Touching the Heart of Ace

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

??Now show me that smile.??

I nibbled on my bottom lip, refusing to meet his eyes. His warmth breath on my ear was giving me

goose bumps.


??I am not a kitten.?? I mumbled.

??Oh really??? He showed me the teeth mark, he had on his hand where I had bit him hard.

I was sorry but he was irritating me non-stop; and I got angry. I rubbed my thumb on it; Robbie should

know that I was sorry. It was his fault anyways.

??Sweet Jesus you would be the death of me, but what a way to go.?? He sighed and hugged me to

his chest. ??You have me wrapped around your little finger and you know how to play me like a fiddle,

you little devil.??


??No baby, this is only allowed if you stick to your end of bargain. Promise me.??

??I did.?? I glared at him, staring at his eyes, but I knew how serious he was. ??I promise, Robbie.??

??Good, because I will chain you to the chair if I have to...?? He pinched my butt making me jump. ??

Aah, there is that smile. So pretty, my Angel.?? I blushed and ducked my head.

He kissed me on my cheeks, several times, and finally resting on my lips. A closed mouthed one that

was making my heart sing.

He sighed. ??I miss you so much and that makes no sense, because you are literally in my arms.?? He

gave me another small kiss, which soon became a long deep one.

I coiled my hands on his neck and let his tongue in. God! I missed this so much. His hands were

tightening around my waist and a moan escaped from him.

I loved how much I affected him.

??Robbie...?? I tapped his shoulder when his hand slithered down the back of my pyjama bottoms.

He took his hand away, panting on the crook of my neck. ??Angel...??

I did not know how long we kept on staring at each other. He was so handsome; his normally sleek

business-cut hair was messed up because of me, his lips were slightly red due to my bites, he had

stress lines because of me... Why was my heart so tender?

He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead on mine. ??Talk to Jason, love. He is worried and

honestly I just don??t want him yapping again. My ears literally ache.??

I chuckled. ??I will.??

??Go ahead, I will bring Baby Angel to you.??

I nodded and rubbed my hand on his bruise. Robbie pressed a kiss on my lips again. ??Go.??

I smiled and walked to the living room.

I was staying.

I had packed my bags and called for a cab and all that, but Robbie did not let me leave.

I thought I better leave early than waiting for Janice to come home. Well, it was not my fault that I cried.

I did not want to go and everyone was pushing me away.

??Not pushing you away, Angel, just worried about your dreams and future.??; Robbie had said. Same

thing, but I won.

But there was indeed a catch; actually catches.

I had to enrol to the next batch, no matter what. I was not to fight anyone on that. I half-heartedly

agreed. I meant, it was not like I was losing an opportunity, many people of my age were still in

graduate-programme. But I knew when you shut my mouth.

I had to do some online courses, which made no sense but Robbie was adamant on that, not budging

an inch. He insisted on some business courses and economics.

The only happy thing about that was Robbie was making Jason take courses too, along with me. But

since, Jason was a business major, he had to take computer courses. It would do us good when we

started our own company, or that was what Robbie said. I honestly hope Jason regret his decision to

side with Robbie.

Then Robbie set up a virtual classroom for me, so I could still continue with the teaching and help Liam

from here. Dean was ecstatic.

If I agreed to all of this, I could take a break from studies. Honestly I only loved the last one, rest was

just to make him happy. But, it was not so bad, considering the other option was getting a nanny and

my going back to college.

No nannies. I did not want to think about that. I was glad mom was with me on this one. Jason and

Robbie was surprised that mom was against them, but I knew mom would support me on that.

After all... nothing, no nannies.

Jason jumped at seeing me.

??I am still mad at you.?? I glared at him.

??I am mad at you too.?? He crossed his arms.

I stuck my tongue out.

And the pain-in-my-nose blew a raspberry. ??I was doing the right thing and I would not say sorry for


He was right, I knew why Jason did what he did, but that did not mean I had to be happy about it. I

stomped to the couch and parked my ass down, huffing.


??What??? I snarled.

He handed me a package. I rudely yanked it from him.

A chocolate cake.

??It is small.??

Jason rolled his eyes and followed me to the kitchen. ??I want a favour.??


??Come on, I got you a cake.??

??A small one.??

??I will get you the biggest one, if you help me.?? He was desperate.

??With real fruits on top.?? I knew how to bargain; I was from a business family.

??With real fruits and edible ribbons on top.?? Wow, that was an offer I could never refuse.


??Oh my God, thank you. I love you so much.?? He kissed my cheek.

??I love edible ribbons so much. Want to watch Lilo and Stitch??? He would join if he knew what was

good for him.

??Of course. Lilo and Stitch, my favourite movie of all time.??

??I don??t appreciate the attitude.??

??Says the Attitude Beach.?? At least he was taking no-cussing-inside-home seriously.

Whatever, it was one movie Robbie refused to watch, he would try every time but then literally run

away after ten minutes.

Robbie was walking with a babbling Lia in his hands.

??Hey baby girl... want to watch Lilo and Stitch??? She turned her face away from me. Rude!

??That should be a real big clue, Goose.??

I huffed and put on Wreck it Ralph. I cried it the first few times I saw it. It was such a heart touching


Robbie gently placed my baby on my lap when I sat down. He swiped my hair back from my forehead

and dropped a kiss. I leaned to his body, yearning for his warmth.

??I have some calls to make, I will be in the office. Okay, Angel??? His hands were patting on my



I noticed Jason was standing there with his mouth open.

??Are you okay??? Robbie asked when his eyes shifted between Robbie and I.

??Slave, are you okay. Jace??? I was getting worried too.

??Jesus Fudging Christ! You two... Holy shoot! I...?? He was making absolutely no sense.

??Robbie, did you torture him???

??No... If anything he was torturing me because you were avoiding him.??

Robbie pulled Jason and made him sit beside me. ??If he dies, call me, I have a video conference.??

Robbie walked away, no tone bit concerned about the mumbling mess sitting next to me.

??Jason, what is it? Is it about that favour? You know I will do anything for you, right? Though you

should get me that cake with edible ribbons.??

??N... no... it is just that...?? He cleared his throat. ??If you ever need a babysitter, please let me


??Uhh... okay...??

I frowned at him, he was one lost cuckoo.

??So what was the favour about???

??Oh that! If mom calls, tell her that I am not pursuing my dreams to be stripper.??

??Mom thinks you want to be a stripper??? Wow!

??Don??t ask, please, long story. If you don??t want to know about... female body parts leave it at


??With pleasure.?? I shivered.

Jason was still making me worry with his constant mumbling of how stupid and blind he was. Blind

about what, I had no idea.

Jason did not join us for dinner, which was a bummer. I was looking forward to make him change my

baby??s dirty diaper.

We had our dinner, with baby Lia puking milk down Robbie??s T-shirt. I was worried the first time it

happened. But doctor said, it was quite normal for babies her age, to have such accidents once in a

while. But if she was crying and puking non-stop without drinking much milk, we were to take her to


She was healthy and active. So, this time we did not frantically call her doctor, but I did add it to my tab

of My Baby??s Activities.

Robbie was standing too close to me when we did our night routines. I did not think much of it, until his

hand slipped inside my shirt and squeezed my waist hard. Was he?

Soon, his hands were roaming all over me, searching for all warm spots and occasionally squeezing

the flesh making me gasp.

??Robbie... We...??

Robbie??s hands were gentle but the look on his eyes was anything but. He was desperate. He was

crazed with need and I knew he was going to break soon.

I loved that.

I loved him.

I took a step back, gently removing his hand. He growled and it was cute. Was this the man who

begged me to go back to college? He was so silly, my Big Baby.

??Princess is tired.?? I moved completely away from him.

I took my sleeping baby off her swing, whispering to her, to have sweet dreams of beautiful angles and


Her tiny lips were moving in suckling motion making me smile.

How precious, adorable and innocent!

??Sweet Baby Angel, let me take you to cradle.??

Robbie followed me to her nursery. His eyes still glued on me, salivating to my every move.

??Sleep tight, my Little Baby.??

??Come here.?? Robbie picked me up the moment we were out of her room.

??Robbie, we can??t. It is...??

He was leaving bite marks on every exposed flesh on my body. ??Just lie still. I have to... You smell so

good. You are so mine...??

I heard my cloths rip. God! He was so magnificent and he was hard. He was aching for me. Was this

the feeling of butterflies the fairy tales talked about?

??Be gentle, Robbie...?? We had not done it in a few days and he was packing.

??I can??t. I can??t. I will do whatever you say after this time, please. Angel, now just... just... please


I whimpered at the pain that was invading me. I missed it so much. He covered my mouth with his large

palm and he just...

It felt so good. God, this hurt was the best feeling I ever had in my life.

??I will do whatever you want later, please...?? I loved how he begged for my body. He wanted this so


I smiled when he roughly turned me around. Desperation made everything hotter. I giggled when he

lost it in mid thrust.

As long as he did not know how much I was into this, everything was fine. I had promised Jason, that I

would never let him know. But behind this darkness, I could pretend that he was mine.

He fell on top me panting and I bit my lips to stop from giggling again. I pushed Robbie off and sat up.

He did not last even for half his normal time. He must had been holding back all these days.

??Where the hell do you think you are going???

??Uhh, shower???

??Hell, no! Come here, you little tease. Flaunting your creamy thighs for me to lose my fucking mind.??

He yanked me to back to his bed. ??Robbie, it is enough. I am tired. What if...??

He pressed my knees to my chest, not even hearing what I was saying.

I took everything back on what I thought of Robbie??s performance. That man had no shame and no

reasoning at all. And apparently he was redeeming the time he left me alone.

My thighs were not pale anymore with the hungry bites he left on them. I was not wearing any shorts

for a long time.

I flinched when he cleaned me with warm wash cloth. There were minor cuts on my skin that stung

when water touched.

??R... Robbie...??

??God! Ace! You are so amazingly perfect...?? He climbed on top of me again, seeking my lips.

??I am not.??


??I am not perfect. I make you worry.??

??You can make me worry, all you want. Doesn??t make you any less perfect.??

??Stop lying.??

??I am not lying. I do not like that you are taking a break off your studies. A day or two, I would not

mind but... You love it Angel; studying, teaching, helping people. I don??t like it all the times, if I am

honest, but for you to drop everything, I do not want that. You won??t understand. You just listen to me,

that is all you have to do.??

I groaned. I did not like when he went all cave man on me. I was an adult and I could think for myself.

??I want you here, all the time. It is not about that.?? Robbie kissed my earlobe.

I heard a loud cry from the nursery, and I winced trying to get up.

Robbie was rough, real rough. He lied when he said he would go gentle after the first time.

??You lie down; I will get her.?? Robbie bit my lips and went to fetch my girl.

??Why are you crying??? Robbie asked his child in utter confusion. ??She is not hungry, her diaper is

clean, why is she crying???

I chuckled, extending my arms. I had covered myself in blanket and she was too young to notice.

??Come here, sweetheart.?? She was screaming bloody murder. I lied on my side and gently pressed

her to my chest. She sometimes calmed down after lying down on her side. Her singlet had bunched

up on her chest and I fixed it as I patted her back.

She was so small and soft. Plushies had nothing on her in cuteness or softness. She was my favourite Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

little person in the world.

Robbie curled behind me scowling at his baby.

I chuckled. ??She must be irritated, Robbie. She is fine.??

??Then ask her to stop crying.??

I shook my head. ??Where is the milk???

Robbie handed me her bottle. I got her in position to feed but she kicked madly and twisted her chubby

face away.

She was definitely angry.

??Ohh... no milky. It is okay. Hear that daddy? Baby needs no milk.??

I handed him back the bottle and let her scream to my chest, it took a few minutes but I tried again

when she lowered her voice.

I rubbed the nipple of the bottle on her lips but she started screaming... again.

??Ahhh, no... We are going dieting. Baby is dieting. Daddy, we need no milky today. Going to try

protein shakes. Isn??t it right sweetie? Yeah, we are definitely dieting.??

??I don??t like her crying.?? Robbie said. ??But I think you should just make her drink; she needs to

drink it. Doctor said it is important. Try again.??

??Baby girl, daddy needs you to drink your milk. Look, he is worried, come on, a drop of milky milky for

my tiny baby.??

She kicked me again. ??Okay okay, we don??t care if daddy is worried, we are not drinking any milky.

Go away daddy.?? But I looped my legs with Robbie??s, so he would not go away actually. I loved him

being here, with me, with us.

??Just push the bottle in, Angel.??

??Robbie we cannot force feed her.??

??Why not? She needs to drink. It is for her own good.??

I sighed. ??Because then she won??t be happy.??

??She is crying anyways.??

??She will drink when she is ready, Robbie. She woke up cranky, she needs sometime to calm


Robbie was still scowling. I handed her to him when her screaming lowered a bit. Robbie lied on his

back and Lia ??stood up?? on his chest. I smiled even though Robbie was confused as ever. ??You

need to drink milk.?? He firmly told her.

She chewed on her fist and kicked his lips, making me snort.

When Robbie let her stand on his lips, she smiled around her fist, a string of drool leaving her tiny


I chuckled and wiped it away with a wet tissue. I poured a drop of milk on the back of my hand and took

a taste. No, milk was not tasting funny.

She just wanted some love.

??We are here always baby, you were sleeping. Daddy and I were...?? Crap! ??...talking.??

??Amazing talk by the way.?? The bastard told me winking.

??Robbie!?? I hissed and took her back; baby protested but she did not fight me much.

I sat up and pressed the nipple on her mouth in one move. She scowled at first but then her eyes went

wide. It was almost like she had this epiphany that all the solution to her problems was drinking milk.

??She is hungry.??

??I know, I told you just give to her. Could have saved her throat.?? Robbie did not get it.

??It is not how it works, Robbie.??

??Why not???


Robbie lowered his head to my shoulder, trying to figure out his child. It was funny making me giggle.

??I am glad that you are here.??

Was he really? Why did he then asked me to go away? What about his wife? When was she coming


Jason was right though, I was not the one baby needed, but I was not leaving her stranded. I was just a

temporary replacement.

I was completely okay with that.

I handed the baby to her father to burp. I tied the blanket around me and went to the bathroom to


Robbie was talking to his baby when I got back.

??The burp should come from the stomach, not from the throat. Like this...?? Robbie tried to burp but it

did not work out well. But Lia gurgled, almost like she was agreeing with her daddy.

??Are you teaching Princess to burp.??

??Yes, burping 101. Practical is scheduled tomorrow after breakfast. When I am full. So, now to farting

101.?? Robbie was such a goof ball. If only he cracked a smile when he joked.

Wait! He was serious!

The bastard was serious!

??Robbie, if you fart, you are going to sleep on porch.??

A stinky deep smell enough to make me gag permeated in the air.

??Did you just???

??I swear it was not me...??

It was not a fart; it was... ??Princess???

She cackled, throwing her head back. ??Oh come here you my sweet.??

??Why is she sweet, when you would have made me sleep on the porch if it was me???

I rolled my eyes. Who was the real baby here?

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