True Luna novel (Emma and Logan)

Chapter 156

Chapter 156

Book 2 Epilogue - Powerful and strong

Three years later

Emma POV Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Auntie!” Mason screamed as he ran into my arms.

I smiled and picked him up. I sat him on my lap and kissed his temple.

“Hi, buddy.” I said, smiling brightly.

He was so big already. I couldn't believe that we were celebrating his third birthday. I could have sworn

that he was born like a week ago.

“Uncle Logan got me a truck.” he said with his cute baby voice, showing me the truck we bought him as

a gift.

He has been obsessed with trucks and cars lately.

“Do you like it?” I asked, looking down at the toy in his hands.

“I do.” he said as he grinned widely.

His teeth were covered in chocolate, making it look like some were missing. I chuckled and kissed his


He jumped out of my arms and ran back toward his dad.

I looked at my handsome mate, who was holding our son and talking to Drake. Mason ran up to Drake,

who picked him up and smiled. I could hear Mason explaining to Drake that Logan bought him a truck.

Andrew was holding my daughter and smiling at her. She laughed and threw her head back. Andrew

tickled her belly.

A smile spread across my face. I was so lucky to be a part of this family.

“I can’t wait to see Drake holding our daughter like that.” Amy said, making me look at her.

Amy was pregnant with their first daughter. She was supposed to give birth any day now. I was so

excited and happy for her.

“It’s an amazing feeling.” I said with a small smile.

Amy was looking at Drake with a small smile on her face. She was so in love with him, and I loved

seeing her like that.

“Did Jake say when he was coming back?” I asked, making her look from Drake to me.

“In a few days.” she said. “I am so excited to meet Rose.”

Rose was Jake’s mate. He met her when he went on a business trip to another pack. I was so happy

for him. Rose seemed like a great girl, and he deserved to have someone like her in his life.

“Me too.” I said excitedly. “I couldn't be happier for him.”

Amy smiled. “He said that he is bringing gifts for Alex and Sophie.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “Again? My house already looks like a toy store.”

Amy chuckled and looked back at Drake.

“Goddess, is there a person alive on this planet who still hasn’t heard that Logan bought Mason a

truck?” Daisy said as she put a plate of cookies on the table. “I think Drake has heard the story three

times already.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “He is very excited.”

Daisy looked at her son and smiled.

She sat down on the chair next to me and took a cookie from the plate.

“What did Anna say about Sophie?” Daisy asked, looking at me.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

“It’s too soon to tell.” I said. “She is only two and a half years old. We will have to wait and see.”

My kids were a mystery. The only White Wolf that existed before me never had kids. We didn’t know

what kind of powers my kids would get, or if they would even get any.

A few days ago, I felt some traces of magic in my daughter. It was similar to mine, but a little bit

different. I called Anna immediately, but she couldn't feel it. She said that it was possible that only I

could feel it because I was her mom. She wasn’t sure. Anna said that we would have to wait until

Sophie was a little bit older to know if she really had magic.

I tried not to worry, but it was hard. I didn’t want her to go through what I went through. I didn’t want

people to come after her because of her powers.

I couldn't feel traces of magic in my son. It was a relief, but they were both still too young to know

anything for sure.

Logan, Andrew, and Drake started walking back to the table.

“When should we start grilling?” Andrew asked as he kissed Daisy.

Sophie reached out to me, and I took her from Andrew’s arms.

“Hi, mommy.” my daughter said with her adorable voice.

“Hi, my baby.” I said as I kissed the tip of her nose.

She giggled and laid her head on my shoulder.

“Aunt Gloria should be here in half an hour.” Daisy said. “You can start then. I don’t want the food to get


Logan sat down next to me. I looked at him and smiled. Alex reached out and took Sophie’s hand in

his. They had a wonderful bond, and I hoped it would always be like that.

“Auntie, my dad said that you are very powerful and strong.” Mason mumbled, making me look at him.

“Can you make this truck bigger so I can get in and drive it around?”

All of us laughed.

“I would love to, buddy, but I am not that powerful.” I said, making Mason sigh.

“What can you do then?” he asked me. “Can you fight my dad?”

We laughed again.

“She is not that powerful either, bud.” Andrew chuckled, making me look at him and roll my eyes.

“I could kick your butt anytime.” I told him quietly.

“No way.” he said, showing me the muscles on his arm.

I rolled my eyes again, making him laugh.

I was powerful and strong, but it had nothing to do with my magic or my ability to fight. I was powerful

and strong because I grew and became a better person than I was. I was powerful and strong because

of the people around me. I was powerful and strong because of the love I received and all the love I


“Alex, Sophie, come on.” Mason said as he ran away from the table.

My kids wiggled out of mine and Logan’s arms and ran after Mason, giggling and shouting.

Logan placed an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.

I kissed him and smiled.

He was my power and my strength. My kids were my power and my strength. Our friends and our

family were my power and my strength.

“I love you.” Logan said quietly.

I smiled and caressed his cheek. I loved him too. I loved him unconditionally.

“I love you too.” I said as I took a deep breath and let his scent overwhelm my senses.

This was my heaven, and I never wanted to leave. I would use my power and strength to defend it until

my last breath.

My eyes fell on my children, who were playing with Mason. Both of them looked at me and smiled


I saw a familiar spark in Sophie’s eyes.

My breath got caught in my throat.

It had to be magic.


A thank-you note

Hello, my dear readers!

First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you. I can’t even begin to explain how much you all

mean to me. Each and every one of you who read, voted, and commented on my book holds a very

special place in my heart. You motivated me and gave me so much strength and inspiration to continue

writing. I had bad days and I had good days, but you were here for me through them all. THANK YOU!

I can’t believe that the book I started writing to escape from my stressful job has gotten this much

attention. It is surreal, and I sometimes still feel like I am about to wake up and realize that it was all a


Through this book, I wanted to express a few things. I wanted to express how a relationship between

siblings can become strong when they’ve been taking care of each other their whole lives. I wanted to

show how the line between parenthood and a sibling relationship can be blurred in those situations. I

wanted to show how their love for each other could be stronger than the mistakes they made.

I wanted to show that people can grow and change. Logan went from being a selfish man who made a

lot of mistakes to a man who would lay down his life for his mate. Emma went from a girl who was timid

to a woman who fought for her family and won. I wanted to show that people can make mistakes, but

that doesn’t define them as people. Sometimes we all deserve a second chance. Sometimes choosing

peace is more important than choosing revenge and violence.

Most importantly, I wanted to show that power and strength don’t always have to mean that someone is

physically strong. Power can come from forgiveness. Power can come from kindness. Power and

strength can come from choosing love over resentment.

I apologize again for any spelling or grammar mistakes I made. English isn’t my first language. I always

try to edit the chapters the best I can, but I’m sure that there are grammatical errors. The book is going

to be available in paperback print as well, so I had it professionally edited. I will publish the edited

version as soon as I can!

Thank you again! I can’t say that enough! Thank you to those who read my book to the end. For those

of you who didn’t like it, thank you for giving it a chance. It still means a lot to me. I know that some of

you don’t agree with the choices the characters made, but I knew that I couldn’t make everyone happy.

I hope that you are happy with the overall turn of events.

I still have some ideas about this series. I would like to write a book about their kids as well. I’m still not

sure about the plot. Please let me know if you would like to read more!

Thank you again! I’m sending you a lot of hugs! Have a wonderful day!

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