Twisted Fate

Chapter 18:At the Castle

Ella woke up with a startle.

She didn’t know she had dozed off. She yawned and raised herself from the bed. Going to the door, she opened it and saw Ms. Cooker holding a transparent bag.

“Ma’am, Mr Foster said I should give you this for tonight’s dinner” she said respectfully.

She doesn’t know how Alex’s relationship is with his employees, but they all seemed to be afraid of him.

She doesn’t want anyone to be afraid of him, she only wants to live with them for one year in mutual respect and understanding.

“Thank you Ms Cooker” Ella appreciated with a smile, taking the bag from her and shutting the door.

At this time, Alex had already left for the office again. He had come to pick a file. It’s not that he couldn’t send one of his subordinates, he wants to know if Ella was home.

Ella opened the bag and was dazed at the dinner wear that Alex had ordered for her. She brought it out of its wrap and gently placed it on the bed.

It was the latest version of clothes from the Eminem fashion empire. It was designed by the best designer in New York

She stumbled on it in a magazine and if she remembers vividly, it should cost hundreds of dollars.

For the Love of it, how can someone spend so much money buying a dress?

Is that the dress she would be wearing for the rest of her life? Why spending so much on a dress, what about the shoes?

That made Ella realise that she needed to look at the pair of shoes that came along with the dress.

It’s a pair of high heeled sandals. The sight of it spells wealth and how expensive it is. She just lost interest in thinking how wasteful Alex was.

But maybe poverty had moulded her mentality. She didn’t grow up poor, her parents might not be so vast in business and investment, but they cannot be tagged as poor.

Anyways, he wanted her to look presentable. She’s his wife in name after all. She now uses the last name Foster.

At exactly 7pm, Alex chauffeur parked in front of Alex Mansion. Ms Cooker went to find Ella in her room and said “ma’am, Mr Foster’s chauffeur is already outside”

Ella nooded with a smile. She stood up from the front of the vanity mirror and turned towards Ms Cooker.

When the older woman saw Ella’s beauty, she had that megawatt smile on her face. Mr Foster woman is so beautiful.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’re so beautiful Ma’am” Ms Cooker complimented. She might not be in the right position to compliment the madam of the house, but she couldn’t hide her admiration.

“Thank you Ms Cooker” Ella appreciated.

The latter led the way and Ella walked majestically with much splendour towards the front door.

Alex’s car was tinted. He came along with his chauffeur to see how the stubborn woman he married would look from a distance.

He is the young billionaire who many envied and admired but at the same time, there are some who are after finding a loophole to ridicule him.

Taking Ella to the Foster Castle is the same as publicly announcing his union with her. He knew how excited his grandfather would be.

He had called him very early that day that his wife must be present in the Foster Castle for recognition.

He cannot underestimate the extent his grandfather might go. He had to ensure She looked beautiful and attractive.

Facially, Ella is okay. But the cheap dresses she was known for and her little or no make up she’s always having on can be sometimes annoying.

Ms Cooker held the door and Ella walked out. She saw the car parked and started taking gracious steps towards it.

When Alex saw her, he was lost for words.

He couldn’t believe Ella could be this elegant and classy. The dress fit perfectly on her.

The purple coloured dress reaches to her feet. It’s armless but fitted with a slit that reaches her thighs.

Her white skin was shiny and attractive. Her hair was unbounded, leaving it to fall backwards. Her lips were painted red.

The foundation she had on gave her face a radiant look. She held a designer bag that came along with the pair of shoes she had on.

Alex Foster was temporarily lost as he stared at her walking towards the car. Ella is a curvy woman with moderately sized boobs.

For tg first time since he had set his eyes on Ella, he felt his body tightened.

He had only harassed her at the restaurant but he didn’t feel this desire for her like he felt at the moment.

He likes women, especially beautiful and classy ones. Ella possessed all these qualities but they weren’t obvious in the past.

Or should he say she doesn’t know the worth of the perfect feminine body she possesses.

If she had, she wouldn’t have got stuck with the cheap life and dresses she was always having on.

It was as if the dress was made for her. Perfectly fitted. She walked carefully and graciously as one of Alex’s bodyguards held the door open for her.

As Ella wanted to step in, when she saw Alex, she paused and shivered slightly. Then lingered a little before deciding whether to get in or not.

Are they riding in the same car?

She got the answer in her mind immediately: it’s his car. He can decide to ride with her or not.

“Not coming in?” Alex demanded and Ella slid in, as the bodyguard shut the door.

“Hi” Ella said, ensuring she was almost resting on the car door rather than sitting comfortably in the car.

The car was filled with a domineering aura. It’s temperature was chilly and Alex’s body fragrance filled the air.

“Hi” Alex said simply and glanced at her briefly. He chuckled silently. Does she want to rest on the car door rather than sit comfortably?

Was he so scaring that she stayed so far away from him?

Whatever, she can decide to stay at the roof of the car. All he wanted was to introduce her to his grandparents.

The couple were silent, though together in the car, their hearts were far apart.

After some time, Ella said “thank you for my mother’s surgery” she appreciated. She didn’t glance at him to see his facial expression but knew he glanced at her from her split vision.

“Just fulfilling my part of the contract” Alex replied. She doesn’t have to thank him. They both derive an advantage from the union.

“How is she doing now?” Alex asked. A flash of what happened in the past crossed his mind, a memory he wishes never existed but yet, it existed and there’s nothing he could do about it.

He wished his mother was still alive, that she faced the challenge ahead with a full fate that everything was going to be alright, they all would have been happier.

“She’s doing fine,”Ella replied simply.

The next forty minutes drive was done in silence. None said anything to the other until Ella saw the chauffeur drive into the magnificent building of the Foster’s family.

The large iron gate was as high as it was large. It was decorated with light, making it glitter as darkness had already started descending.

As they drove towards the parking lot, Alex Foster glanced at Ella and said “Just play along”

He gave an order and without waiting another ten seconds, he got out of the car and glanced at the castle with his hands in his pants pocket.

Ella alighted and walked over to stand by Alex’s side. For the first time, Alex held her hand and walked towards the house.

As the couple stepped into the sitting room, Ella was surprised by the faces she saw.

Big names with great figures were seated. Ella immediately shivered, it was as if she was standing on a stage and had this fright she cannot explain.

Alex felt her shivering and held her hand tighter, giving it a soft squeeze of reassurance.

He smiled at everyone seated and went round giving them a handshake. Ella quickly recovered her composure and smiled as well, taking their hands for a handshake.

“Here comes my grandson and his beautiful wife..” Edmundo Foster chimed. The old man seemed pleased and excited to show off his grandson.

“Hello grandfather” Alex Foster said, standing before his grandfather. He seemed fulfilled, doing the will of his grandfather.

“Good to see you,” Edmundo declared, going over and giving his grandson a hug. Ella shyly said hello to Edmundo and they both hugged each other.

The servants came over and poured them all drinks. Alex and Ella were also offered glasses of wine.

“A toast to the youngest couple in town” That was Jim’s voice, speaking from the sidelines. He raised his glass of wine and others did, making a toast to the latest couple.

Jim is Alice’s husband. He is Alex’s brother-in-law. Alice is Alex’s younger sister. They are married and have a little daughter of a year old.

All along, Alex didn’t leave Ella’s hand. The latter seemed to be pleased to hold Alex’s hand.

His hand was soft like a baby’s. Ella wondered why his palm felt so soft and supple.

He does nothing with them except holding pen and his cutleries. She liked the warmth coming from his palm.

Alex glanced at Jim’s side briefly and looked away. He disliked him greatly and he knows it, even Alice knows that her brother dislikes her husband.

“You should be gone for the honeymoon already” Edmundo declared, his excitement was all over him.

Everyone agreed immediately. Alex should be away for his honeymoon with his beautiful wife.

His wife looked reserved and calm, a beauty with so much charisma.

Alex smiled and glanced at his wife “honey, what do you think?” he asked, with a smile. That smile was forced and Ella returned it.

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