Traded To The Lycan King

Chapter 72

Chapter 72


I move swiftly to the SUV, waiting to take us back home, throwing the trunk open while Hayes watches me with interest. His mouth twitches like he is about to speak, but I silence him with a solid glare and he takes two steps back, his hands outstretched like he surrenders. The last thing I need right now is to talk about what just happened. How the hell am I supposed to process it when I can't even bring myself to admit it is happening? Colette is going to change her mind once she sees I will seriously let her leave. This is just her testing me, testing my resolve. Well, if she wants to play the game of who can be more stubborn, she is in for a surprise. Because I am the most stubborn of the two of us.

I yank out her two bags, walking them past Percy, Penny, and Leandra. The burn on my back twinges and stings, but at least it's something other than the blinding rage I feel right now. My lycan is fighting me for control, urging me to just grab our girl and tie her up, placing her in the car until we get home.

But even I know that is wrong. Shit, what I did was wrong. Should I have made decisions for her? No. and I get that, but clearly she is being emotional in her choice. She didn't know who her dad was and then she found him and learned of her bloodline. It has to be overwhelming, but to abandon her pack? To abandon me? This feels like a rash decision.

I bound up the steps toward the mansion two at a time, meeting her at the doorway as I drop the bags at her feet. She looks at me, her eyes red with unshed tears, and I can see how torn she feels. But it's hard enough to let her go. I can't concern myself with how torn she feels. Not yet, not right now.

"Stay safe, Colette." I mutter, taking a step back, but she follows me. Her hand reaching out and taking hold of my wrist gently.

I close my eyes, inhaling her scent, committing it to memory. There are so many questions I want to ask her. So many things I should say.

"Merikh..." she whispers, her voice breaking as I look down at the place where her fingers touch my skin, the spark as strong as it has ever been. Even with this heartache. "Please."

“Please what?” I ask her, arching an annoyed brow. “Please forgive you? Please pretend that this is breaking me inside”

She grimaces, and a rogue tear travels down her cheek as she draws in a shuddering breath.

“My hands are tied” She whispers, looking up at me. “I refuse to be a showpiece with a title. I want to be more than that.”

I yank my wrist from her grip, stepping closer into her bubble.

“The only one who doesn’t see your worth is you. Why the hell do you think I am fighting this so hard?” Iscoit

“Then let me go and find my worth,” she says, “For myself”

I chuckle dryly, reaching out and cupping her face with both hands. Her thin lingers reach up, resting on my wrists as she meets my heavy gaze.

“When you realize there is nothing to find, you know where to and me”

She looks at me, biting her bottom lip. “I promise to call you every day”

I sigh, tugging her to me as I press my lips to hers. Her hands sqleeze my arm, and I kiss her soll and sweet. Tying to convey through the connection just how much I am begging he then I break away, taking a step back.

“I think I will need some time to cool off.” I tell her, hating myself but wanting her to understand that this is what it feels like to me. Like she is abandoning me and our pack. Even if that is not what it is.

“How much time?” She asks, tears racing down her cheek more consistently.

I shrug. “A few days. Maybe a week.” I tell her, knowing dmn well that it will feel like an eternity.

“Okay…I will call you in a week,” she whispers, her voice weak as she wipes her tears. “I do love you, Merikh.”

“I know.” I exhale, “But not enough to stay.”

“It’s not about how much I love you and you know that.”

I look behind me at the SUV’s where my beta and ga*mas sit, probably watching us trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Then I see Penny clamber out and creep up the steps toward us. She sticks her hands in her pockets.

“It is time to leave, Alpha and Luna.” She says intentionally, eyeing the bags in front of Colette.

I turn and walk down the steps, heading to the car, leaving my heart behind me.

“Colette will not be coming.” I mutter as I walk past Penny.

“What?” she asks, her voice going up an octave in shock. “What the hell does that mean?”

“It means she is choosing not to come home, Penny.” I clip out and look over my shoulder at her.

Penny looks between Colette and I. Colette, now hugging herself with tears streaming down her cheeks and me, looking like an insensitive a*shole with the tears I want to let out tightly locked away.

“Alpha…” Penny says, and I already know exactly what she is going to say.

Hell, I knew it the second she stepped out of the SUV Penny is going with Colette and I had hoped it would go this way. If I’ had suggested it, I am certain Colette would have been upset and offended. But with Penny insisting she go with her, I expect Colette won’t be upset over the company.

“Ask her,” I say. “She gets to decide if she wants you to tag along.”

“Luna, I am coming with you.” Penny insists.

“You really don’t have to,” she says and Penny laughs.

“Whether you are getting in touch with your wolf’s side or siren side, you are my luna and I am your gamma. My job is to protect you at all times,” she says. “And you are my friend.”

I gaze up at Colette who smiles for the first time since our fight and she nods happily.

“It might be nice to have company.” She says.

With that, I move to the SUV, climbing in the passenger’s seat and slamming the door shut.

“Let’s go,” I mutter to Hayes. He hesitates and I slide a glare his way. “Now,”

“I’m going” he grumbles, before way too slowly pulling away.

We drive in silence, fighting the urge to look in the rearview mirror as the mate bond stretches. If I look back and see her, there is no way in hell Iwill leave the way she wants me to. This is what she is asking for. She is asking for me to be broken so she can find her way to feel whole.

In retrospect, it’s not a terrible thing to ask of me, it’s something I want to give her. But f*ck if it doesn’t hurt my heart and ego. I can feel her emotions slowly draining from my head until we pull out of the mansion grounds and she is gone from me completely. My mark burns before it dulls to a throbbing, and I place my hand over it.

“Plan on filling me in, brother?” Hayes asks, and I look out the window.

“Not really,” I admit..

“How about you tell me, anyway?” He says, and I roll my eyes.

“Not much to tell, Colette wanted to go with Caspian and learn what her skills are.” I shrug.

“Mmhmm, and you seem super thrilled about it.” He teases.

“Aren’t you the clairvoyant one?” I grumble in annoyance.

“Did you guys at least discuss it?” He asks, seeing right f*cking through me. I hate when he does that shit. I glare at him and he chuckles, shaking his head. “You idiot.”

“Careful, I’m your alpha.” I grumble.

“You are my brother first. And you are an idiot. I bet you tried to strong arm her into coming home by deciding for her and knowing Colette she got mad and decided she was going to do it

I don’t respond. I look out the window instead, watching the trees blow by as he speeds down the paved road.

“I am proud of you, Merikh.” He then murmurs. I turn to look at him, my brows knitting together.

“For what?” I ask.

“I mean, she isn’t tied her up and locked in the back of the SUV. You let her go, and you are trusting her to come back when she is ready” He says and I move uncomfortably in the leather seat.

“Yeah, well, I was da*n close to doing just that,” I mutter, and Hayes laughs again.

“She will be safer with Caspian,” He reminds me.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“That’s the only thing keeping me sane.”

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