Unforgiven Sins

Chapter 46: The Visitor Detective

Cinyla’s POV

A hot sun wakes me up. The silence of my room gives me peace and trying to make me lazy and feel asleep but I need to wake up early since later Josh will be here.

My big bed wants me to lay down and be laziness for whole day and trying to tease me, but I was totally up when someone knocked on my door.

I quickly stood up but noticed that I was just wearing a sexy red nightdress. So I didn’t open the door instead I checked it, and I noticed a man wearing a black hood. I stepped back. I don’t know him but he is an old man with a black facemask.

It looked right and left and landed three roses and a basket of hersheys. For a few seconds I looked at what he was going to do. But I was taken back when he suddenly stood up and looked ahead. I don’t know if he can see what’s inside, but what’s inside can see what’s outside.

“Did he see me?” I don’t know what I feel now. I could hardly move and my hair was strangely tall.

I was hugging myself too but I tried to calm myself down. Peeked through the small hole in the middle of the door again and looked for the man who was standing earlier, but neither shadow was there.

“Where is he now?”

I quickly went straight to bed and looked for my phone. I try to find his number so fast. He needs to know this.

I dial his number but suddenly he is not around. He is so busy for this morning. I sat down and tried to dial his number again. The third time, still nothing. He still cannot reach really.

“Answer me Ben,” I said irritatedly to the wind.

Until Josh is calling. I immediately answered it. “H-Hello Josh?”

“Where is your room? I am here,” he answered.

“Huh?” What he said didn’t work right away as if I had to stop and think.

“Hey? Are you still there? I’m waiting. Your boss sent me to pick you up but I want to go in your room first, where is your room?” he asked me again.

“Y-Yeah, I’m still here. My room is on the 2nd floor. 001 is my number. Where are you now?” I asked when I came back to my senses.

“I’m close. Are you okay?” it asked. I didn’t answer him, I quickly approached the door as if my body had made its own decision.

I opened it and saw him close by with his earphones on and his cellphone in his hand.

I hugged him for nothing. I felt a sense of peace, my heart rate slowed and he stopped. “Hey Cinyla? Are you okay?” he asked me while I was still hugging him. I think I did that for a few seconds and then I felt the wind blowing differently. I let go. “I-I am so sorry, just shocked. I am scared, Josh.” My shoulders almost dropped and I looked down. I don’t understand how I feel now.

“What happened?” He removed the earphone from his ear and I looked at him. A serious face appeared to me.

I looked around, to the right and to the left. It’s like I’m hiding something. I held his left hand and pulled him into my room.

I immediately locked the door. “I will text sir later that you are here. Sorry for being weird Josh, but someone went here. The flowers and basket at my door disappeared. Did you see that?”

“Huh? I- I don’t understand you, Cinyla. What happened earlier? Yeah, your actions are very weird now.” I sighed and looked directly at him. Take a deep breath before explaining.

“There was a man wearing a hood earlier, he is outside of my door. I see it. He brought a basket with chocolates and 3 roses. He was standing outside earlier.” I pointed to my door and tried to explain to him everything that happened earlier.

“Really? Who is it? This is a private resort for I am not mistaken. Besides, there are many guards outside. I don’t think anyone else can come here. But, if there is any it will be seen in the CCTV besides I didn’t see anything outside your door. Anyway, calm down okay? Let’s sit down first. Call your boss, your boss might be looking for me with his bodyguards.” This order and he sat on the adjacent sofa on the left side of my door.

I followed his order. “Alright Josh, I’ll get you something to drink too. Just a moment.” I first entered the other room. I took my cell phone from the table and saw BenChua’s many missed calls.

I quickly pressed his name and dialed his number.

I wait for a second until it is now ringing. “Hello? Is Josh in your room? My bodyguard saw him.” BenChua asked me an open question.

“Y-Yeah. I’m sorry I just said it now. Can you go here? I need you. I mean, we need to talk something important.” I explained that he might think of what else I said that I need you.

“I’m almost here, open your door.” I quickly left the room and opened the door.

A handsome creature appeared. His face is serious as if he is about to fight someone but his aura is very chill.

He hung up my call and ended the conversation. I just put my cell phone in my pocket and let him inside.

“Hi Josh, finally you are here,” he said and quickly shook Josh’s hand. Josh stood up. “Hi bro! I am glad to be here. Sorry for going straight to Cinyla’s room. I feel different.”

I was in the middle of the conversation between the two of them. I feel something different.

“What do you mean?” Ben Chua asked.

“Someone guy came here, Mr. BenChua. Are your bodyguards really awake?” I swallowed Josh’s strange question. The way he looks now, it’s like he’s going to spew fire out of his annoyance and anger.

“W-What? All of my bodyguards are awake 12 hours. But I make sure to provided their needs with high salary. I hired them because Cinyla needs security.”

My eyes moved to Josh. “Is that serious? I know because this is a big resort but how did this strange person get in here?” Josh asked and it seemed that he was still annoyed with BenChua.

“Can you stop fighting in front of me? The noise you promise! We don’t need your doubts and hot heads. If you have trust issues both, I’m worse. The guy who went here earlier is the guy who entered my room while I was in the bathroom. Just focus on that, not your questions.” I silenced them and stopped them from pretending. They are acting immature, constantly blaming and questioning.

I walked over and sat on the solo sofa. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Minutes passed in silence when Josh spoke.

“I am so sorry, Cinyla. I’m just wondering. I didn’t even know this was happening to you. I’m just worried. Aunt also told me to keep an eye on you.” My heart beat faster when he mentioned Mommy. I almost forgot her, I lost my mind to send a message or call her because I didn’t want her to worry. I stood up, “How is Mommy?” I asked Josh.

“She is good, I visited you yesterday and she mentioned that you were extended here at your boss’s resort.” At the same time looked at BenChua. I raised an eyebrow because there seemed to be a hot tension between the two of them.

“She needs to stay here with me to fix things. You only got here because of your ability.” BenChua answered quickly.

“I know bro, I am here to solve your problem. Oh sorry, what I am trying to say is the mystery here in your resort.”

“Josh enough.” I will stop him. “We won’t end anything with your stares and looks. Please, unite first. This is a serious matter. I want to know that weird stranger guy. This is too much,” I explained.

Josh smiled at me. “I can fix it Cinyla, this boss of yours is the only one whose blood is warm to me.”

“Josh please, that’s right.” I looked closely at Josh and he remained silent. “Sir, can we check the CCTV? I want to know what that man’s purpose is.”

“What happened?” this is a serious question.

I sat them down first and started telling stories, I saw the seriousness of the two. But inside of me, I’m having a hard time explaining why there are two handsome creatures in front of me?

“I couldn’t see the fullness of the man because he was wearing a facemask and a black hood. But I feel like he was the one who entered my room last time,” I added while Josh was now writing.

“What are you doing, bro? My boss BenChua asked while looking at him with a weird reaction.

“Just taking down notes. I need to write important events. That’s important for me to know what he really means.”

BenChua just nodded and I spoke immediately.

“Honestly, I don’t know why he was here and how he knew I was here. What he does is really strange. He doesn’t hurt me, it’s like he wants to say something but he passes it by being a mystery.”

“I think that man is really close to both of you. This is weird cases, but based on the clues you gave me before, Cinyla, you are really close.”

The three of us stopped when we heard three knocks.

I swallowed and the three of us looked at each other. The two were having a serious conversation and BenChua suddenly stood up. My heart beat faster when he opened the door. It picked up someone outside.

“What did you see?” Josh asked.

He is now holding a short brown envelope and he brought it closer to us. But, when he was already with us he opened it.

There was a paper inside that read Welcome Detective Josh! It is written on red paper.

I swallowed hard and my heart sank even more while Josh grinned.

“Wow! You’re weird stranger knows me huh? I think he is aware that I am here already. Can I see?” Sir BenChua gave him the paper and envelope.

“He didn’t write anything unusual. But something is wrong here, he used red ink that makes me think something more.” Josh added while holding the paper. While I just kept quiet on one side. I can’t understand what’s happening.

Sir BenChua approached me. “Are you okay?” he asked while his brown eyes were looking at me seriously.

I looked at him. “S-Slight sir.” He held my right hand. “Stop worrying, Cinyla. We will also find out who is doing this and the mysterious things he is doing to us will be over.”

Josh coughed a little and said, “Excuse me!”

I removed my hand from Sir BenChua to see what else he would think.

“I am so sorry to interrupt you both lovers, but I think we need to think something to trap the mastermind. I know he is here and he is watching over us. I don’t know what he wants to get from you but he is so playful.” Josh walked around in front of us while saying that. Sir BenChu just sat next to me.

“But now, we need to be careful. Sir Ben Chua, I need your help here. We need bodyguards outside to watch over Cinyla. I also need to see your CCTV to know what the man who enters and exits your resort looks like.” He suggested while we both listened to his explanation.

“Yes Josh! I already assign more bodyguards in this area, later they will also be there outside the door. I even added just to be sure. I hope you can double check and trace it. Last time, I checked our CCTV and there was no suspicious man in and out of the resort. And that’s so weird!” Sir Ben Chua explained.

While they are communicating and trying to think something plan. I decided to go to kitchen and get some water but before I got up, I said goodbye to them. “Just wait boys, I’ll just get something to drink.”This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I went straight to the kitchen to get two broken glasses and I lost my mind even more when I saw a big box on the table.

I dropped the two glasses with a picture of the three of us on them.

“Cinyla, what happened?” Josh asked as Sir Benchua quickly approached me.

“What happened? Don’t walk here Cinyla you will drown.”

I stopped and saw that I broke the two glasses I was holding just now.

I taught them the reason for breaking the two glasses.

Josh walked slowly and approached the box with a photo of the three of us on it.

“He is here. He monitors us.” Josh said.

He watched closely and peered through every window.

“He just left, he ran after putting this box and photo.” He pulled open the window. I don’t know how the man fit in the window because it was so small.

“Cinyla, are you okay? Rest first. Don’t worry I will also find out who is doing this.” Josh confirmed.

“Thank you, Josh. I just don’t really understand his purpose. Besides, his movements are so good that it’s like he knows everything.”

“He is not smart, he is skillful. He knows the ins and outs of my resort. Josh, are you okay that we will check the CCTV later?” Sir BenChua asked Josh looking at me.

“Yeah. But wherever we are, we must take Cinyla with us or someone will watch over her. I don’t feel comfortable with him here either. That man is going back and forth here.”

“I’ll come with you,” I said. Even though I feel differently now, I also want to know who is doing this.

“It’s better to have me with you in the plans and you will do it. I can’t be bothered, can I?” I asked them both.

“Nope. It’s better to have you by my side, Cinyla,” Sir BenChua said with conviction.

“It’s okay with me, Cinyla so we can see and know you’re safe.” Josh answered.

“I think we need to stay in my guest room. Don’t worry I have three rooms there just for the three of us. I will also clean your room, Cinyla.” BenChua growled as he pushed me away from the pot because I almost stepped on it.

“We need to be ready.” Josh said seriously while looking at the picture of the three of us that he was currently holding.

We need to be ready. We need to take care of ourselves. We need to be united.

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