strange but lovely.

“Can we begin the ceremony?” The priest asked and I nodded my head. He walked up to the coffin and opened his hymn book as he started a chorus. I really didn’t know much about these songs because my father never had time to take us to church. I turned to look at Zach’s face and it was also plain, he also didn’t know anything about these songs either and the only people singing along with the priest were the Andersons.

After reciting the hymn, It was time for everyone to make their speech and it was my turn as the first child. I really hadn’t practiced what I would say because I had just little nice memories of him, most of the memories of him were traumatic. I had no choice than to say something nice about him since it was about paying his last respect.

“Bella, I think he needs your attention” Zach whispered into my ear and I realized I had been lost in my thoughts.

“Right!” I muttered before walking up to meet him.

I heaved a deep breath as I stared at the coffin for a while before diverting my attention back on the little members in front of me. It was so sad to know that his drinking and drug buddy didn’t care to attend his burial even though I hated them.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

I cleared my throat and paused for a moment while searching for the perfect words to say, “just start a word the rest would flow in” I said to myself as I stared at the people in front of me that were staring into my soul.

“My father Ezekiel used to be a really nice person, when I was little he would….” I paused.

“He would….” I tried to think of something he used to do to me as a kid but then I realized he really didn’t do much for me. Fiona was the one who did everything for me as a kid.

“I think he deserved a better life” I rushed my statement before running to Zach’s arm. I felt ashamed of myself for not being able to say something really nice about him before his body got buried.

Zach stroked my hair as he whispered into my ear “you’ll be fine”

“Is there anybody else that has something to say?” The priest asked probably amused or questioning the way my father had lived his life that led him to not having done anything nice enough to someone.

“I do” a voice called from behind and I recognized it immediately, It was Fiona’s. She made it known to me that she wouldn’t be present at the burial ceremony so I’m wondering what the hell she could possibly be here to do.

I was about to yell at her but Zach had noticed the anger building up in me as his grip on me tightened.

“Let it go, she’s his ex wife after all” he whispered as I inhaled a deep breath while trying to keep my temper away.

I watched how she cat walked to where the coffin was laid with her personal bodyguard following her like a tattoo. She stared at the coffin for a few seconds and shook her head before facing us.

“Nice to meet you Grace” she smirked before diverting her attention from her.

“Oh Ezekiel, Dear Ezekiel, he used to be my husband and the sweetest creature one could ever wish for most especially before we got married. Everything was like a bed of rose with him and he made me feel whole and alive once again after I was dumped on my wedding day by someone who only wanted to use me”

“I loved him and he loved me, I remembered how he would come over to my house whenever I was sad or having nightmares or insomnia, he would reassure me that everything would be okay and he was right here with me”

“I believed him and didn’t doubt him for a second, right now if I had a wish I would wish for us to relieve those glorious days before everything turned grey. I’ll forever remember you Ezekiel” she finished her statement and walked away from the corpse.

I couldn’t help but stare at her all through the ceremony, I hated to see her face and hated the fact she came here. She was my mother yet she plainly told me she can’t be my mother because of some political issues just when I was starting to get used to her.

There was no point in her coming to the ceremony, she could have just hidden herself up somewhere else and never shown her face to me.

After he was buried into the ground we all took rounds to pour sand into his grave. For a second I thought I saw a feeling of sadness on Fiona’s face but they were gone before I could figure it out.

The ceremony was over and everyone was ready to go home, well if everyone was four people. I spotted Fiona about to hop into her expensive car and immediately walked up to her.

Her personal assistant was going to stop me but I shoved her arms away, “why the hell did you come, aren’t you scared of being seen?” I scoffed.

“I had to pay my final respect to the man I once truly loved” she replied before closing the door and in no time her car went off leaving me standing behind in awe.

“Let’s just go Bella” Zach said to me, as much as I wanted to forget she was here it was really easy to remember.

“We’ll be going now” the Andersons stated before entering their car with Joe in it. He noticed I wasn’t happy and also had a sad look on his face but I had to fake a smile so he would be happy.

Everyone was gone and the cemetery was now empty, Zach held me by my waist as he led me into the car.

“I’m proud of you Bella” he looked at me while we were halfway through the drive.

“Why? I couldn’t even say something nice about my father” I lamented.

“But you didn’t butcher his corpse, so yeah I’m proud of the woman you’ve become” he smiled and I smacked his hands.

“Careful love we might end up in trouble” he chuckled showing off his dimples and cute sets of teeth.

I didn’t listen to him as I smacked his arms again but this time really hard.

“I guess that’s it, you’ll be in trouble when we get home” he bit his lips and different thoughts flashed through my head. I tried to shove them off because I doubted he would have sex with me.


“You’re dragging my arms!” I protested but he didn’t listen as he dragged me into my apartment and locked the door behind. He switched positions so my back was resting on the wall and I was trapped in between. I could feel his bulge through his black pants and I guessed he was serious about it this time.

The thought of us finally having it made me excited as I felt some wetness in between my legs.

“You’ve been curious about why I don’t want to have sex with you right?” He growled and I nodded my head. My mouth was suddenly dumb.

“Well, I didn’t want you to think I want you just for sex but right now I think we have something more serious between us and I believe we can never be seperated so why don’t I just give you what you’ve always wanted” his deep voiced growled as he pinned my hands on the wall. I had a feeling this would be something hot and hopefully I get to walk later on.

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