Unpredictable Betrayal : A Sweet of Revenge

Chapter 69

“Alex, what brings you here?”

After a brief moment of confusion, Aurora immediately threw the question. She was a bit surprised to suddenly find Alex standing right in front of her room’s door.

She had been happy not to have any contact with her ex-husband. So, why did he suddenly appear like a ghost?

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

Alex seemed visibly nervous and awkward. Perhaps he still felt guilty and uncomfortable about the wrongs he had done to Aurora.

“I was directed by the head pharmacist of Santa Monica Hospital to meet you.”

Aurora’s eyebrows furrowed. She couldn’t help but wonder why they asked Alex to meet her and what business they had with her.

“They asked you to meet me? What’s it about? Is it related to the hospital or something?”

Still standing facing each other, they engaged in conversation. There was no intention from Aurora to invite her ex-husband in or let him sit down first.

“Well, I’m currently working for a company in the medical supplies and pharmaceuticals sector. Coincidentally, this company always stocks medicines and medical supplies for Santa Monica Hospital. Today, I was tasked to bring samples of some new medicines that Dr. Asher ordered.”

“And then? What does it have to do with me?”

Alex scratched his non-itchy eyebrow, struggling to explain it to Aurora. He realized that his ex-wife seemed uncomfortable.

“Because Dr. Asher isn’t available at the moment, so the pharmacists asked me to meet with the deputy manager, which is you, to check if the samples of the medicine I brought are what Dr. Asher requested.”

Aurora nodded in understanding. Stepping forward, she took the paper Alex offered. Glancing at it briefly, she then invited her ex-husband to sit for a moment.

“Wait here. Let me read and check.”

Alex nodded. He let Aurora check each medicine listed on the paper he provided. Afterward, she returned the paper to him.

“Everything’s in order. Nothing is missing or needs to be changed. So, they can start distributing them as requested.”

Alex nodded again.

“In that case, could you please sign the invoice? Some of the items I brought will be unloaded immediately. The rest will be delivered tomorrow.”

Aurora complied with Alex’s request. She quickly signed several documents he presented and handed them back to him.

“That’s all.”

“Okay.” Alex took the paper Aurora handed him and immediately stored it in the bag he brought. “Thank you for your time. I apologize if I’ve disrupted your work.”

With polite small talk, Aurora just nodded. She hurriedly got up and then ushered Alex to leave.

Her ex-husband indeed seemed ready to leave. However, just as he stood at the door, he turned back.

“Aurora…” he whispered softly.

“What? Did you forget something?”

Alex shook his head. That wasn’t the reason he called out.

“No, I didn’t. I… I want to apologize for my mother’s behavior the other day, which endangered you.”

Aurora remained still. It seemed this was what her ex-husband wanted to discuss with her.

“Don’t worry about it. As usual, I’ve forgiven her.”

Alex looked relieved. At least he could directly apologize for the dishonorable actions his mother had done. Actually, Alex felt ashamed. There were many bad things he and his mother had done to Aurora all this time, especially the last one that almost hurt his ex-wife.

“Thank you so much. I assure you that such things won’t happen again. And regarding the debts, I’ve paid them all off without leaving any.”

Now it was Aurora’s turn to nod. Although she wanted to rush, why did Alex intentionally engage her in conversation and linger?

“I know. Thankfully, you’ve managed to settle everything on time. After this, there won’t be any more issues between us.”

Actually, there was nothing more to discuss. But, for some reason, Alex still stood silently at the door, which made Aurora feel a bit confused.

“Why? Is there anything else you want to say? I need to get back to work.”

Alex lifted his gaze. He looked at Aurora intently.

“After this, can we still get along well?”

“What do you mean?”

Alex shook his head. He seemed like someone rushing to correct his words.

“Don’t misunderstand. I mean, can we still be good friends after this? I-I know it sounds presumptuous. I’m also aware of my mistakes and sins towards you. But, I don’t want us to be enemies.”

Aurora remained silent for a moment. She carefully considered Alex’s recent words.

“I can’t give you an answer. Besides, I haven’t thought about going back to having any kind of relationship, even just being good friends with you. The wounds from what happened before haven’t fully healed yet.”

Alex nodded in understanding. Not wanting to force her to choose, he bid his farewell. While Aurora sat down immediately. Her feelings were mixed because she had to meet someone who had clearly hurt her.


Nicole had just finished showering. Heading to her bed, she quickly picked up her phone from the pillow. Searching for someone’s contact, she dialed it right away.


Nicole seemed impatient as she called out when her phone was immediately answered.

“Oh my God, it’s been so hard to reach you.”

Laughter echoed from the other end, seemingly satisfied with Nicole’s lengthy complaints.

“Sorry… sorry. I’ve been really busy these past few days. It’s all about adjusting to my new job.”

Nicole sighed. No wonder her friend had been ignoring her for the past few days.

“Are your patients overwhelming you?”

“Not exactly overwhelming yet. But, there are so many. I’m almost swamped myself. No wonder they had to hire new doctors here.”

Nicole listened attentively and enthusiastically. Remembering the reason for her call, she quickly asked.

“So, what happened? Did you meet the guy I mentioned the other day?”

“Who? Doctor Alden? Yes, I did.”

“And then? Is he handsome?”

“Oh my God, Nicole. Turns out I already know the doctor you’re talking about.”

Nicole’s eyes widened. She became even more impatient to hear the story from the woman on the other end.


“Yes. This Doctor Alden is actually my neighbor and childhood friend.”

Nicole’s smile immediately widened. It turned out her decision the other day to ask Regina for help was useful.

“I heard you’re moving to Santa Monica Hospital, right?” Nicole asked when they were at the coffee shop together.

“Yes. Why?”

“Can I ask you for a favor? Please, it seems like only you can help.”

“What is it?” Regina asked, curious.

“So, I heard my cousin, the one who’s been bothering me, is getting close to a guy who works at Santa Monica Hospital too. His name is Doctor Alden.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

Nicole sighed. She hadn’t finished her story yet but was already being interrupted.

“Just listen! So, when you start working there, find this doctor named Alden.”

“What’s Doctor Alden’s full name?”

Nicole shook her head. She didn’t know his full name. She only knew Alden’s name because she accidentally read it from his name tag when they crossed paths at the bakery.

“Ugh,” Regina groaned. “How am I supposed to find him? What if there are many Aldens? That would be a hassle.”

“Just find Doctor Alden who’s close to Doctor Aurora. You can ask the staff or nurses at the hospital. They must know.”

Regina nodded.

“Then, what do I do once I find him?”

“I want you to flirt with him to get his attention.”

Regina immediately shook her head, refusing Nicole’s request as she thought it was too much.

“No way. Am I supposed to flirt with a guy I don’t even know? What if he’s not handsome?”

“Don’t worry,” Nicole reassured. “He’s handsome. Still single. Perfect match for you. Plus, it’s not forever. Once you manage to get his attention, you can break it off. The main thing is my cousin gets a taste of her own medicine!”

Regina didn’t immediately agree. She wanted to think about the request Nicole made.

“Please…” Nicole pleaded. “Just this once, help me out. Besides, who else can help but you.”

Seeing Nicole’s continuous pleading, Regina finally gave in. She agreed to help her friend.

“So, you actually know Doctor Alden.”

“I know him very well. If it’s him, I won’t lose if he becomes my boyfriend or even my husband for real.”

Nicole chuckled. She was ecstatic because Regina was no longer forced to help her.

“Alright, then go ahead and snatch him away from my cursed cousin. Just don’t let her and Doctor Alden get together. She shouldn’t have fun at my expense.”

“Don’t worry,” Regina assured on the other end. “Even if you didn’t ask, I was planning to win Doctor Alden’s heart anyway. He’s so handsome now. It wasn’t in vain that I admired him for so long. You know, I even deliberately joined the annual gathering events just to get closer to him.”

Nicole laughed again. Satisfied with the good news, she ended her call. Besides, there was a man waiting to have fun with her.

“Anyway, if there’s any important news, remember to contact me. Keep pestering her. Don’t give her any chance. I’ll be waiting for news of you two dating or even getting married to Doctor Alden if necessary.”


“Alright, I’ll call you again later.”

“Come on, you’re ending the call?” Regina protested.

“Yeah. It’s late. Plus, it’s time for me to have fun. You just sleep cuddling your pillow as usual.”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.


Laughing, Nicole hung up the phone. Then, she focused on the man who was now beside her.

“Done with your call?”

Nicole nodded and smiled.

“Yes. Now it’s your turn to make me happy, Bastian.”

Both of them laughed. Spending time together, indulging in sweet kisses.

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