Uncontrollable Tempration

Chapter 44

“Do you know, she quit yesterday?”

“Yes. I tired to talk her out of it but she insisted that it was what she wanted. I think she’s trying to get away from you because you’re an asshole.”

He’s right… I am an asshole, a big one.

“And please I would like you to leave now.” He said dismissively.

The blood from his nose was now trickling down his shirt and he needed to attend to it.

“Yeah, of course.” I wonder how he still manages to be polite, after all the trouble I caused him. “I’m terribly sorry about everything, I-”

“It’s fine Adam just leave.”

“Ok.” I said then I left feeling stupid.



Sophia Parker

I had fun with the girls today and now I’m back home. We’ve planned what we’re doing tomorrow for my birthday. We’re going to Electric cinema! I’m so excited and I can’t wait.

Sean also said he would plan something for me and I hope it can fit in with Electric cinema. Maybe I should call him and inform him about it. All day I’ve been thinking about what his surprise was.

I rang him a few times and he finally picked up.

“Hey!” I said.

“Hey.” His voice sounded drab unlike mine.

“You don’t sound too happy.”

“I’m just tired that’s all.” He sighed.Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

“What did you do today?”

“Nothing. I had plans but they fell through.”

“Do you want me to come over? I have stuff I want to tell you.” I tried to sounded excited.

“No. Please don’t. Just tell me over the phone.”

“No… I want to tell you in person. I’m coming over. No arguments.” I ended the call. He tried calling back but I didn’t answer.

I got ready and went out to take a taxi.

I got a text from him saying that he’s not in but I know he’s lying. I texted him back that I was already in a taxi and on my way so he could quit lying.

I wanted to see Sean and its weird that he didn’t want to see me too. What was that about?

I caught a taxi and gave the driver Sean’s address. We got there in a few minutes and I paid for the fare.

I used the elevator to reach his residence and knocked on the door.

A little while later Sean opened the door and turned away immediately.

“Hey, how are you?” I asked.

“I’m good. Good.” He replied, not looking at me.

I came in and noticed that there was a lot of furniture missing like a giant blue vase that used to be at the corner. His centre table and carpet was also missing.

“What happened to all the furniture?”

“Oh, uh… I’m changing them.”

“Why?” I tried to face him but he turned backwards. I felt like he was trying to avoid looking at me.

“I got bored with them.” He said and walked off to the kitchen.

I followed behind him.

“Okay, well tomorrow my friends and are going to Electric cinema. I was hoping that whatever you have planned for me can be before or after then. We’re going by 6pm, is that okay?”

“Yeah. That’s fine.” He said still turning his back on me.

He was just staring at the kitchen counter, not doing anything. Why is he acting so weird?!


There was a long silence. I wonder what the hell was going on! Things between us has never been this awkward before. Something must have happened.

“I resigned yesterday. You didn’t ask me how that went.”

“How did it go?”

“It didn’t go how I expected to. Mr Wilson didn’t want me to leave. How crazy is that?” I laughed a bit to lighten up the mood.

“Not crazy at all.”

“What do you mean?”


“Uh, ok.”



He was still staring at the kitchen counter.

“What are you doing Sean?” I asked confusedly.


“Then why wouldn’t you look at me?!” I raised my voice unconsciously. I was getting tired of his strange behaviour.

He didn’t say anything.

“Is this about yesterday?”

“No Sophia this isn’t about anything. Just go home. Thank you for stopping by.” I heard him take a deep breath.

“You want me to go?”


Something was definitely wrong. He doesn’t want to look at me and he even wants me out of his house. There was absolutely nothing that I could have done to him from the span of yesterday till now. So why is he giving me a cold shoulder?!

“NO Sean! I will not! I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me what’s wrong! You’re being very unusual to me and I don’t like it. It hurts that you won’t even look at me. Tell me what I did to you? Or was it something I said instead? Because it can’t be anything I did, unless its the kiss. I’m sorry I ever did that. You should have told me if it wasn’t something you wanted to do. I don’t want to ruin our friendship so please don’t- ”

He turned around and what I saw almost made me scream!

“This is why I don’t want to look at you. Because I don’t want you seeing me like this. You shouldn’t have come here.” He folded his arms.

“Oh my goodness, what happened to you?”

I was so shocked to see him that way. He was bruised all over his face. The corner of his lip was cut open and he had a black eye and a red nose. He looked so terrible and I felt strongly for him. He must be in so much pain.

“Don’t ask Sophia.”

“Why wouldn’t I?! Does it hurt?”


I rubbed his arm in attempt to soothe him but there were also some scratches there as well.

“Oh Sean!” I hugged him. “Why would someone do this to you? I want to know who the animal is that did this to you! Whoever that person is, they are horrible”

He hugged me back, putting his arms around me. I could feel myself tearing up. He must have had a tough time while I was out having fun. I looked up at him and held his face. I caressed his cheek lightly to try and ease his pain.

“Why are you crying Sophia?”

“Because you’re hurt really bad and I don’t like it.”

“I’ll be fine in a few days, I promise.”

All I could see was pain in his eyes. I really wanted to nurse him till he feels okay. Maybe a kiss would distract him a bit.

I pushed myself up to my toes and reached his lips. He was still too tall so I gently brought his head down and kissed him. Gently and softly, we kissed. I tried not to make it rough because of his sores. I rubbed his back and ran my fingers through his hair. I heard him moan but it sounded more like agony.

He pulled back.

“No, Sophia. We can’t.” He shook his head, putting some distance between us.

“Is it because you’re injured? Don’t worry, I wouldn’t strain you again. I’m sorry.”

“No. It’s not that. We can’t keep doing this… kissing each other I mean.”

“Why not?”

“Ugh, Adam would so kill me if he ever finds out about this” He whispered to himself but I heard every word he said.

“He dare not do any- Oh my gosh!” Realisation dawned on me. “Did he do this to you?! He was the one wasn’t he! He is such a bastard and he will pay for this!”

I can’t believe Mr Wilson! What an arrogant swine! Only him could be so violent enough to cause such injuries to Sean. Why in the world would he ever do such an irresponsible thing?!

“Did you tell him that we kissed?” Sean asked.

“Of course not! Why? Does he know?”

“Apparently he does. That’s why I’m completely battered. He was here and we got in a huge fight. I’m no longer sure if I can make plans with you tomorrow.”

“It’s okay. But how on earth did he find out about us?”

“Since you didn’t tell him, then i’m guessing through one of his surveillance cameras. I forgot I had one in my office because it’s so unnoticeable.

“That’s pathetic! Spying on his workers! Just because he deals with security doesn’t mean he can pry into other people’s lives. He’s insane!”

“Do me a favour Sophia and talk to him. I’m sure you guys can work out whatever it is that is or was going on between you two, because he’s not ready to let go. ”

“No! I hate him! I don’t want anything to do with him anymore. Not after seeing this, what he did to you. He is so ruthless. I can’t even imagine-”

“I fought with him as well Sophia. It wasn’t only him. I hurt him really bad too.”

“I’m sure you did it only out of self defence. I bet he was the one who struck first.” Sean nodded. “He’s such an imbecile!”

“Easy Sophia.” He said but then blood slowly oozed from his nose.

“Oh my goodness, you’re bleeding!”

He put his hand on his nose and went to the sink to run some water over it.

“You need some ice packs. Do you have any?” I rubbed his back.

“Yeah… In the freezer.”

I got our two of them.

“Come.” I pulled him to his bedroom. “Lie down. You’ll need to sit up straight, and tip your head slightly forward. Thats the only way it’ll stop.”

He lay on his bed and I sat beside him. I applied an ice pack to his cheeks and he flinched at the temperature. I felt so sorry for him. Sean was in such horrible condition all thanks to that moron. I can’t believe he would fight over me… What was the point? He has proved that he’s no longer interested in me so why fight when I kiss another man? He can get any girl he wants, I don’t understand why he can’t just let me be. Ugh!

“Thank you Sophia. You should go now.” Sean held my hand.

“No, I’m staying here tonight.”

“Thats not necessary.”

“I want to. Plus, you need me. I will take care of you don’t worry.”

I climbed more into his bed and lay down beside him. I pressed a chaste kiss on his lips before snuggling up next to him.

He put his arm around me and held me like that all through the night.

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