Twisted Fate

Chapter 25: why chose her then?

Ella felt a lump in her throat. He not only spent their wedding night with Lisa, but he travelled with her for two weeks.

Is this how promiscuous Alex was? His sexual desire will eventually lead to his ruin if he continues with that bitch surnamed Anderson.

Alex’s palm formed into a fist. He felt like punching the journalist who particularly asked that question.

He glared at the journalist with a chilling stare. The idiot would definitely know that he would come after him.

He sensed this was Lisa’s handwriting. There was no one besides the two of them who knew he travelled with her to Spain.

Before Ella could think of a convincing response, Alex ordered “securities, send these people away from her”

Alex’s bodyguards swung into action as they surrounded Alex Foster and Ella, making out a path for them to walk to their car.

Ella was quiet. She wasn’t jealous per say but it made her look like a moron. Her husband was with Lisa Anderson the night they were married?

That’s ridiculous.

Why didn’t he go for her in the first place? If he couldn’t live without her, the best thing he should have done was to make her his bride.

In that case, he wouldn’t have to make it a contract but a real thing. He would have been happier, having her hovering around him and in his bed as well.

Why chose her then?

They were married but he travelled without letting her know he was travelling and to where he was going. She didn’t give a damn about it.

But right before her, a journalist asked her such an embarrassing question that if he hadn’t come to her aid, she would have flopped.

Alex Foster got into his Lexus and glanced at Ella. He really made her lose face completely.

Alex Foster was entangled with the guilt he now felt. He looked remorseful and glanced at her again.Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

Why did Lisa do something so disgusting to him? Who said she could cross her boundary with her? She had Crossed her limits and he would see that she never had another chance to repeat this whole nonsense again.

They were supposed to appear like a perfect couple. Ella did just that and he left no traces behind. But he ruined the entire act.

No woman who claimed to be happily married to a man can accept the fact that her husband was with another woman on their wedding night.

He glanced at her for the uptenth time, and still saw Ella was looking expressionless. He couldn’t predict what was going on in her heart.

He knew he fucked up, but he didn’t expect it to come back to him so blatant and fiercely staring into his eyes.

“Ella I am sorry”Alex Foster brought himself to apologise to her.

“You don’t have to be sorry for anything. We are only acting, it’s not a real deal after all” Ella replied calmly.

Lisa Anderson was furious. Her aims had been defeated, there were still questions Ella was to be asked that would send her off balancing when answering but Alex had interrupted it.

What the heck is wrong with Alex? Didn’t he say the marriage was a contract and they were going to part ways after a year?

That’s what she wanted Ella to answer yes to. She needed as many as interested to know that Alex has nothing for Ella.

That way, he would have no option than to quit the marriage exactly when the clock strikes a year to keep his reputation before the entire world.

But now, that didn’t happen. What nonsense, she violently threw the flower vase against the wall and it came crashing down.

Her mother and brother heard the mouse and rushed towards her room. They also have heard and watched the news about Alex’s marriage to another woman.

They were unhappy though, but what can they do? Lisa had been with Alex Foster for a while now, they all thought they were ending it all at the altar of their vows.

But who knows, he was going to wake up one day and give his conjugal vows to another woman.

He jilted her and that was too much for them to take. Their dear Lisa was going to be made an object of ridicule to those who were happy Alex didn’t choose her in the end.

“What’s wrong Lisa?” Jackie Anderson asked, seeing her daughter’s tears filled eyes.

Lisa indeed looks pitiful. It seemed her world came crashing when Alex’s marriage went viral. It’s not like she didn’t know he was already Married, in fact he was the one who told her the very day he got married.

But now that it went viral, it hurts her more than the day he told her. She’s been jilted, he chose someone else over her.

He made her a play thing, he madevherba mere object of sexual satisfaction. Is that the only thing that he wanted from her, sex?

“Lisa, Lisa, are you alright?” Jerome Anderson asked. He went over and pulled her into a hug.

“What sort of question is that Jerome?” Jackie asked ” how can she be alright with so much tears on her face?”Jackie demanded.

Lisa started sobbing quietly. She had lost him, she lost to that smelly woman. How can she become an invader in Alex’s Mansion henceforth?

“That arrogant brat jilted you and we all know it now. Forget him Lisa. He wasn’t going to be the best choice for you anyways.

He is notorious for his unsatisfiable desire for women. A man who cheats once, is bound to cheat again and again.

I don’t like that brat surnamed Foster. Besides being wealthy and handsome, there’s nothing else that is good about him.

Just let him go and pretend as if you never met. He doesn’t deserve you after all” Jerome coaxed his sister.

Lisa is the eldest daughter of Nicolas and Jackie Anderson. Jerome is her younger brother. Only these two kids did the Anderson parents get.

“I can’t Jerome, dad would skin me alive” Lisa disclosed. It’s been a secret between herself and her dad. He had once threatened to disown her if she didn’t ensure she ended up as Alex Foster’s wife.

Hence she didn’t get bothered when she saw him with other women. She wants him to see her as a tolerant woman who only loves him, not getting affected by his bad sides.

“What do you mean?” Jackie asked. What does Nicolas have to do with Lisa and Alex’s relationship?

“Dad has once threatened to disown me if I don’t end up as Alex Foster’s wife!”


Sarah also watched the news. Her daughter was married to the billionaire President of the Foster corporation?

If she remembered correctly, he was the same fellow who made her lose her job at the restaurant. He was that arrogant, domineering rich dude who made her daughter lose her job.

He got her employed in his company and now, he succeeded in marrying her. If this man was the same Alex Foster, then, she’s afraid her daughter wasn’t going to live happily in that home.

He was rumoured to be a womaniser. He changes women like he changes his suit. How will her daughter cope with such a man?

Had she pushed her daughter to this end? Ella had taken these steps just to save her? She gave up her happiness just to keep her alive?

Sarah’s eyes became moist.

What kind of a mother is she? Why so much sacrifice for her sake? Her daughter had barely found her feet and yet, she cumbered her with her problems.

Sarah started sobbing. Her daughter as usual wasn’t going to be home with her that night, hence she sobbed more.

“Oh Ella, oh my child…” Sarah sobbed that entire night.

That same night, Nicolas Anderson was fuming with rage as he pulled Lisa by her hair. “You let that boy slip off your fingers and get married to another woman?

You are so irresponsible and useless. I wanted you to be by his side as my spy and you got lost, only opening your legs for him till he slipped off into another woman’s hands?

I had my eyes on the entire properties and the cooperation owned by the Foster’s. You were supposed to be married to Alex and then have a child after which, Alex has to die and everything owned by the Foster becomes yours and your child, invariably becomes mine!”Nicolas Anderson seethed.

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