Under His Protection


Without any further delay, Mr white swung into action, and in the next twenty-four hours the court paper was already on its way to Isabella, even with how difficult it was it still managed to get her new address.

Since the incident after they went to Isabella’s family house, Vincent had taken his new mission seriously making sure Isabella was not stressed in any way, he had even gone out of his way to always provide whatever meal she wanted even if it meant him skipping some time at work.

That fateful morning, Isabella had woken up to a treat from Vincent, she could perceive the nice aroma coming from the kitchen, and as she got up she saw a written on the table close to the bed.

“Freshen up and come straight to the dining!” it read boldly and with a huge smile Isabella moved to freshen up, she wondered what Vincent was cooking up and could not stop herself from her unending smile.

As she got to the dining table, Isabella was visibly taken by surprise at the amount of delicacies Vincent had placed on the table she wondered if they had to celebrate but she could not think of one.

“What is going on?” Isabella asked curiously as she saw Vincent coming out of the kitchen with a pack of juice, “Are celebrating?” she continued still anxious to know what was happening.

“Not my dear, I only wanted to treat you to a good meal,” Vincent replied sending a warm at Isabella who was already beginning to feel hot.

She had noticed a significant change since after their visit to her house and she had thought Vincent was just acting his normal way after he had never stopped acting nice to her since they met but this was ordinary or was he beginning to fall in love with her.? Still lost in thought Isabella suddenly heard the doorbell ringing and was curious. “Did you make orders for something?” Isabella asked turning to Vincent, whose expression showed he was just as surprised as she was.

As she made her way to the door, Isabella wondered who it might be, Vincent had never had anyone come to visit him and it was Audrey, she would have been informed.

“Did Vincent plan a surprise for me?” she wondered with a smile playing on her lips, but she saw a Stern-looking man who was impatiently standing at the door.

“Your delivery!” he announced without a flicker of a smile as he showed where to sign, Isabella decided to open the parcel before going into the house, as she did not want Vincent probing her with questions.

As she read the content of what had been sent, she could feel her chest tightening as she gasped for her, she had been surprised but not from Vincent as she had thought.

Isabella had just received the court notice of Mr White suing her for going against their contract, as she stood motionless for minutes, she quickly remembered Vincent, who must have been waiting.

“What’s wrong?” Vincent asked as he saw Isabella walking towards the dining, he knew something was off with her sudden change of expression, but Isabella quickly pretended sending a huge smile at him as she took her seat.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Who was that?” Vincent asked suddenly throwing Isabella off balance, she had made up her mind not to inform him about it and would find a way to solve it by herself.

“Oh! it’s just work,” She replied with a smile assuring Vincent, “Let’s eat then.” Vincent replied motioning for Isabella to take a bite but she had already lost her appetite.

As she stared at the food, she could feel her stomach reacting to the aroma that was emanating from it, “Is everything okay?” Vincent asked in a concerned tone, he had noticed Isabella’s sudden change and her long stare at the food was already making him worry.

“It’s nothing, I am fine really!” Isabella replied taking a big bite as she struggled to chew the food, she knew if it was because of the document Mr white had sent, she could no longer feel the excitement she had earlier had towards the food but she obviously could not let Vincent’s hard work go to waste.

After a long battle with the food, she excused herself and headed straight for the room, she had to think of what to do and the best way to do that was with Audrey.

She picked up her phone and immediately dialed her number. “Hey babe! where are you?” Isabella asked her voice quivering slightly, she had tried to hide her worry but her voice was not helping out.

“I’m home, what’s wrong?” Audrey asked already worried at Isabella’s tone, “Did Vincent do anything to you?” she asked abruptly her tone increasing slightly, she had always had doubts about abouVincent’snt loyalty to her best friend and had promised herself to always be alert whenever Isabella called concerning him.

“No it’s not Vincent, I will let you know everything soon.” Isabella finally said as she hung the call.

Within a few minutes, Isabella was ready to go out but decided to wait for Vincent who was taking his bath, he also had an appointment that morning and was running late.

“I’m off to Audrey’s!” Isabella announced as Vincent stepped out of the bathroom, she was already panicking inside and had been trying her best to keep up her calm behavior.

“Are you sure you are okay?” Vincent asked his voice laced with concern and worries, he had never seen Isabella act this way and was sure something was wrong.

“Yes I am, we just want to have some girl time,” Isabella replied with a calm tone, as she got up to take her leave.

“What was the document all about?” Vincent asked in a hoarse voice, he was not convinced by Isabella’s reply and wanted to know the real reason behind her recent behavior.

“I told you it was about work and that is why I need to see Audrey, she is my manager remember!” Isabella confirmed turning to reply to Vincent, she knew he could tell something was wrong but she did not want to bother him with her personal life.

Their marriage was contractual and Isabella knew it was only for a short period and Vincent was only being nice to her because of the baby and his inheritance.

“Okay, it is fine then but please be careful,” Vincent said as he waved her a warm smile, she knew Vincent was every lady’s dream man and would not settle for a mere upcoming artist like her.

Vincent was popular not only for his acting roles but also because his family was widely known in the country and Isabella was sure Vincent would have met more beautiful and famous ladies.

As Isabella walked out of the Vincent apartment, she wondered what would become of her and her baby once Mr white found out about all that had happened.

“Audrey! We have a big problem,” Isabella asserted as buried herself on the sofa across from Audrey, “What’s wrong?” Audrey asked her voice alarming as she was evidently in array from Isabella’s behaviour.

“Isabella please call down and tell me what is the matter!” Audrey ordered moving closer to Isabella, “I- its Mr White!” Isabella announced her voice suddenly becoming wobbly at the gravity of what it had protruded.

Audrey hearing his name was a little bit surprised by Isabella’s behaviour, he knew she feared the white especially because of the contract but she had never seen Isabella this way. “What about Mr White?” Audrey questioned anxiously waiting for her reply.

“He had sent court papers to Vincent House earlier this morning, suing us for breaching the contract!” Isabella announced her voice rising in despair. “I think he had found out about the wedding,” Isabella remarked, her laced with fear as she looked at Audrey.

Isabella had feared this happening, hence her withdrawal from having a wedding ceremony but Vincent had convinced her that was for the best, especially for his mother’s approval and she had no other choice than to succumb to him.

“What are we going to do?” Isabella asked her voice wavering, as she felt a lump in her throat, she knew the whites had upper hands against them, as they were in the wrong.

Isabella knew she was not supposed to get pregnant or married while the contract was still on and Mr White would not fail in making sure she got punished for her disobedience.

“I sincerely do not know what to do at this moment, we have no evidence to back us up and the contract is still in their possession,” Audrey confirmed now even more worried, they were caught in between with no way out as the White had all evidence pointing against Isabella.

“I do not think this is just about you having a wedding, I believe there is more to this!” Audrey confirmed her voice firm and full of suspicion.

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